Aries Crone Moon Musing

Aries Crone MoonJune 23, 2011 4:48 am pdt

Today is the beginning of the Waning (Crone) Moon. Every new/full/crone moon I post moon musings here in our Moon Musing Group with guided exercises, meditations, challenges and actions to help guide you on this Divine Feminine Journey into Moon Musing.

At the previous Full Moon many of us connected with your primary archetype. Well, now we're going to release ALL limitations, fears, burdens, etc. so we can move forward at the upcoming New Moon in Cancer on July 1.

Creative Soul Action: Let go of all labels, archetypes etc. so that you are standing on your own. Then pick a Creative Soul Card®. Take a moment to allow yourself to resonate with your card on a deep level. Then when you're ready I want you to embody the card on a deep level knowing that you are letting go of all you do not need or want.


  1. Describe how that feels.
  2. How will you nurture this side of yourself?

How does your card tie in to the Crone Moon and also to the intentions you set at the previous New Moon?

To join the conversation in a group of Soul SiStars please join my Creative Soul Circle ~ it's free!

Nambia ~ Pleasantly Present (Crone Moon Musings)

Nambia - pleasantly present. Watercolor on paper, 8 x 10 inches © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe. From the Creative Soul Card® Series. Waning Moon in 4° Aquarius April 25, 2011

Everything that flows moves in rhythm with the Moon. The Moon's phases reflect her dance with the Sun and Earth, her closest relatives in the sky. When Mama Moon is waning (crone moon cycle) it's time to release and let go of all limitations.

Crone Moon Creative Soul Card® of the Month: Nambia ~ pleasantly present.

Take a moment to look at your natal birth chart to find out where this Aquarius Moon is located. This will give you some insight into which areas of your life need help in releasing and letting go of their hold upon you. It's time to get rid of outworn notions, thoughts and ideas.

Nambia's Message: It doesn't have to be so difficult ~ this game called life.

Creative Soul Action: Take a moment to  imagine yourself happy, fulfilled and proud. What does it look like? Describe.

To continue this conversation in more depth amongst a private Circle of Soul Sistars, please feel free to join my Creative Soul Circle, a social site where each new, full and crone (waning) moon I'll be posting my Moon Musings to instigate flow, change, movement, freedom and love.

The Six Polarities

My moon-work is based upon the particular sign of the zodiac that the moon enters during it's cycle and I keep in mind the six polarities pictured below for each moon phase.

The diagram below is from Barbara Hand Clow's book titled The Pleiadian Agenda.

The Six Polarities

Barbara writes: The zodiacal system of twelve is simply an arbitrary division of six 4D polarities, six of the night and six of the day, which is a good tool for decoding fields of emotional experience in 3D. This lexicon of energy forces shows how 4D ideas trigger events in 3D. Each poloarity is a spectrum from dark to light. Each individual system of twelve is unique and is triggered out of its own unique center, its 1D beginning point. Dimensionality is vertical, and the system of twelve divisions are horizontal planes. ...the division of twelve is the one that facilitates harmony on Earth, as has been extensively proven by John Michell, co-author of Twelve-Tribe Nations.

Geocentric astrology - viewing the solar system and beyond from a location on Earth - is the most advanced tools you have in 3D for decoding the time and quality of your unfoldment. As we have said, the fourth dimension is where your emotional body resides. It is profoundly ruled by the archetypal planetary forces of your own solar system. The qualities and relationships of these planetary bodies actually do express your personal unfoldment. Literally do the cycles of Mars generate your feeling of power and anger! Without geocentric astrology, it is very difficult for most of you to master your emotional bodies, to be objective and observational about your day-to-day activities...You can examine the planetary cycles, delineate their qualities, and prepare yourself for various periods in your life.

Astrology enables you to look at how the drama of life is artificially pressed into past, present, and future. This enables you to gain perspective on emotions as you feel them - to watch the feeling realm to detect agendas, dramas, potentialities, and spirits impulsing you. Once you master this level of self-observation or self-reflections, then you realize that your access to other worlds is available precisely in these feelings. Feelings are awesome because they are your nonphysical vibratory field that is resonating in 4D through 9D. Once you attain that perspective, you cannot be impulsed or jerked around by any vibration. Many fascinating patterns rise out of your emotional and spiritual richness and give you access to scintillating pools of dark creativity and dance of light dynamics.

Excerpted from The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow.

Aging with Courage: Crone Moon Musings

harold and maude Waning Half Moon in Sagittarius February 24 ~ 3:26 pm pst

This is the first ever Crone Moon Musing/Meditation that I'm writing/channeling/dreaming/musing upon in honour of Mama Moon's waning moon cycle so I hope you can join the conversation plus  share you own musings in my Circle of Soul SiStars; membership is free and open to all women everywhere.

In this day and age, how do we as women age with courage, pride, sensuality and authenticity intact without selling out to fakery; botox, plastic surgery, nips and tucks?

As a culture we are obsessed with youthful beauty, especially for women.

Who are our aging models, our heroes? Not just women aging gracefully, but courageously. Nominations Please!

Margaret Atwood

I nominate Margaret Atwood for her intelligence, biting wit, lovely wrinkles and wild hair.

Margaret Atwood: born 1939, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

I also nominate Maude from the movie Harold & Maude (see photo above) for her feistiness in sticking up for what she believes in, plus I wanna caboose just like hers when I'm 79 :)

Maude is played by Ruth Gordon: born Oct. 30, 1896 in Wollaston, Massachusetts, USA.

In summing up the current Moon Month, we as a Circle have focused upon:

New Moon: Building abundance and identifying our strengths (using the VIA and StrengthsFinder tests.)

Full Moon: Spiraling open to love.

Crone Moon: Aging with pride; flaunting our wrinkles.

What is your #1 Strength? What have you learned about yourself this month and how are you sharing your strengths with the world?

For me: My strength is starting conversations, and asking the hard questions that need to be asked. I find strength in Soul SiStar Power; knowing we are all in this together.

Sheela na Gig

More about the Waning Moon ~ How to tell if the Moon is waning

* Moon on the right, getting bigger every night (waxing). * When the moon is waning, it is fading to the left until there’s no moon remaining. * DOC: waxing moon forms a "D" and the waning moon forms a "C" * Important Note: If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, this process is reversed.

A Waning Moon means the Moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon. This lasts about 14 days and is a time of release, breaking bad habits and endings. It is a time of deep intuition and a time for divination.

The Waning Moon represents the Goddess in her Crone Aspect and we honour Hecate, Morrigan, Baba Yaga, Sheila na Gig, Sibyl or one of the other Crone Goddesses at this time.

Grab a moon calender widget for your website here: CalculatorCat.