Daily Magic: Full Moon in Virgo Blessing

Kathy Crabbe, Full Moon Blessings, 2013, ink & watercolor on paper, 5 x 7”Kathy Crabbe, Full Moon Blessings, 2013, ink & watercolor on paper, 5 x 7”.

Welcome to my newest series of paintings titled Daily Magic: Pictures & Words to Wish Upon. This series is dedicated to Sally.  It will also appear in Susun Weed's new member's only site at www.wisewomanmentor.com where I have been invited to be a mentor columnist as well as exhibit my art in the Goddess Art Gallery. I actually got my start in online teaching at Susun Weed's Wise Woman University where I offered my eClass Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul which is currently being offered on my own site as a self-study program.

The first painting in this series is titled Full Moon Blessings and was painted to honour Mother Moon as she passed through the sign of Virgo a few days ago. My intention with this series is to create a painting a day using magical forms and shapes with the power to make magic happen, to bring form into being, to change the future and to transform the present. It will be a book of:

  • Mystical forms
  • Power sayings
  • Beauty
  • Whimsy
  • Healing
  • Teaching
  • Intention
  • Wishing
  • Truth
  • Knowing
  • Wisdom
  • Ancient wisdom
  • Power
  • Strength
  • Sweetness
  • A Muse
  • Strange

About the Moon in Virgo: Mutable Earth-sign Virgo gets us back to work; it's time to evaluate our harvest, put sweat equity in all our dreams and educate others with all we know and all we intend. Virgo asks us to proceed, not with judgment but with healing; tune up our health, edit our life. Virgos are our natural counselors, healers, and teachers; they evaluate, diagnose and edit with ease. They have finely-tuned minds and nervous-systems, and are acutely aware of the mind-body connection; ideas and facts are their bouquet. They're asked to focus on the harvest, not the weeds.

Excerpted from the We'Moon Datebook.

I'm a Virgo with several planets in the 6th House, the Virgo House (an über Virgo you could say!) and I completely relate to everything above.

ABOUT KATHY Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, educator and writer who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy’s work has been published and shown throughout the world at museum shows, galleries, magazine and books. She maintains a regularly updated blog and a portfolio site. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, classes, creative soul readings and inspirational art infused with a rich background in the arts.

Kathy received intuitive training from English psychic and channel, Adam Higgs and spiritual training from meditation teacher Om (devotee of Sri Chinmoy). She studied yoga with Atma Khalsa and Amanollah Ghahraman, Herbalism with Susun Weed (Green Witch Intensive) and Therapeutic Touch with Joyce Fournier, RN. Kathy received her certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy and has been a lifelong student of astrology through private study and group sessions with Steven Forrest, Patty Davidson, Laura DesJardins and Jeffrey Wolf Green.

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

Museletter: Spring Dee-lites

Full Moon in VirgoMarch 19, 2011 11:10 am pdt

Virgo Goddess. Watercolor on board,
8 x 10 inches © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe.
Full Moon in Virgo ~ Get Ready To:
  • Study, learn, train and organize your compassion into practical action.
  • Learn about medicinal herbs for healing.
  • Delve into the ancient mysteries.
  • Focus on self-improvement.
  • Clean up your act.
  • Renew yourself through play, whimsy and quirky jokes.

**New Moon in Virgo Astro Tips are excerpted from my new ebook: The Zodiac Goddess Playbook ~ chock-full of resources, goddesses, tips, and real life artists discussing their work, and more.

Equinox Musings

"The New Year is not January 1st! The new year is the Spring Equinox which occurs on March 20 (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries by geocentric astrology.
The Spring Equinox is the time to identify the intentions we wish to fulfill during the four seasons. Ideas correctly seeded at the Spring Equinox manifest for a year. During the Summer Solstice, the time has arrived to birth these ideas into recognizable form, like a forming fetus. The Fall Equinox is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess these creations and to weed things out that just are not working. Then the Winter Solstice is the time to enter into deep contemplation to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet." ~ Barbara Hand Clow

Creative Soul Circle BadgeCreative Soul Circle Stuff

This Friday in the Circle I will be meditating and channeling a Shared Focus Meditation for my Moon Musing Group. This particular part of the Circle is currently free, but ONLY until 2:30 pm pdt, March 17, and you're all invited!!

Join the Circle *it's free!

The Shared Focus Meditations are a way for you to stay on track with your intentions within a supportive, lively group of like-minded, spiritual & creative women.

Topics include:

  • Affirmations
  • Blessings
  • Actions
  • Challenges
  • Crystals
  • Creative Soul Card® Guidance

So far this year, we've focused on identifying our strengths using the Strengthsfinder test, building abundance with the help of Kate Walsh, Financial Planner, and protecting our strengths by 'filling the well', ie. spending less time on the computer without an intention or focus.

New in the Forum:

  • Angel Readings (a discussion)
  • What are Your Intuitive Strengths?
  • Marketing Your Art > Online Resources

Recent Comments From Circle SiStars

*110 Soul SiStars Strong so far!*

If you're in the Circle and would like to participate in this Survey let me know ~ you'll have a chance to win Moon Delights .

I like the vibe of the non-structure, the casualness around it.  It is lovely to feel connected to like-minded women on the same path.  The spirituality of the Circle is what is different and unique."

"The musings you offer are awesome, so thought provoking and meant to shake things up, which is ideal in what the Circle has come to hold in meaning for me.

What do you enjoy most about the Creative Soul Circle?

Being able to connect with like-minded soul SiStars

Being able to talk to like-minded women that I know won’t judge me.

I enjoy the sisterhood and celebrating the little and big breakthroughs with those on a similar path.

I love that participants are so honest and open and I can hear what they have to say from deep within which isn’t available to me outside of your website.  I also enjoy the links to other sites through your Website and what I can learn from these also.

What are your favorite activities, places to visit etc?

My favorite group is definitely the moon musing group.

My favorite activity at the moment would have to be the shared focus meditations, especially New Moon and Crone.

Groups and guest contributors.

How often do you check in and what brings you back?

Mostly daily, different posts from people.

Several times a day. I keep coming back to hear what other women are thinking.

Daily when I receive news of new members to our GroupI check in at least 2 times weekly, often been drawn back by an email notification.

What makes this Circle unique?

The members.

That fact that there are women of all ages coming together to discuss topics that matter.

You - Open Ended Tough Questions - Your Warmth - Your Inspiration - Your Motivation - best served by being active within in the community.

Full & Crone Moon Memberships Coming Soon!

"it's like Facebook for Soul SiStars!"
~ Soul SiStar Bethy ~

Museletter: Abundance, Prosperity and Strength (Leo Full Moon Shared Focus Meditation)

This is the FIRST ever Full Moon Shared Focus Meditation I'm hosting and I'm so thrilled to be sharing it with you, my blog readers and my Creative Soul Circle (read more at the bottom of this post). The intent of the Shared Focus Meditation is to bring ALL of us together at a specific moment in time (at the Full Moon) so we can connect, focus upon the Meditation below, and then energetically and spiritually raise power, to walk the talk and BE the change we seek in the world. So, to begin I'd like you to look back at the previous New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 2nd at the  intentions you set for the month ahead. In our previous New Moon Meditation we focused on identifying our strengths to develop an abundant mind set. Discussions ensued in the Circle with awesome input from Kate Walsh, financial planner who specializes in assisting women in developing Prosperity Thinking.

  • How have your New Moon seeds sprouted and flowered?
  • Have you identified your strengths and put them to work to allow abundance and prosperity to flow freely?

Janine. Watercolor on paper, 8 x 10 inches © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe

Leo Full Moon Shared Focus Meditation February  18, 2011 12:36 am pst Synch your watches here.

As I begin this Shared Focus Meditation I sense impatience in the air, alive and energetic, egging me on: GET TO IT, GET ON WITH IT, OPEN YOUR EYES W*I*D*E and so I get right to it and pull a Creative Soul Card®  (to the left) and then I stop and allow the silence to penetrate my soul and I hear angels (blue) and frogs singing.

Creative Soul Affirmation: The more LOVE I allow into my life the more abundant I become ~ the spiral grows and flows infinitely.

Creative Soul Action: Take a few moments to envision that spiral of love and abundance flowing in and out, in and out, like the tides, so that each breath you take forms an ever growing spiral. Breathe in to this spiral IN, OUT...IN, OUT as you connect with your breath and become fully present in your body.

Creative Soul Practice: Spend at least two minutes every day for one week's time practicing the Creative Soul Action above, and remember ~ Power in numbers, SiStars!

Creative Soul Accountability Success Marker: At the end of one week report back to the Creative Soul Circle Shared Focus Meditation Group thread started for the Leo Full Moon to share what happened for you during the week. What changed? What didn't? What synchronicities occurred?

Creative Soul Challenge: If you cannot seem to find the time for a two minute (minimum) daily meditation, then why not? Write about it in your Moon Musing/Creative Soul Journal and then discuss it in our Circle thread so we can comment, offer support AND kick your butt (or bum)!

Creative Soul Request: Janine asks each one of you to envision our Circle and yourself growing in love, strength and abundance with each breath you take, because today each one of us is a winner at heart.

Janine's Song *click to enlarge*

Janine's Song. © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe

Join the Creative Soul Circle

If you'd like to join the Creative Soul Circle, it will be open to ALL women everywhere for FREE at the Spring Equinox (mid March) but in the meantime all my previous clients and students are welcome to test-grow the Circle in preparation for the big day. Also, if you sign up for my Creative Soul Museletter before the upcoming Full Moon on Feb. 18th and email me that you'd like to join the Circle, I'm letting in a few early birds.

Power in numbers Soul SiStars!