Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul
A 4 week moon-guided journey of intuition and inspiration
This online class is offered through Wise Woman School
Are you longing to awaken your sacred self, to create, to be still, to recharge and re-discover your divine feminine intuitive soul? As women, I believe the moon can help guide and challenge us to know and act upon our instinctual, emotional selves in balanced, harmonious and soulful ways.
Join me for a 4 week mystical, magickal self study experience! Receive moon-guided lessons via email attuned with Mama Moon to develop your intuition and creativity. You’ll receive 40 pages of weekly Moon-wise lessons, Zodiac Goddess inspiration and a personalized Moon Report.
Zodiac Goddess Power Deck by Kathy Crabbe
Moon-Magic: Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass was the most popular class of the year at the Wise Woman School founded by renowned herbalist and author, Susun Weed and has been delighting students since 2010. Read more juicy testimonials here!
You will receive:
Over forty illustrated pages of lunar guided inspiration, journal prompts and moon collaging projects to solidify the lessons and assignments contained within four Divine Feminine eBooks, one for each week of the moon-month.
A Lunar Return Astrology Report (28 pages-computer generated) that will look at your moon forecast/patterns to guide you safely through the month. You’ll also receive a Natal Birth Chart Wheel and a 1 page Moon Report with juicy links to your Moon and Nodes sign/house placement.
Weekly check-in emails to keep you inspired and on track + a juicy resource list.
Learn about the Zodiac Goddesses of the month based upon the astrological signs of the New and Full Moon.
New & Full Moon Museletter plus Goddess excerpts from the Zodiac Goddess Power Deck and Playbook.
Optional One-on-One Moon Magic Sessions with Kathy for added support and guidance.
Opportunity to be featured in Kathy's Divine Feminine Moon Musing Spotlight.
Each month is different because Mama Moon renews herself every 27½ days, the New and Full Moon zodiac sign changes and your Moon returns to the exact position where it was at the time of your birth. During your Moon’s re-birth-day you can explore that month’s potential with a new set of surprises and opportunities.
Returning students are eligible for a 25% discount.
Recommended: Kathy’s Goddess books and Divination Decks for added lunar inspiration.
Click here for Testimonials
I was drawn to this course to unearth my spirituality and integrate it into my daily life. I tend to allow myself to get caught up in a madcap pace and feel like I'm running away from real life. By putting forth effort to be connected with the moon phases, to regularly write and collage, to align myself with like-minded women, and shake up the "norm" within, is long overdue! Your eCourse is falling right along the lines of what I need right now ... self-discovery involving creative juices and perhaps even some spiritual development. Thank you Kathy! ~ Divine Moon Muser, Elizabeth Mow. Read more Divine Feminine Spotlights.
“Wow, all I can say is WOW!!! I never imagined the daily details that are in these Lunar Return Reports!!! My first time reading through them, I found myself mentally making notes and plans for my month, and the positive "moving forward" energy of each day will definitely help me to keep the momentum going!” ~ Kat Lewis
About Your Moon Chart:
To deepen your experience of this lunar-based Divine Feminine class I want to help you connect in a more meaningful way with the lunar cycles by offering you a Karmic Mission Moon Report based upon the Moon and the Nodes of the Moon in your Natal Birth Chart. This one page report created just for this course will identify where (what sign and house) the Moon and the Nodes of the Moon are in your astrological birth chart. Please email me your exact date, time and place of birth once registered.
What does the Moon mean in your birth chart?
Your birth chart wheel shows you what was happening in the sky at the exact moment when you were born. The sign and house position of your Moon relates to your emotional comfort zone and what makes you feel ‘at home’.
The Nodes of the Moon explore what new lessons you’re learning in this current lifetime based upon where you’ve been in past lives. Knowing this can help you uncover what areas are best for growth and which areas are familiar territory ie. ‘been there, done that’. This kind of valuable Moon-Knowing helps you push past your comfort zone so that you can dream your ‘impossible dream’ in a balanced and healthy way. Learn more about Astrology and the Moon here.
Preview of lessons 1 through 4
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Explore the meaning and potential of the lunar cycles, learn about Moon Herstory, start a Moon Musing Journal and meet your guides, The Moon Muses.
Lesson 2 – New Moon Beginnings (Maiden)
This is an introduction to meditation, chakras and grounding so that you can begin planting your seeds of intention for the month ahead. You will be creating the New Moon portion of your Moon Collage with help and inspiration from the New Moon Muses and the Zodiac Goddess of the month.
Lesson 3 – Full Moon Flowering (Mother)
You will learn how to create a sacred circle in honour of the lunar cycles with inspiration from the Full Moon Muses. Dare to be yourself, deepen your aspirations and nurture and release your intentions by creating the Full Moon part of your Moon Collage in honour of your inner Queen of the Night.
Lesson 4 – Waning Moon Release (Crone)
An exploration and deepening of your innate, intuitive knowing through oracle and spirit guide connection inspired by the Waning Moon Muses. As you navigate the mysteries of the intuitive realms you will also be creating the Waning Moon phase of your Moon Collage in honour of the Dark Goddess.
Course Goals:
Create a spiritual framework to enhance your life and your dreams.
Understand the power and potential of the new, full and waning moons.
Create sacred space in honour of the four directions and the moon.
Effect change in your life through the use of journalling, collage, meditation, intuition and intention work in tune with natural cycles.
This class is offered at Wise Woman University:
sign up here!
What You Will Receive:
Four eBook Lessons & Assignments
Dive into over 40 pages of lunar guided inspiration to awaken and inspire your divine feminine soul.
Creative Projects
Get those creative juices flowing with Moon Muse Journalling and Moon Collaging
Resource List
Juicy resources to keep you informed including Zodiac Goddesses of the moonth.
Spotlight Opportunity: Get Featured
Are you ready to shine in the Divine Feminine Spotlight?
Personalized Moon Chart
Learn about the Moon and it's Nodes in your own personal astrological Moon Chart (one page).
Comments from Course Participants
I have a lot of things to process - and I think this course has been the first real shake-up of my inner spiritual eye! ~ Divine Moon Muser, Jen, Social Worker, Artist
Did I suddenly realize (like everything in my life) that it is always up to me to make the choice of healing? Yep. It doesn't mean that I have to embrace things that I have left behind for many reasons. It doesn't mean that I have to change into a woman that I don't like. It doesn't mean that being solitary is bad and I have to stop. It only means that I can move closer to what I have asked for many years ago, when I was young (13). I don't care if I am beautiful, I just want to be wise and to share that with others.Divine Moon Muser, Claudi Neff
I can't thank you enough for having this course and for the wonderfully open and supportive atmosphere you've created, it has been totally transformative for me and has given me so much direction, I just can't believe it. I don't want to leave...PLEASE!!!!!! don't say it's over!!! Divine Moon Muser, Dawn Pinke Anderson
Working on my collages with the moon and sharing in the chat room with the other moon sisters has helped me open up more on a personal level. It’s really allowed me to target a change in my life and it has also helped me understand what I want to create for my future.Divine Moon Muser, Brenda Nickolaus
“So thankful for Kathy Crabbe & her deeply inspirational moon phase eclass. it’s so much more than just moon musings — supportive, creative & soul nourishing. 🙏🙏 ~ Ashley Dohe”
Perfectly timed, I came across Kathy’s website as I stood at the edge of the next chapter in my life. Feeling disconnected from my true self I intuitively knew that to bring about the changes I sought, I needed to go within to find love for self and access the Divine Feminine that is all women. Signing up for Kathy’s e-course to do just this has taken me on a transformational adventure tour. Kathy is indeed a shining light, illuminating the way for you to find what you are seeking through creativity, art, moon musing, astrology, mid life transition …the list is long! As a mentor she has the knack of, despite being in the northern hemisphere in Southern California, making you feel as if you are sitting next to her having a good ol’ chat! She emanates a warmth that feels like a beckoning hand outstretched as she gently guides you to find your path and she also knows how to ask the deep questions! The ones that will make you go deep within, that will make you look at a seemingly small observation you have made and take it apart until you get what it is that you are intuitively being told! Most importantly though – Kathy makes it FUN! It is with much heartfelt gratitude that I thank you Kathy! Whether our paths crossed for a reason, a season or the journey I am blessed to have you in my life. ~ Divine Moon Muser, Michelle Buckley.
"I loved the energy that came out in your three oracle cards that you shared. They spoke volumes about a dedicated and knowledgeable teacher of the moon as she moves through the different houses, and then adding mirth and whimsy that showed through your cards! I And the fact that this class as to "awaken my creative, intuitive soul" was like a shining beacon calling out to me. (Goddess, that sounds like such a suck-up, but really, your personality just came out so clearly through your cards, that I just knew this course was going to be not only exactly what I need for my pathworking with the moon, and to get my creative juices flowing, but just FUN, too!!!)" ~ Divine Moon Muser, Kat L., March 2025
Read more juicy Testimonials here + Divine Feminine Spotlights.
Kathy' personal Moon Musing Journal Cover
Journalling Samples
What to expect
This eClass is lunar based and consists of four ebooks plus weekly assignments, one for each phase of the moon. There is no passing or failing, just process – the process of awakening your divine feminine soul. I encourage you to commit to this eClass by carving out sacred time to write, muse and collage on a regular basis throughout the year.
What materials do I need?
A blank journal - with thicker paper if you want to add water based mediums such as acrylic washes and watercolors. Another option is to journal and collage on your computer.
Writing and drawing materials such as markers, pens, brushes, pencil crayons, coloured pencils, prismacolour artstix, water-soluble Caran D’Ache pastels (like crayons) pastels, metallic pens, inks, rubber stamps, glitter, acrylics etc. Optional if you’re creating on the computer.
Collage materials such as glue, glue stick, spray mount adhesive, photos, magazines, catalogs etc.
A color printer to print out all the colorful lessons - helpful, but not essential!
Sage or incense.
What if I don’t consider myself to be creative?
We are ALL creative, it’s just a matter of figuring out your creative strengths. Is it with people, animals, on paper, video, through words, numbers, musical notes, management, movement? During this eClass you will be journaling and collaging on a regular basis, and I encourage you to express your strengths in whatever way brings you the most joy and fulfillment, but I also want to push you to put these creative strengths into words within the pages of your Moon Journal, and through Moon Collaging – whatever it takes to create an empowering memory of your magical moon year. During this process of self-discovery and self-accountability I want you to experience the beauty of growth as you blossom and express your divine feminine essence within your daily life as you learn how to tune in to Mama Moon, the triple moon-mother and the ongoing cycles of the ancient female mysteries.
The making of shamanic art is a way of ritually coming into contact with the spirits of the unseen world and enlisting their support in our lives… The less you know about what is considered to be ‘art,’ the better off you’ll be in awakening your own expression. ~ Vicki Noble
How can I make the most of this experience?
Be present and open: Get ready for a journey of self-discovery as you give yourself permission to explore challenging questions, sample new ways of being and connect with ancient female mysteries.
Listen to interviews with Kathy
*Please note that my interviews are in the last half hour-45 minutes of Susun’s Call In Show so skip to the end to listen.
Wise Woman Radio Interview with Susun Weed, founder of the Wise Woman University. (2010)
Interview with Susun Weed (2017)
Interview with Susun on Podbean, Listen on: Spotify, Listen on Apple (March 4, 2025)
Divine Feminine Moon Muser Badges!
Moon Musers Unite! Let’s spread the magic of Divine Feminine Moon Musing all around the world. You can copy these badges with a right click of your mouse for use on your websites, blog, Facebook or any other online communities you belong to! Please link to
About Your Instructor Kathy Crabbe
Kathy is a soul reader, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Her art and writing have been published and shown throughout the world at museum shows, galleries, magazines and books. Through online resources Kathy is able to help women express their unique gifts and talents in empowering ways. She maintains a blog and website sharing her experiences with both the psychic, intuitive realms and the world of art making.In 2017 Kathy was initiated in Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism by Francesca De Grandis, author of Be A Goddess.
From the very depths of my Divine Feminine Moon Musing Soul I wish all of you many sparkly blessings on your Divine Feminine Journey! Please contact me here if you have any further questions!
I recommend my two ebooks for further reading: Zodiac Goddess Playbook, Moon Musings and my oracle decks, the Lefty Oracle and the Zodiac Goddess Power Deck. View all six of my decks here.
This class is offered at Wise Woman School - sign up here!