Nambia ~ Pleasantly Present (Crone Moon Musings)

Nambia - pleasantly present. Watercolor on paper, 8 x 10 inches © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe. From the Creative Soul Card® Series. Waning Moon in 4° Aquarius April 25, 2011

Everything that flows moves in rhythm with the Moon. The Moon's phases reflect her dance with the Sun and Earth, her closest relatives in the sky. When Mama Moon is waning (crone moon cycle) it's time to release and let go of all limitations.

Crone Moon Creative Soul Card® of the Month: Nambia ~ pleasantly present.

Take a moment to look at your natal birth chart to find out where this Aquarius Moon is located. This will give you some insight into which areas of your life need help in releasing and letting go of their hold upon you. It's time to get rid of outworn notions, thoughts and ideas.

Nambia's Message: It doesn't have to be so difficult ~ this game called life.

Creative Soul Action: Take a moment to  imagine yourself happy, fulfilled and proud. What does it look like? Describe.

To continue this conversation in more depth amongst a private Circle of Soul Sistars, please feel free to join my Creative Soul Circle, a social site where each new, full and crone (waning) moon I'll be posting my Moon Musings to instigate flow, change, movement, freedom and love.

Museletter: Aquarius New Moon Musings

New Moon In AquariusFebruary 2, 2011 6:31 pm pst

This month’s New Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, a fixed air sign. You know the type…usually on the outer edge of everything peering in, or lost in space, or surrounded by a large group of friends, but not really close to any of them.

Aquarians are known for their independence, individuality and detachment. Their shadow side comes out in contrariness, rebellion and emotional unavailability.

Moon in Aquarius calls us to the circle, collaboration and collectivization. We recognize that what one does effects us all. We tend the web of community as natural team-builders.

More Aquarian Stuff

Aquarius – the water bearer Time of Year – Winter, Imbolc Quality – fixed Element – air Ruler – Uranus Anatomy – bloodstream, circulation, shins, ankles Natural sign of – 11th house Opposite sign – Leo Color – electric blue, turquoise, silver Gemstone – obsidian, opal, sapphire Tarot card – the star Goddesses – Feng P’O P’O, Freya, Ix Chel, Nut, Tien-Mu

More About The Lunar Cycles

The new moon is the perfect time of the month to plant seeds of intention for the month ahead. It is a time of trust, of beginnings and of letting go into intuition. The new moon lies in darkness, not yet reflecting the light of the sun, so our intentions may not yet be fully revealed to us and therefore trust is necessary - trust and faith that your newly planted seeds are indeed germinating beneath ground.

Allow the moon maiden/mother/crone to be your touchstone for balance, serenity and divine knowing. Let her cool, pale fingers touch your spirit as your soul flows knowingly, calmly, and with strength into divine being-ness. Allow her to be your support system to keep you pure, whole, holy and connected with your soul’s true purpose. Bless her as you bless yourself, for truly, we are all One.

The moon changes signs approximately every 2 ½ days, going through all twelve signs of the Zodiac every 29 ½ days. The sign that the moon is in reflects qualities of your inner self and being-ness. Each month there is at least one new moon that will rise at sunrise and set at sunset. Astrologically speaking this means that the sun and the moon are in conjunction.

My version of Aquarius

Abraxia is part of a series of left handed drawings I created over a period of five years. To me she represents the essence of Aquarius – independent, unusual, and “Nut-like” – as in the Egyptian Goddess Nut, ruler of the night sky. It’s a good idea to keep Abraxia in front of you as you prepare to answer her questions, and yes, she does like an audience although she may not admit it! So keep a pen and paper handy to take notes starting off with how she makes you feel – first impressions are best.

Abraxia’s Questions:

When have you gone out on a limb recently and how did it feel?

Choose a symbol to represent how that feels.

As you sit and ponder your New Moon intentions (you have written them out, haven’t you?!) ask yourself what first step you could take that would satisfy that symbol you’ve just come up with for yourself.

Describe that first step in detail.

Now, to take this exercise even further I’m going to ask you to be very Aquarian with your plan and to share it with the world-at-large or at least with your friends so that we can all learn from you. How will you do this? How does this idea make you feel?

An Abraxian Exercise

Go outside (especially at sunset) and wave your arms in the air as you let your fingers tingle and shimmy. You are Goddess Divine upholding the sky. Repeat 3 times after me:


Now, get out there and save the world, as only you can!

Aquarian Gemstone Messages

A Message from Opal:

Let yourself be colorful in a subtle way. Then one day surprise yourself by doing something wildly colorful, no holds barred – let your inner imp out to play and feel the freedom that accompanies your decision.

Now congratulate yourself on being brave and remember you can always switch gears and tone things down at any time, especially if you start to get carried away (having too much fun!)

A Message from Obsidian:

Don’t be afraid to take a chance on love – you’re worth it!

Sparkly Blessings to All!

The artwork featured above is from Kathy’s Goddess Zodiac deck and Creative Soul Card® deck, two of the four decks she incorporates into her creative soul readings.

Kathy is currently teaching a 4 week (1 lunar cycle) eCourse called Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul” in her private  forum site, The Creative Soul Circle. “I hope this course inspires you to discover and express your passionate, intuitive selves. As women I believe the moon can help guide and challenge us to know our instinctual, emotional self in a balanced, harmonious and soulful way. Isn’t it time you awakened the divine feminine within yourself?”

Moon Signs and Transits

Night Angel. Acrylic on wood, 9 x 12 inches. © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe

Night Angel. Acrylic on wood, 9 x 12 inches. © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe

Excerpted under open copyright laws with permission from the author, Jenny Yates as originally published in the We’Moon Datebook 2000

The moon circles the earth quickly, passing through all the signs of the zodiac in 28 days. She is generous with her changes, offering a new zodiacal perspective every 2 ½ days. When the moon reaches the sign that the sun is in, she becomes invisible, her light vanishing into the sun’s brilliance. This is the dark moon, the new moon, a time to see new beginnings. After this phase, she grows steadily night-by-night.

When she reaches her fullest form, she is in the opposite sign from the sun. This is a time to express yourself fully, to integrate both the outwardly active sun sign and the inwardly reflective moon sign. The moon urges you to express your inner nature by bringing all truths up to the light. The pressure can be intense leading to bouts of lunacy, the joy of seeing yourself whole is also intense.

The moon is symbolically connected with emotions, water and the mother. Her changes are reflected deep within us in the ways we nurture ourselves and others. Some signs are more fertile than others, better for planting, creating and conceiving. However, each sign has its gifts for your soul as well as for your garden.

Listed below is a brief summary of what to expect as the moon moves through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Moon in Aries As the moon moves into Aries, she raises some basic identity questions. You stand stripped bare of formalities knowing yourself as you truly are. Many new beginnings are hatched now, but the energy is too fiery for safe planting.

Moon in Taurus In Taurus, the moon brings calm and stability. The buzz subsides and you notice the things that endure: the feel of wood and rock, the smell of your lover’s skin, the cycles of the soil. This fertile sign encourages strong, slow growth.

Moon in Gemini The Gemini moon stimulates your curiosity. Interesting ideas appear constantly, like doors opening up to reveal other doors. Now is the time to make connections, perhaps via email or telephone. Explore your garden, learn from it, but don’t plant.

Moon in Cancer As she moves into Cancer, the moon brings up memories and all the emotions that accompany them. This is a fertile time as tears fall more readily nourishing your roots. All arts are encouraged, especially the alchemy of cooking.

Moon in Leo When the moon enters Leo, your inner child wants attention, as do your inner clown and your inner prima donna. Turn all the commotion into art and then celebrate your creative power. In the garden, cultivate and admire, but don’t plant.

Moon in Virgo In Virgo, the moon moves towards a simple, useful life. If anything needs mending in body or soul, now is the time to focus your healing powers. In the garden or at home, you can arrange, shape and tend.

Moon in Libra With the moon in Libra, you need more beauty in your life. Plant flowers, fill your house with them or give them to a woman you love. You are more tender and romantic, conscious of the subtle dance of human connection.

Moon in Scorpio When the moon passes through Scorpio, feelings are intense and desires powerful. You delve into your deepest self with its shadows and dragons, and you recognize the untapped power there. Anything planted now grows deep and strong.

Moon in Sagittarius With moon in Sagittarius, feelings range wide as you amble down the road, watch the stars, or read old philosophy books. The search is more important than the finding. Take a break from your garden as your energy is restless now.

Moon in Capricorn As the moon moves into Capricorn, your inner Wise Woman is very strong. She can show you how to take old fears and sorrows and turn them into resolve, ambition and discipline. Anything you plant now will have strong roots.

Moon in Aquarius As she moves through Aquarius, the moon brings the liberation of understanding. You can detach yourself from old emotional patterns and see your mother, lover and friends as individuals. Talk to your green friends now, but don’t plant new ones.

Moon in Pisces When the moon’s in Pisces, distinctions blur and barriers dissolve. Your rational mind may go hide under a rock while your intuitive mind moves joyfully and unerringly in the cosmic dance. This is a fertile time. Everything yields.

Astrology Reports can be purchased here.

Astrology & The Moon

Owl Magick Print

Owl Magick Print

The Astrology Chart

The astrology chart itself is actually a schematic: a graph that shows people’s “inner writing.” This can be obtained from an astrologer or a computerized birth chart. The wiring in each of us is different. It’s not “good” or “bad,” it’s just wired the way it’s wired. Your birth chart provides a picture of the inner wiring you were born with, but what you do with that wiring is up to you. When you can objectively see the patterns of your own behavior, you can make adjustments for more efficient results and better performance. By having a clear picture of your inner wiring, you can become aware of the built-in “glitches,” and you can choose not to continue behaviors that aren’t working for you.



What are the houses of the Zodiac?

The houses divide the horoscope into twelve segments. Each house is related to one sign of the zodiac and represents an arena of life experience. Each house is given a number from one to twelve, the first house cusp located at what would be nine o’clock on a clock-face, then, moving anti-clockwise as shown in the diagram to the left, numbering off around the chart.

The houses represent the sorts of circumstances you will have to deal with in this lifetime—challenges you have set yourself, so you may grow in personal understanding and consciousness.

houses of an astrology chart

houses of an astrology chart

Astrology Reports can be purchased here.

The Moon

In astrology, the Moon rules our feelings, our moods, dependency, insecurity, the feeling of belonging – it rules our emotional bodies, self-image or the way we instinctively see ourselves. Considered by Jan Spiller to be the most important planet in the chart from a karmic/past life perspective, it underlies the rest of the personality structure.

What are the North & South Nodes of the Moon?

They are not planetary bodies; they are points formed by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth’s path around the Sun. The Moon is considered to be the most important planet in the chart, from a karmic, past life perspective.

For each of us the North Node of the Moon is located in a sign and a house. The sign position relates to the psychological transformation that needs to happen within the personality and the house relates to the experiences that allow one to access this new awareness. This is where the lessons are in this lifetime which can be scary because it’s all new!

The South Node of the Moon is in the exact opposite sign and house and relates to past lives. When you have a feeling of ‘been there, done that’ it’s often a karmic nudge saying ‘you got this’ but where the real meaty, juicy lessons happen are when you’re accessing your North Node; that’s when things start to feel uncomfortable.

For further reading on the Moon’s Nodes, pick up Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller. This wonderful, eye-opening book has 40-50 pages on each sign/house placement. It is a simple but powerful book that will be of value whether or not you are interested in the more technical stuff in astrology.

Order an Astrology Report or Moon Chart here.

Moon Sign & Transits

Barn Owl Luv Print

Barn Owl Luv Print

Excerpted under open copyright laws with permission from the author, Jenny Yates as originally published in the We’Moon Datebook 2000

The moon circles the earth quickly, passing through all the signs of the zodiac in 28 days. She is generous with her changes, offering a new zodiacal perspective every 2 ½ days. When the moon reaches the sign that the sun is in, she becomes invisible, her light vanishing into the sun’s brilliance. This is the dark moon, the new moon, a time to see new beginnings. After this phase, she grows steadily night-by-night.

When she reaches her fullest form, she is in the opposite sign from the sun. This is a time to express yourself fully, to integrate both the outwardly active sun sign and the inwardly reflective moon sign. The moon urges you to express your inner nature by bringing all truths up to the light. The pressure can be intense leading to bouts of lunacy, the joy of seeing yourself whole is also intense.

The moon is symbolically connected with emotions, water and the mother. Her changes are reflected deep within us in the ways we nurture ourselves and others. Some signs are more fertile than others, better for planting, creating and conceiving. However, each sign has its gifts for your soul as well as for your garden.

Listed below is a brief summary of what to expect as the moon moves through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Moon in Aries As the moon moves into Aries, she raises some basic identity questions. You stand stripped bare of formalities knowing yourself as you truly are. Many new beginnings are hatched now, but the energy is too fiery for safe planting.

Moon in Taurus In Taurus, the moon brings calm and stability. The buzz subsides and you notice the things that endure: the feel of wood and rock, the smell of your lover’s skin, the cycles of the soil. This fertile sign encourages strong, slow growth.

Moon in Gemini The Gemini moon stimulates your curiosity. Interesting ideas appear constantly, like doors opening up to reveal other doors. Now is the time to make connections, perhaps via email or telephone. Explore your garden, learn from it, but don’t plant.

Moon in Cancer As she moves into Cancer, the moon brings up memories and all the emotions that accompany them. This is a fertile time as tears fall more readily nourishing your roots. All arts are encouraged, especially the alchemy of cooking.

Moon in Leo When the moon enters Leo, your inner child wants attention, as do your inner clown and your inner prima donna. Turn all the commotion into art and then celebrate your creative power. In the garden, cultivate and admire, but don’t plant.

Moon in Virgo In Virgo, the moon moves towards a simple, useful life. If anything needs mending in body or soul, now is the time to focus your healing powers. In the garden or at home, you can arrange, shape and tend.

Moon in Libra With the moon in Libra, you need more beauty in your life. Plant flowers, fill your house with them or give them to a woman you love. You are more tender and romantic, conscious of the subtle dance of human connection.

Moon in Scorpio When the moon passes through Scorpio, feelings are intense and desires powerful. You delve into your deepest self with its shadows and dragons, and you recognize the untapped power there. Anything planted now grows deep and strong.

Moon in Sagittarius With moon in Sagittarius, feelings range wide as you amble down the road, watch the stars, or read old philosophy books. The search is more important than the finding. Take a break from your garden as your energy is restless now.

Moon in Capricorn As the moon moves into Capricorn, your inner Wise Woman is very strong. She can show you how to take old fears and sorrows and turn them into resolve, ambition and discipline. Anything you plant now will have strong roots.

Moon in Aquarius As she moves through Aquarius, the moon brings the liberation of understanding. You can detach yourself from old emotional patterns and see your mother, lover and friends as individuals. Talk to your green friends now, but don’t plant new ones.

Moon in Pisces When the moon’s in Pisces, distinctions blur and barriers dissolve. Your rational mind may go hide under a rock while your intuitive mind moves joyfully and unerringly in the cosmic dance. This is a fertile time. Everything yields.

Order an Astrology Report or Moon Chart here.

The artwork above is part of my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck.

Aquarius Full Moon Rising by Guest Astrologer, Shakti

Full Moon Rising

Full Moon Rising

Full Moons are culmination points of your emotional journey throughout all those different inner facets throughout the month of one lunar cycle. Full Moon means the uttermost reflection of the light giving energy of the Sun into deepest crevices of your inner world. This Full Moon in Aquarius is receiving the energy of the Sun in Leo. Sun and Moon are the yin and yang, the male and the female force, the complementing forces in life. Sun as the life giving entity is radiating the force to create life and Moon is reflecting the energy, taking it into the inner world, sustaining and nourishing life.

Sun in astrology shows your self- identity, the inner place of strength you act from in your life. Sun is representing the inner and outer male figure. Sun is your self awareness and consciousness guiding you into choices and decisions. With the Sun moving through the whole zodiac throughout the year it gives you different mental perspectives onto life and guides your process of evolution as an individual and as whole humankind.

Moon in astrology on the other hand reflects consciousness evolving through your inner digestive process of your feelings and guides you more intuitively. Emotions are often unclear and hidden from the light of consciousness and might take a while to float up to conscious recognition and acknowledgment. Moon is the archetypal mother, the inner woman or outer woman, nourishing you in her unique way of being.

The Potential of the Aquarius and Leo Opposition

I believe wherever this Full Moon is touching into your chart it will have a profound impact for your soul’s journey in these challenging times. Note in which house the Full Moon falls in your chart and which aspects it is forming to personal planet. It carries the potential for integration between your inner and outer world and your visions and dreams coming to fruition.

You are also called upon extending your goodwill to others, be a role model for your beliefs concerning change for the better, taking care for your friends and neighbors, acting from a place of oneness and connectedness, taking charge and stepping up. Become a leader for what you believe in! Be the change you want to see! Grass root movements are needed to move on into the Aquarian Age, into the year 2012 with all its prophesied changes in consciousness of humankind.

I think we all agree that the old ways driven by greedy ways of the ego for power and self-gratification won’t meet the requirement of the 21st century. Mother Earth is polluted like never before and we are poisoning ourselves with it. The old economy is crashing and with it the old paradigms. We have to come up with new ways to organize ourselves on this earth looking beyond old tribal, ego driven survival instincts and make decisions based on the good for all.

What is needed is the emergence of a new consciousness and astrology is giving us much hope and understanding about the challenges ahead. It also gives us tools for coping. Here are two gemstones that can help you to balance and integrate the seemingly opposing forces of Aquarius and Leo.



An Aquarian Gemstone is the Aquamarine

Uranus infuses Aquamarine with some unusual qualities and a vision beyond our limited mind-set, making Aquamarine the Rebel among the gems. This is the gemstone of visionaries fighting for a better life, supporting goodness and necessary changes. It urges you to seek freedom and independence and to express your uniqueness. Aquamarine is the stone of innovators, ahead of their time in many ways. It encourages you to always question your limiting beliefs with an open mind and to be willing to grow beyond them. It can help you to find your own vision and purpose in life and the courage to live them.

This unique gem connects you with the unlimited aspect of being that is found in the ocean, symbolizing the vastness of existence, the unlimited space and horizon that you experience standing on a beach or on a boat.

ruby ring by shakti

ruby ring by shakti

A Leo Gemstone is the Ruby

The Ruby is the warrior of the heart, the knight of your dreams. It touches the root chakra and the heart chakra, helping gently but powerfully to bring energy up from the first chakra to the heart. The root chakra is your connection with the earth, your grounding, ego identity, survival instincts, anger, sex drive, and life force in general. The heart chakra is the seat of your emotions of love in all its aspects, from self-love to unconditional love. It is the site of unresolved wounds suffered in love and childhood experiences—but it is also home to forgiveness and compassion.

If you like my astrological musings I invite you to sign up for my free weekly newsletter here on my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog for a regular update on the actual universal flow in the heavens. As you can tell I am also very passionate about the abilities of the healing gemstones to help to align and balance our flow. I have even written a book about it and the connection with astrology! If you know where your challenges are, you can then take steps to support or balance yourself with gemstones, if that is something that appeals to you.

I hope you enjoyed this article, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.



Bio: Shakti Carola Navran has been an astrological coach, jeweler, spiritual teacher and healer for over 30 years. Her practice spans hypnotherapy, meditation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and healing with gemstones. She creates beautiful jewelry for the soul and spirit at her studio on Maui, Hawaii. She has written many articles and is the author of the book Jewelry & Gems for Self Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul.

In her book she teaches you about astrology and how to read the blue print of your own chart. If you know where your challenges are, you can then take steps to support or balance yourself with your 12 personal healing gemstones, those enchanting allies to raise your frequency and experience more joy. Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery is a treasure chest of ideas about Soul Jewelry; on how to select, purchase, and wear jewelry that will enhance your body, heart, mind, and soul.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author, 1135 Makawao Ave. Suite 310, Makawao, Maui, Hawaii 96768. Phone: 808.878.8182