A past life reading can help you gain a better understanding of who you are.
Read moreDeath Empath, Ancestral Readings + Reincarnation
Thank you to everyone for your condolences over the death of my beloved big, black, sweet dog, Abby. Out of this came the discovery of The Rainbow Bridge poem and discovering how misery joins us together as I learned that many of you are also mourning a beloved pet.
Since I was a little girl I've believed in reincarnation. In this work I do traversing Otherworlds and connecting with souls who have passed over, I find my beliefs being reinforced again and again: our souls live on. This is a comfort to the grieving heart.
As I age (I just turned 55 on September 7) I face the loss of loved ones and I know that many of you are in the same boat. You may be curious or reluctant to explore the meaning of death and I am too but it can be so gratifying to try. Many years ago I consulted the astrologer, Deva Green and she said to me: "You can help people access the deeper truth of what reincarnation is - help people experience the darkness by exposing the limitations that are holding you there and grounding them in spiritual process." So this is what I strive to do and truly, I feel so blessed and honoured to be able to serve humanity in this way.
Since we're in the month of October, there is no better time for us to explore and make connections with Otherworlds, to ease our hearts and minds. If you want to make a deeper connection I offer soul readings, past life readings and ancestor/spirit guide readings here.
Sparkly Blessings and Much Love,
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader, Artist, Astrologer
Consulting Your Spirit Guides (Secret No. 7)

This week as part of our highly creative bloggers Next Chapter Book Club we are taking a look at: seeking out role models and advisers, reading about inspiring lives, and guiding others. (Side Note: This post is from a few years ago)
CHALLENGE #1 Searching for a guide (in the flesh):
My story - Short Version:
Never had one.
Always wanted one.
Dreamed I was one.
Became one.
*Update - I now have a spiritual mentor/guide in the flesh and her name is Francesca De Grandis.
Long Version - How to Find Your Spirit Guides:
I never actually found the "perfect guide" in the flesh, but I did find several in the spirit world. My recommendation, for those of you searching for your spirit guides, is to start out by working with a deck of tarot or oracle cards. My deck of choice was the Greenwood Deck, a Celtic Pagan deck created by Mark Ryan and illustrated by Chesca Potter. The two cards featured in this blog post were the ones that kept cropping up for me over and over again. But it was the Ancestor card that proved to be my greatest guide, acting as a gateway into the spirit world. By following (metaphorically/symbolically) the trunk and roots of the trees pictured in the card, down into the ground and beyond, I was able to access my main spirit guide, Annie.
Update: Nowadays I would definitely work with my own hand painted oracle decks!
How To Connect with Guides to Help Others:

When I give readings, I connect with the greatest guides there are, The Divines. I didn't start out by giving readings, I worked up to it over many, many years of practice. I suggest you find what methods work best for you, whatever allows you to quiet your mind (monkey-mind), open your heart, and become humble in the presence of Divine Beauty, with the realization that you are merely a channel and a messenger. Your job as a guide, is to remain open and connected, so that you can deliver healing and insightful messages in a non-judgemental, comprehensible and clear manner.
To read more blog posts about Psychic Development please click here. To read more about my personal Psychic Background please click here.
About Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty after five years painting with her non dominant left hand. This awakened her intuition in a big way. In 2008 she created a Lefty Oracle deck and started giving intuitive soul readings. Her second deck, The Elfin Ally Oracle was published in 2019 and a third deck is planned for release in Spring, 2020. Kathy lives in sunny Southern California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves.
What is a Past Life Reading? Plus a Sample Reading
What is a Past Life Reading? A Past Life Reading is a combination intuitive and astrology reading that will help you gain a better understanding of who you are so that you can maximize your potential and natural abilities to the utmost of your ability. Real growth comes from understanding and transforming behavior patterns so that you can challenge yourself to develop in new and exciting ways based upon a knowledge of your past lives.
Your past life reading will also include an examination of the north and south nodes of the moon in your birth chart. The moon in your chart relates to your feelings, moods, and emotional body. It is one of the most important influences in your birth chart from a karmic/past life perspective and will help you understand your karmic mission for this lifetime based upon your past lives. Learn more about Creative Soul Readings and Past Life Readings here.
A Sample Past Life Reading for Tiffany
*excerpted with kind permission from Tiffany
"Hi Kathy, what an incredible experience this was!! This far surpassed my expectations. Some of the advice in this was incredible. I have had other past life Readings from Etsy and this was by far the best one that I have found. I am going to print this out and put it in my journal to read again and again in the years to come. I will leave you incredible feedback that this was wonderful. Thank you very much! Love and light, Tiffany."
Tiffany's Reading:
I will begin your past life reading by taking a look at two of your past lives based upon a psychic/soul reading of your past life energy.
Lifetime 1
The first image I receive is of a beautiful, willowey, blonde bombshell by the name of Ramona Randolph (a made-up name) who is up to all kinds of trouble; a temptress and a tease who laments, “I could have been a 1940’s pinup girl.” You also loved the color, apple green.
You were so used to making up stories about your past that it was hard to know what was true and what wasn’t; even for yourself. It was as if you had blotted everything else out.
Laughingly you say, “When I’m old and wise, I may tell!”
I get a glimpse of your earlier life and see a dirt-poor existence, a ranch, and many children, plus a still for making grain alcohol. You got out as fast as you could. “I didn’t need them” you say, referring to “ma and pa” and the dirty rugrats. It appears as though the time period is 1920’s-40’s.
“I sent them money, but I was free of that life, poverty…hell. I wanted something better”.
I can’t tell you where this took place exactly, but it was in rural USA and it could be Illinois or the Appalachians; it was hot in winter and cold in the summer.
“I’m not sorry I left ‘cause I can do better,” you say.
And you did, you clawed your way up from ‘night-work’ to hostess to secretary (albeit a very sexy one) where you garnered much male attention.
There was a beau by the name of Ralph, but he couldn’t keep up (financially) and fell behind (as if it was a race, a competition).
In the end, you got rid of them all but your boss (I get the name “Hilary”). He was a private man, svelte, imposing, very shielded (his energy), always in dark, imposing suits, with dark hair; closed off energy. But he accepted you and this empowered you; your confidence in yourself grew until you were able to help run the company (manufacturer of gadgets/fasteners for women’s clothing) in Chicago, with offices in New York.
You became more business-like, adopted dark, close-fitting, pin striped suits and dark heels. You had a nose for making money, clinching deals.
You didn’t have time for children.
You forgot your past and reveled in your present. You were secure (and also a proud owner of a big, fluffy, white cat!)
When you became too old to run the company, you bequeathed it to a promising young man who working within the company and you let him take it over.
You enjoyed old age and bought a stately country home in the South (plantation-like).
Sometimes you thought about your family and your past, but you knew it was too late to go back. This saddened you (on your deathbed, from old age), but the hand who held yours in the end was the hand of your beloved and that was enough.
Life Lessons
Sometimes nothing is ever enough, you thought, but in the end you died a contented woman, with few misgivings, although you knew, in your soul that you would be returning to make things right with your family.
Kathy Crabbe, Juniper, 2005, watercolor on board, 8x10”.
Fairy Herbal Card Guidance: A message from Ramona to you:
I pull a Fairy Herbal Healing card from my deck for insight with this and she is called Juniper.
The message is: Don’t ever give up because you’ve got what it takes to be anything and do anything. Perhaps your path will be gentler than mine. Do take care, I love you.
Juniper is a protective herb of the Sun. It is associated with the base chakra where the kundalini, or serpent power, lies dormant. Juniper helps those who are blocked on the physical plane, generally earth types. It is also useful for those who are looking for a more spiritual way of life, who want to embrace fire. Juniper allows a person to be more detached emotionally and to move on from obsessions or resentments, from anger and violence. Being fiery, juniper can also help to ‘dry out’ water types, who become lost in a sea of emotion and are unable to act or initiate. Fire provides focus and direction. It energizes the will and gives courage, something that watery types sometimes lack.
You can work with Juniper incense or burn juniper berries over charcoal at the new and full moons. As you work with Juniper, allow yourself to become inspired and encouraged by your own spiritual fire.
Other Lifetimes I accessed briefly:
- Sharecroppers: a hard, scrabbling existence.
- A bowing waiter/servant and these words repeated: “best practice”.
- Hunter/gatherer times: a small brown boy in a loin cloth, at home in the overgrown landscape/jungle?
- A very proper lady all in frills and ruffles, well-to-do (Jasmina).
Lifetime 2
The first image I receive is of a cruel, sharp wretch, kicking a pet and then I see you; scrabbling like a poor rabbit into some rags in a corner.
After enduring this childhood I see you emerge; a tall, very pale, slim lad in a dark, poor-fitting suit – a scholar at heart!
You escape from this life in a gypsy wagon to the nearest busy town center and your first job is as an apprentice to a hat maker (men’s hats).
You love the city and especially the cemeteries; the big old stones, the names on the tombs; as you learn to read.
Your name sounds like Pierre. You are quick and slim with a soft spot for travelling performers who you give coins to.
You meet a young lady that you like who has long, straight, dirty-blonde hair. She is polite, but obviously looks down on you. She is well-dressed (somewhat), but not rich.
So you start learning poetry and writing it; it flows out of you and makes you happy.
You never do connect with this young lady, but through her you discover poetry.
Your master opens a fine men’s shop and you are busier than ever. It appears to be the 1850’s in Paris.
Unfortunately you suffer an untimely death from a street cart that runs you over. You were 23 and your head was in the clouds. You were a dreamer and a romantic at heart. Your death was quick so that is some small consolation.
Kathy Crabbe, Nambia, 2004, watercolor on paper, 8x10”.
Creative Soul Card Guidance ~ A message from Pierre to you:
The card I pull is called Nambia ~ pleasantly present.
The message (or poem) is: “Be still and dream…catch up, catch up…your soul cries out…meet me half way, tend me, and I will grow and shower you with blossoms, my sweet, sweet friend.”
Life Lessons
This was a very hard life to begin with, but you made the best of it and dragged yourself out of the muck once again, so to speak. You discovered beauty within the ugliness around you and this sustained you. You never knew love, but you knew hard work and how to make a living and feed your soul. Well done, but sad too.
Tiffany, to end this part of the reading I bless and surround you with the finer things in life; love, beauty and roses.
Sending you many Sparkly Blessings Tiffany!
Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul
Box 1510, Laguna Beach, CA 92652
Web: http://www.KathyCrabbe.com
Email: kathy@kathycrabbe.com
To purchase a Past Life Reading please click here.