Full Moon in Sagittarius: Where past and present meet

Full Moon in Sagittarius by Kathy Crabbe Dear Creative Soul,

What's coming to fruition for you right now? If you set intentions on June 17 for the New Moon in Taurus look back at them now and take note. If you didn't then check in with your body and your higher self to find out what's going on.

Because it's Mercury Retrograde, don't expect a lot of forward motion until June 11 when Mercury goes direct, or better yet until June 27 when the shadow period is over.

Sagittarius rules abundance, aliens, dreams, long journeys, the upper legs, prayer, college teachers, turquoise and writers.

While the Moon is in Sag it's a good time to:

  • Seek new horizons
  • Explore worlds without maps
  • Quest!
  • Be outrageous
  • Look to the future
  • Seek freedom from all oppression

This Sag Full Moon makes me feel like crawling into a cave and soaking up some mineral wisdom. I'd bring a pencil, pen, Winsor Newton watercolor brushes, watercolor paper, gouache and some pigments made from an ancient formula.  I'd go back in time to when I was a sacred scribe; a monk; alone, but never lonely, never hungry, never thirsty, just filled with God/dess. This vision brings tears to my eyes.

I am still that monk, but in this lifetime my karmic mission is to express that depth of passion and wisdom in work that can touch others in an everyday way. I can live and create in the world, rather than outside of it. This I must remember.

If you're curious to delve further into your own past lives, I now offer Past Life Readings in person at The Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim (2nd Saturday of each month) and by phone. I also offer online readings accompanied by an 8-10 page written transcript (pdf).

Full Moon in Sagittarius by Kathy Crabbe

Art News

I continue to paint a Lefty-a-day as part of the Riverside Art Museum's 52 Project with the possibility of having a museum exhibit. If you'd like to join me there are two options.

  1. Make a drawing using your non-dominant hand and send me a photo of your work along with your thoughts/feelings about the process.
  2. Write a story for one of my Leftys and email it to me at kathy at kathycrabbe dot com

You may also be featured in my Creative Soul Spotlight. Here's a peek at the very first Lefty Explorer, Christine along with her Lefty drawing and story.

NEW! Follow along as I paint a Lefty-a-Day for 365 days on Instagram as part of Riverside Art Museum's 52 Project - I take pix along the way so see you can see my paintings in progress.

NEW! Past Life Readings in person and by phone

To purchase the Full Moon in Sag Painting above please email me.

Upcoming Events with Kathy

Temecula Artist's Circle When: June 28, Sunday, 11 - 1 pm (Last Sunday of the month) Where: Ryan Bros Coffee, Temecula, California Facebook Group

Creative Soul Readings at Learning Light Foundation When: 2nd Saturdays, 10-5 Where: 1212 E. Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA

Creative Soul Readings at Karma Boutique When: June 27, Saturday, 11-5 Where: 4242 Camino Del Rio N. #19, San Diego, CA

Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass ~ Gemini Moon Term When: 1 week before the New Moon each month Where: Susun Weed's Wise Woman University


Soul Readings Past Life Readings Astrology Reports Goddess Zodiac Playbook Instagram

Where's the Moon? Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 2, 9:19 am, Pacific Time

"What Goddess has done before, She now does for me and more!" ~ Adapted from the 77th Psalm and from page 60 in "The Writings of Florence Scovel Shinn"

Kathy Crabbe at Beltane 2015About Kathy & the Leftys Kathy Crabbe is an artist and energy reader living in sunny SoCal with her husband and pet muse, Abby the shaggy black dog in an adobe home they built themselves.

Kathy is painting a Lefty-a-Day for 365 days and posting all works in-progress on Instagram at http://instagram.com/kathycrabbeart

Stand up for YOU and Let Go of Negativity: New Moon in Libra

New Moon Circle in Libra It's the New Moon in Libra on September 23 at 11:14 pm Pacific time. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, the Goddess of Love so it's time to take a good, hard look at all your relationships, including the one you have with yourself.

As usual, I have pulled a Creative Soul Card from my own handpainted 'lefty'  deck and written/channeled a New Moon Challenge to go along with it along with a song for Libra's Healing Gemstone, the Bloodstone. I was also inspired by the beautiful setting (see photo to your left) where I held this New Moon Circle; a place where the Green Goddess is very happy, content and thriving.

If you are inspired by this material then you may be interested in attending my upcoming Creative Soul Classes which will meet online and in-person at the New and Full Moon.

Libra's Song & Meditation *to be sung outside if possible*

Listen Listen Listen to the wind. Become the wind. You ARE the wind.

Does it chill you? Warm you? Relax you? Frighten you? Take note. Relax your bones, letting the wind carry you until you are everywhere all at once - at one with the wind.

Breathe in Breathe out Breathe in Breathe out

This is the energy of the Libra New Moon.

Balanced. Beautiful. Becalmed

bloodstoneSong of the Bloodstone ~ a Libra Healing Stone

I am first I am glorious I am healed I am Bloodstone flowing and in tune with Mama Moon.

I cherish I hold I love fierce and true and proud.

O New Moon, take me break me make me whole as I sing your song and I bloom I bloom I bloom.

O Bloodroot, take me down to the depths where each seed I plant is true.

Blessed Be.

Creative Soul Card & Challenge for the New Moon in Libra

Libra New Moon Card: The liar at the crossroads

Affirmation: I stand up for me, not neg-a-tiv-ity.

The Liar at the Crossroads by Kathy Crabbe

This card challenges you to seek and find where you're out of balance. To gather with those of like-mind and to let go of negative energy and negative people who feed on your energy and who bring you down. Help them, yes, but don't let them feed on you energetically. Take notice of how you feel after being with them and distance yourself when necessary.

This card accepts and takes from you all that negativity, so let it roll right out of you and into that black ball within the "Liar at the Crossroads". Your choice.

At this New Moon, along with setting your intentions for the moonth ahead, I challenge you to let go of one negative person, thing, feeling, energy, vibe - whatever it is. Make sure to get some support along the way, either from your Moon Group, in the Creative Soul Circle (my free Facebook Group) or from close friends or a counselor.

Libra Altar Suggestions from my Goddess Zodiac Playbook

  • Quality – Cardinal
  • Element – Air
  • Ruler – Venus
  • Anatomy – Kidneys
  • Natural sign of – 7th house
  • Opposite sign – Aries
  • Color – Shades of blue, pale green, pink
  • Gemstone – Bloodstone, jade, jasper
  • Tarot card – Justice
  • Goddesses – Athene, Benzaitan, Maat, Minerva, Nemesis, Themis

If you like what you see here please consider taking my upcoming Creative Soul Class which will meet online and in-person at the New and Full Moon.

Purchase my Goddess Zodiac ebook here.

Purchase Creative Soul Cards and Prints here.

Kathy Crabbe Guiding Your Creative Soul

ABOUT KATHY CRABBE I am a Canadian born, self taught intuitive artist and creative soul guide currently living in a desert valley of Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest. I live in a home created by my husband that we share with our cat and dog muses, Spartacus and Abby. I’ve been drawing since age two and offering creative soul guidance since 2008.

New Moon in Virgo ~ a perfect party

It's the New Moon in Virgo on August 25th at 7:13 am Pacific and I've pulled a Creative Soul Card from my deck and channeled a New Moon Challenge to go with it.  Here is a snippet from the challenge.  The full challenge will be offered in my upcoming Creative Soul Class (both online and in-person - coming soon!)  In the meantime, feel free to join my Creative Soul Circle on Facebook where I release private moon meditations for those who are interested. Creative Soul Card & Challenge for the New Moon in Virgo

Jacko invites himself to all the best parties by Kathy Crabbe

This New Moon we're going to journey deep, deep, deep within our hearts to seek and find what lies within.

So, take a moment to envision the color of love, whatever color that may be for you. Then feel it pouring over you and enveloping you like a waterfall, like snow, like a warm, plush blanket, like a clear blue sky.

I pulled this card (to the left) just for this New Moon and although it's more of a Gemini card we'll stick with it to see where it takes us, keeping in mind that Virgo and Gemini share the same ruling planet, Mercury.

So, the stage is set for a party; not usually Virgo's style, but definitely in her bag of tricks - she is mutable after all and loves to talk!

Now envision yourself at a Fall Party; the perfect party while asking yourself some questions: What kind of party is it? who is the host? describe the guests, the food, the decor, the setting, the music, the conversation, the time of day, what you're wearing, the theme etc. Make it your perfect party. Don't over-think it either - whatever pops into your head.

Could you perhaps make this vision a reality in some way or another? It doesn't have to be to the letter. What parts of your your party could you implement and when could you do it? So do it! Then report back in your journal or in my Creative Soul Circle with all the juicy details titling your post "My New Moon Perfect Party".

Prints of Jacko are available here.

Virgo's Creative Soul Song We are all perfect as we are in this moment in perfect grace We shine We dance We dine We are perfection Perfection Divine

Affirmation: "My perfect party awaits. I'm off!" Affirmation: My perfect party Virgo Altar Suggestions from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook Color: green Gemstone: sapphire Herb: valerian Food: oats Animal Spirit: cat Goddess: Changing Woman

And last, but not least don't forget to set your New Moon intentions for the moonth ahead. I'll be checking back in with all of you at the next Full Moon to see what's flowered!

Blessed Be.

Kathy Crabbe Guiding Your Creative SoulABOUT KATHY CRABBE I am a Canadian born, self taught intuitive artist and creative soul guide currently living and working in a desert valley of Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest. I live in a home created by my husband that we share with our cat and dog muses, Spartacus and Abby. I’ve been drawing since age two and offering creative soul guidance since 2008.

Happy Aquarius Full Moon: I quiet my outside so my inner voice can be heard

Afirmation: I quiet my outside so my inner voice can be heardThe affirmation and image in this post is from my soon to be released Creative Soul Deck and Class and was channeled by me for this Aquarius Full Moon. I have included a snippet from the Creative Soul Activity that accompanies it below. There is also a gemstone healing meditation that I channeled and will be sharing in my Creative Soul Circle, a private group on Facebook. Please email me if you'd like to join.

Affirmation: Shush! I quiet my outside so my inner voice can be heard. And I open up to touch the core of me-ness.

It's the lunar lammas and the first harvest (in the northern hemisphere, that is), but because it's a lunar celebration which happens this Sunday at the Full Moon in Aquarius (August 10 at 11:09 am PDT) this celebration is about our inner harvest.

What feeds you? What keeps you going and fulfills you?  Is this a part of your daily work or play or even your dreams at night?

Mummy by Kathy Crabbe

Quick, the fairies are calling you; can you see that flash of light, that wee sprite, out of the corner of your eye?  She is calling your name.

You are the mummy now; the mummy of your own inner dreams. Take time out to acknowledge yourself.

Take time out for you.

Wrap yourself up like a mummy, in protective layers so that YOU, yes YOU can hear your own thoughts without distraction.

Allow the Divine to speak through you, trusting that the advice she has for you is going to be good for all of us.

Allow the group mind, the myriad of voices, the universal, co-creative, collective consciousness to speak through you by listening to your heart and soul at this Full Moon in Aquarius.

Allow this Full Moon to fill your soul with light for you are love and all you touch is loved.

Aquarius Full Moon Delites for your altar 

  • Divine image: the Sphinx
  • Color: black
  • Stone: chrysocolla
  • Element: air
  • Plant: orchid
  • Herb: pepper
  • Food: dried fruits
  • Goddess: Freya, Ix Chel, Nut


I am I am I am

A walker between worlds

I am nourished, sustained, enthralled

by love of the ALL

I seek first within

My duty calls

More about the upcoming Creative Soul Class & Certification Program

If you like what you see here you will probably enjoy my upcoming Creative Soul Class which will include these goodies:

  • Play and draw using your non dominant hand
  • Make your own Creative Soul deck
  • Learn how to stay focused and on track with your goals and dreams
  • Set intentions for the month ahead at the New Moon
  • Circle with your fellow Moon Musers and Creative Souls in a private group
  • Work towards Creative Soul Guide Certification and teach classes online or in person

To view more images from my Creative Soul Deck please click here for prints.