Pisces Full Moon
August 24
10:04 am PDT
Spotlight on Piscean Silk Painter:
Susan Morgan Hoth
Richmond, Virginia
Morgan Silk
Perhaps being born on March 12 inclined me to this attraction I have with water ~ it's the closest thing to flying that I know.
One of my earliest memories was standing on a chair pulled up to the kitchen sink playing with water for hours. I grew up playing in the creeks so when our village built a community pool I spent every summer all day in it and when I turned sixteen I worked there as a lifeguard and swimming instructor.
I started watercolor painting in my early teens and would go out into the countryside to spend the day next to a babbling brook painting landscapes and using the creek to clean my brushes. My dream was to be a "big fish" but I have since learned that little fish can go where the big fish cannot!
When I discovered the pure color of fabric dyes I was in college and have been fascinated with the process for more than thirty years. I spend much of my time with my hands in liquid dye and water - something that never loses it's fascination for me. To rejuvenate myself I swim laps late at night at the nearby gym and come home relaxed and ready for either the next project or a good night's sleep.

More about Morgan
I am a fabric artist working full-time from my Richmond, Virginia studio. My original designs have been available online since 2006. Water color and oil painting was my specialty until I discovered the pure color of fiber-reactive dyes; now I live to dye!
In another life I taught high school: loved it, retired, don't miss it at all.