“I have been called by Spirit to live a creative life and to be of service, both through my artwork and my intuitive guidance.”

I’ve been an artist for as long as I can remember (I’m almost 60 this year), and my journey as a soul reader began at the age of forty, after five years of painting with my non-dominant left hand. This practice profoundly enhanced my intuition by connecting both sides of my brain. In 2008, I created the Lefty Oracle deck and began offering intuitive soul readings, touching many lives in playful and profound ways.

I specialize in providing the tools necessary for uncovering valuable insights that can lead to healing transformation. I am a channel for healing guidance in connection with the Divines, my spirit guides, the ancestors, past lives and planetary influences.

My art and writing have been published and exhibited worldwide, including at the San Diego Women’s Museum, Sage Woman Magazine, and the Sawdust Art Festival in Laguna Beach. I have self-published six divination decks, several books, and zines, and I review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History from Queen’s University and a Graphic Design Diploma from St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Canada. Since 1992, I’ve been working as a professional artist. As an educator and mentor, I’ve been involved with Laguna Outreach Community Artists, Mt. San Jacinto College, Susun Weed’s Wise Woman School, Inspire San Diego Studio, HGTV, Michelle Shocked’s International Women’s Day Show, and have taught my own classes, such as “Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul” and New Moon Circles. Additionally, I am a founding member of the Temecula Artist’s Circle, the Temecula Writer’s Café, and the Riverside Art Museum’s Printmaker’s Network.

On the metaphysical front, I am a Priestess in the Third Road Fairy Shaman Tradition created by Francesca De Grandis. I have studied psychic mediumship with Adam Higgs, meditation with Om (a devotee of Sri Chinmoy), yoga with Atma Khalsa, Green Witch Intensive with Susun Weed, Therapeutic Touch with Joyce Fournier (RN), astrology with Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green, and received certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy.

Currently, I live and work near Temecula, California, on the traditional land of the Payómkawichum, and in the Thousand Islands, Ontario, Canada, on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territories. I share my adobe-style home and lakeside cottage, both built by hand, with my wee dog Djinn Djinn and my architect husband, Mark.

Artist CV
Metaphysical CV

2011 Slideshow: Join me on a sacred journey in Sage, California.

Mermaid Altar