Dear Moon Muser
She is the beginning
Sense Her in your DNA & mitochondria
She is your Shadow
Your breath
Your desire.
She is everything
and nothing.
Make a wish dear soul for it's the New Moon in Aries on March 29. This is the best time of the whole year to set your intentions. Or pick a word, a feeling, a symbol. Need help? Pick-a-card below! Need more help? Try a Soul Reading which I'm very happy to say is now available by phone or audio recording for deeper insight.
Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Soul Reader, Artist, Astrologer
Temecula, California
About Aries Goddess
Aries – The Ram
Time of Year – Spring, March 21 - April 19
Quality – Cardinal
Element – Fire
Ruler – Mars
Anatomy – Head
Natural sign of – 1st House
Opposite sign – Libra
Color – Red
Gemstones – Amethyst, diamond, fire opal, garnet
Tarot cards – The Emperor, The Empress
Goddesses – Amazons, Fuji, Kali, Sekhmet, Valkyries
Aries Meditation
Fire God, Fiery Goddess,
Red the path to your heart’s desire,
Lead the way to your soul’s fire.
Aries Affirmations
I embody spring fire
I am true to my path and my inner convictions
I am erotic and independent
I am a primal, revolutionary rebel
I am adventurous, assertive and courageous
I am the Divine Warrior
I remember who I truly am even if it bothers others
Tap Into Your Aries Fire
- Take on any challenge
- Start a project
- Assert your rights
- Get creative
- Feel power, strength and vitality come alive within you
Aries Goddess ~ Kali
Kali the destroyer
Wants my heat
To dance destruction
with her feet.
Kali or “Black Mother Time” symbolizes our worst fears. She is one of India’s most powerful and popular Goddesses although terrifying to Western eyes. Through her fascinating dance of death she helps us face and transform our fears as she too is transformed into the Great Mother and Lover.
I Paint Aries
Channeling Aries energy put me into super-human mode! I felt strong, vibrant, creative, and filled with energy and confidence. I could do anything and take on any challenge! I felt like a God/dess and could barely contain my energy enough to put it down on paper.
My paintings exploded in burning reds and vibrant colors. I applied thick layers of acrylic paint, inviting chiseled human faces into the picture, divine and strong and madly dancing amongst the flames.
Purchase the Zodiac Goddess Power Deck here.
Pick-A-Card for the Aries New Moon
Aries New Moon Oracles
Card 1
Thyme Affirmation: “I have faith and courage.”
Thyme inspires strength and stamina especially when all seems lost and hopeless. At the full Moon use thyme to invoke Diana and the fairy folk. Also helpful to banish nightmares, ward off evil, contact the ancestors and dream of one’s beloved. In cooking brings a sense of childlike fun.
Astrology: Libra, Venus
Deity: Airmed, Diana, Menthe
Element: Water
Healing: For the lungs and as an antiseptic
Purchase the Cat Herbal Oracle Deck here.
Card 2
Demon Mantra: I transform.
Affirmation: I journey into the dark to discover inner truths.
Element: Spirit
Be brave dear Soul,
face your fright.
open the door,
welcome the light.
If this card appears in a reading expect the unexpected! There is a trickster in your midst. Maybe it’s you? Not a mean trickster, but a true trickster; one who shifts your reality and helps you see things from a new perspective. Perhaps you’ve become complacent, or lazy, or overly self satisfied, and are no longer seeing the big picture because you’re too caught up in small details and worries. This WILL change soon so get ready to open your eyes wide and see the world in a whole new way.
In my own life I do my best to see negative, challenging experiences on a deeper level and I ask questions, such as, “What is the teaching in this? What is being mirrored back to me about myself? What changes need to happen now?”
Creative Journal Prompt
This card is about our inner demons. We all have ‘em. Sometimes they’re called ‘gremlins’, ‘inner conscience’, ‘my mother’s voice’, or ‘that annoying little voice in my head that won’t shut up’.
That inner voice can be helpful sometimes, if we choose to listen to it without judging ourselves and if we can remain objective and simply listen without getting too emotional or over-reactive. There is often a kernel of wisdom there that we may need to hear, even if it’s not easy.
What’s the last thing your inner demon said to you? It can be about anything; whatever stands out in your mind and often the words ‘you should’ are involved. Write it down.
Take a long detached look at what you’ve written as if it doesn’t refer to you, but to someone else.
Ask questions, wrestle with it, and write out your thoughts. Where or who does it come from? Did someone previously tell you these things such as your family, friends, or a lover? Or perhaps it’s something that society expects of you?
What is it that bothers you specifically about that little demon’s pestering comments?
If you could stand up to your inner demon and tell him/her off what would you say or would you keep quiet? So, be brave and envision doing just that. Then write down what you’d say or not say and repeat the words within yourself as well.
How does it feel? Now, I’m not advocating procrastination or burying your head in the sand around all of this, but I am cutting you some slack and giving you permission to take a breather, relax and be kind to yourself around this issue. Give it time, or if you need to, be pro-active, then find help from me, a friend, therapist, counselor, or spiritual guide and talk about it.
For now, we’re going to let this inner demons’ voice and concerns roll right off us and into the depths of Mother Earth where I want you to pray for it to be transformed and returned to you in a positive way. Please do that now and write down how it’s been transformed – whatever you see, feel, hear, taste, sense, etc.
Expressive Body Movement Challenge
It’s time to go within feeling yourself becoming very, very small. All is dark; very, very dark – you are in the womb-cave, but in the distance you see a tiny light and as you stand up it gets brighter and brighter – it’s unlike any light you’ve ever seen or felt before – it’s so bright! Please stand now with legs apart and arms raised – you are becoming the light – the light IS you. Absorb, feel, feel, glow, glow…then let go when you’re ready and come back to the here and now.
Non Dominant Hand Exercise
You’ve done a lot of good work today, dear Intuitive Soul, so commend yourself. Now it’s time to sum things up and draw a symbol using your non dominant hand so that you can express the newly transformed you along with an affirmation.
Purchase the Lefty Oracle Deck here.
Card 3
Imperial Moth Keyword: Mysterious
Meaning: Listen to your dreams for they share messages from Beyond.
Reversed: Don’t get lost in the fog.
Affirmation: I explore Otherworlds.
Astrology: Gemini, Mercury, Neptune, Scorpio
Element: Air, Water
Medicine: Your light shines brightest by the light of Mama Moon, reflecting back to you a heart big to bursting with silly sweetness, magick and poetree.
Lore: The beauty in her Soul fluttered forward like Moth, her ally. Through him, she could navigate by night, by touch, by gentleness. Through him she could sense her mission, her path, her focus. For him she would be...perfect...just for one night.
As Moth Queen of the Elfin Underworld she worked her magick by the light of the Moon and with the help of her ally, Imperial Moth. His warm, feathery presence, a golden beacon that night fed her magickal ideas.
Painting moon phases
From my Moon Heart to Yours
Do I always write to you from the heart? Sometimes I share my art and oracle decks instead and yes, I wrote and illustrated all 7 of them. But I have had requests to write more personally about what I'm up to at this very moment so I will try.
It is not easy or natural for me to share myself in this way unless we are in a much more intimate relationship such as in a soul reading.
So I have just added a Q&A Consultation so you can pick my brain about anything you like in regards to your spiritual/intuitive/creative development.
Turning 60
In regards to the current political climate especially here in the USA where I live part time I have just joined a spiritual activist group. I also consciously do not watch the news. Instead I listen to the radio once a week on my way into town for provisions or to visit a friend and to sit in on a New Moon Circle where my Lefty Oracles share their curious and playful guidance through affirmations, creative prompts and expressive body movement exercises.
I continue to work on a blog article about my second Saturn Return; an astrological transit we all go through around age 60 and I turn 60 this year. I am also working on a Chiron Return article which is another major transit that happens to all of us around age 50. This very spiritual and healing transit is more subtle so it's taken me much longer to write about it.
Dragonfly Fairy from my Upcoming Shadow Fairy Oracle Deck
Dragonfly Fairy by Kathy Crabbe (Shadow Fairy Oracle Deck)
Shadow Fairy Oracle Deck
I am currently working on a Shadow/Dream/Ancestor/Tarot project to better understand my hidden self. This ties into the seventh oracle deck I began last year: The Shadow Fairy Oracle. I believe that this deck will become a class as well; an idea I'm currently developing and testing out with a friend.
Siren Song Mermaid Tarot Coming Soon!
The much awaited Siren Song Mermaid Tarot is almost ready for it's first test run - I'm so excited! I hope to have it perfected and ready for you to pre-order in the Fall of this year. This deck and the mermaids have helped me transition into age 60. I deperately needed Her watery depths to merge with and into a deeper emotional understanding of my second Saturn Return.
Upcoming Moon Magic eClass ~ Aries Term ~
Begins March 29
I am thrilled to offer the next session of my 4 week eClass beginning at the New Moon on Mar. 29, 2025. This magical online class will awaken your creative, intuitive soul and is offered at Susun Weed's Wise Woman School.
Learn more here: Moon Magic: Divine Feminine eClass
Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe is an artist, writer, teacher, and soul guide. She empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams. Kathy’s work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine, Sawdust Art Festival and the Women’s Museum of California. She writes a moon column for Witches and Pagans and is a mentor at Wise Woman School, where she teaches a Divine Feminine Moon Magic eClass. Kathy lives in Temecula, California and the Thousand Islands, Canada with her wee scruffy dog Djinn Djinn and architect husband, Mark in homes they’ve built themselves.