In honour of this past Full Moon in Scorpio and as part of my Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eCourse I've chosen the incredibly powerful Minoan Snake Goddess from 1600 BCE, Crete to grace my collage with her powerful sexuality.
The Cretans saw the supreme divine power in terms of the feminine principle, and incarnate in a woman whom they portrayed exactly like one of themselves ... comfortable with her beauty, her body and her power ... Fertility and abundance were the purpose and the desire, sex was the instrument, and for this reason its symbols were everywhere. ~ Riane Eisler, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future.
More Images Within My Collage:
1. The seal - which represents protection, something that we as women need to be especially aware of when working within the realms of the deep subconscious.
2. Aquarius the Water Bearer - this was the first image I painted during my first silk painting class back in the early 1990's at Wild Fiber Studio in Santa Monica, California. My Moon is in the sign of Aquarius in the 11th house (the Aquarian house) and during this current New/Full Moon cycle I am really getting in touch with the mental/thinking side of my emotional nature. The placement of the Moon in our natal chart is where we feel comfortable in our skin, and for me, that involves some detachment and the ability to connect with all my Moon friends on a universal level which is perfectly suited to the internet. In fact, computer technology is ruled by the sign of Aquarius!
3. Susanne Bier, Director of the Danish movie After the Wedding - A wonderful movie! I especially enjoyed the interview with her after wards. I felt as though I was seeing a strong woman not afraid to express her thoughts and feelings in a very forthright and compassionate way and I honour that and imagine her to be one of my soul reading clients as well! I especially liked this comment referring to something she learned in film school, "Kill the darlings and focus on the ball" (meaning, 'let go of the not-so-hot creations to make the really good ones stronger, which is so difficult for artists to do!) Within her films she is able to bring her characters into emotional and intimate eyesight with the audience and often with a sense of humor. It's humor that I feel is missing from so many spiritual practices, how about in yours?

4. I've included the astrological symbols for the sign of Taurus and Venus (which is the ruling planet of Taurus) - the ankh (or Venus glyph) literally represents a circle of spirit balancing on the cross of the earth's 4 elements as a rainbow of peace pours out of the diamond center of the heart. Remember that Venus is also known as Aphrodite and as Ishtar, the wishing star. The symbol or glyph for Taurus (with a crescent moon balanced on her head) reminds us that "Thou shalt live in blessedness. Thous shalt live glorious under my protection."

5. The background of the collage comes from a painting I'm working on and you can follow along with it's many stages of development (it's not done yet!) here on my blog: Art Mystic Post 1 and Post 2
If you are interested in signing up for the next term of Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul - the Taurus term, which begin on the upcoming New Moon in Taurus on May 13 you can do so here - Sign up.
Divine Moon Muser, Elizabeth Mow posted her Full Moon Collage here - Peace Joy Creativity.