Full Moon In Aquarius – July 25, 2010.
This month’s Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, a fixed air sign.
Moon in Aquarius calls us to the circle, away from private concerns and intimacy reminding us of the sacredness of collaboration. We become deeply aware that what affects one, affects us all. It’s time to tend the web of community, to network, review our philosophy and find a way to walk our talk.

More Aquarian Tidbits
Aquarius – Water bearer
Time of Year – Winter, Imbolc
Quality – Fixed
Element – Air
Ruler – Uranus
Anatomy – Bloodstream, circulation, shins, ankles
Natural sign of – 11th house
Opposite sign – Leo
Color – Electric blue, turquoise, silver
Gemstone – Obsidian, opal, sapphire
Tarot card – The star
Goddesses – Feng P’O P’O, Freya, Ix Chel, Nut, Tien-Mu
More About The Moon Phases
The Full Moon invites us to peer deeply into our emotional, intuitive selves as we direct our attention to manifesting the hopes, wishes and dreams that were seeded at the New Moon.
The Moon changes signs approximately every 2 ½ days, going through all twelve signs of the Zodiac every 29 ½ days. The sign that the Moon is in reflects qualities of your inner self and being-ness.
Each month there is at least one Full Moon that will rise at sunset and set at sunrise and is visible all night long from moonrise to moonset. Astrologically speaking this means that the Sun and the Moon are in opposition (opposite each other in the sky and in opposite signs of the zodiac.)
Learning to work in concert with the phases of the Moon is an excellent way to add structure to your life because you are not only connecting with Mother Nature through the Moon’s reflection of the Sun and the Earth, but with human nature and especially with feminine nature.
Aquarian Full Moon Musings
In honour of this month’s Full Moon in Aquarius I am going to guide you through an intuitive, healing, creative exploration into body, mind and soul so that together, we can shift, transform and heal each other and the planet during this time of great change and awakening.
Aquarian energy can be felt by tuning into the energy of the Full Moon that is passing through the astrological sign of Aquarius from July 25 – July 28, 2010.
Independence, detachment, contrariness, outsider perspectives, artistic ability, humane and altruistic behaviour are all key Aquarian concepts that describe energy accessible to all of us right now.

One of my favorite ways to tap into these lunar energies is by attuning to gemstones and crystals, such as the Aquarian ruled gemstone, Sapphire. I begin by holding a small Sapphire in my left hand as I place it on my third eye along with a little help from a double terminated, Isis Lithium Quartz Crystal that I place at my feet while meditating. If you don’t have access to these stones you can work with their images instead.
A Sapphire Meditation
Allow your body to flood with joyful feelings of being-ness as you ask your heart to expand, expand, expand, inviting warmth and happiness into your energy field. Let steep for a few minutes and then say aloud:
“Today I reward myself with happiness.”
Now, envision an image that brings you sheer joy.
Next, you will focus your attention upon two Aquarian images, one is pictured below and the other at the very beginning of this article. Allow yourself to stretch, stretch, stretch – really push yourself! You are entering another world, yet you will remain connected with this one by placing your hand over your heart to feel your heart beating.

This kind of consciously aware being-ness is absolutely essential as you enter into the whole new world that we are creating right now as a society.
Now, take another moment to ask yourself:
“ Am I happy?”
“ What can you, the Aquarius Moon, teach me?”
Next, ask yourself what steps you could take to help yourself. List three. Be concrete, realistic and include a timeline.
List three obstacles that you might face.
Good for you! You’ve stretched, stretched, stretched – I can feel it! So now it’s time to reward yourself. How will you reward yourself for each step you have taken?
Sparkly Blessings to All for sharing this Aquarian Full Moon with me, I bless and surround you with joy, fulfillment and magic.
Kathy Crabbe is a soul reader artist who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Her art and writing have been published and shown throughout the world at museum shows, galleries, magazines and books. Through online resources Kathy is able to help other soul seekers express their unique gifts and talents in empowering ways. She maintains a blog and website sharing her experiences with the psychic, intuitive realms and the world of art making.
The artwork above is from Kathy’s Goddess Zodiac deck and Lefty Oracle deck, two of the four decks she incorporates into her soul readings.
Kathy is currently teaching Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul at the Wise Woman University. “Celebrating the lunar cycles is an important part of building a spiritual framework. Each month we can tune into her cycles to keep ourselves on track. At the new moon we plant our intentions for the month ahead, at the full moon we watch them flower, and at the waning moon we release and share our wisdom with the world. As women we are naturally able to resonate with these cycles in deep and meaningful ways.”