Zodiac Goddess Power Deck + Guidebook

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Zodiac Goddess Power Deck + Guidebook


Your Deck includes:
- 32 Zodiac Goddess Power cards, 3.5 x 5.5”, UV coated, 320gsm.
- Sweet little full color box I designed to hold everything with Goddess Myths on the inside.
- 20-page hard copy guidebook that fits inside the box with altar tips, affirmations and power-up suggestions to work with each sign, plus goddess myths and poems.
- Printed in the USA by Gamecrafter.

Your deck will ship directly from Gamecrafter in Madison, Wisconsin in a sturdy, protective box. Shipping takes a few weeks.

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“I am head-over-heels for this wonderful deck! I have been wanting an oracle deck for a good while now, but wanted to wait until the right one came along. And oh my goodness, was this one worth waiting for. The art is breathtaking (y'all, the colors!) and the meaning behind each card carries such wisdom. The overall energy of the deck is gentle, lovely and to-the-point. The seller is AMAZING and shipping was perfect. Thank you, Mz. Kathy!” ~ Stacie Tyson

"I just wanted to let you know that I received my Zodiac Goddess Power Deck and I’m really tickled to have it. I also want to congratulate you on the beautiful artwork and the packaging and the whole production of this deck and really all that you are creating right now. This is a truly interesting time for me, as I’m sure it is for many people and you are greatly contributing to the direction in which my instincts are leading me. I am grateful for you and your creativity. Thank you so much for everything!" ~ Fran Beadles

“My favorite thing about these cards, besides the totally original and gorgeous artwork, is how much information and knowledge you can gain from these. These cards have been helping me not only learn about different Goddess archetypal energies, but also astrology and the planetary symbols. I love fun tools like this that are educational and a way to spiritually connect with the Divine. I'm so happy that another deck is in the works by the artist!” ~ Kristen McManus, San Diego, CA