Waning Moon in 4° Aquarius
April 25, 2011
Everything that flows moves in rhythm with the Moon. The Moon's phases reflect her dance with the Sun and Earth, her closest relatives in the sky. When Mama Moon is waning (crone moon cycle) it's time to release and let go of all limitations.
Crone Moon Creative Soul Card® of the Month: Nambia ~ pleasantly present.
Take a moment to look at your natal birth chart to find out where this Aquarius Moon is located. This will give you some insight into which areas of your life need help in releasing and letting go of their hold upon you. It's time to get rid of outworn notions, thoughts and ideas.
Nambia's Message: It doesn't have to be so difficult ~ this game called life.
Creative Soul Action: Take a moment to imagine yourself happy, fulfilled and proud. What does it look like? Describe.
To continue this conversation in more depth amongst a private Circle of Soul Sistars, please feel free to join my Creative Soul Circle, a social site where each new, full and crone (waning) moon I'll be posting my Moon Musings to instigate flow, change, movement, freedom and love.