New Moon In Capricorn – January 4, 2011
I have been working with the New Moon for many years and have been setting intentions along the way. The New Moon is the best time to plant our seeds of intention for the month ahead and then watch them grown and bloom as Mama Moon waxes to Full.
This month’s New Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign. Capricornian types are cardinal-oriented or leadership-oriented, and they really do like being the boss, often in practical, earthy ways that help build foundations or structures that add meaning and value to our lives, often monetarily. Capricorn also relates to our bones and especially our knees that may give out when we work too hard, have you noticed?
Capricorn Keywords Ambitious, status quo, self-discipline, common sense, logic, patience and self-sufficiency. Capricorn is often associated with paternal figures: landlords, bosses and rules.
The Shadow Side of Capricorn The shadow side of Capricorn relates to workaholism, emotional constriction, sorrow, loneliness, and time-serving.
So, on January 4th when the New Moon enters Capricorn get ready to:
- Ground your intentions in right action in the material world.
- Strengthen your willpower and commitment to purpose.
- Channel your ambitions in accord with your duties.
- Get serious.
More About The Moon Phases The Moon changes signs approximately every 2 ½ days, going through all twelve signs of the Zodiac every 29 ½ days. The sign that the Moon is in reflects qualities of your inner self and being-ness. Each month there is at least one New Moon that will rise at sunrise and set at sunset. Astrologically speaking this means that the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction.
Learning to work in concert with the phases of the Moon is an excellent way to add structure to your life. You are not only connecting with Mother Nature through the Moon’s reflection of the Sun and the Earth, but with human nature and especially with feminine nature who’s natural cycles resemble the Moon’s own.
More Capricorn Stuff Capricorn – The Seagoat Time of Year – Winter Solstice Quality – Cardinal Element – Earth Ruler – Saturn Anatomy – Knees and lower legs Natural sign of – 10th house Opposite sign – Cancer Color – Dark gray, black, brown, slate blue, rich winter earth colors Gemstone – Jet, onyx, quartz, turquoise Tarot card – The Devil Goddesses – All Crones, Kuan Yin, Tiamat, Dam-Kina, Anatu
New Moon in Capricorn With A Twist! To add another level of importance (ahem, we are talking about Capricorns here!) to this New Moon I’m going to share my own tarot related version of The Devil Card (but from my hand painted Creative Soul Guide deck) into the mix.
One way of working with The Devil card is to close your eyes and visualize your own personal Demon or Gremlin standing in front of you and then pretend that you are being grilled by this so-called Being. Start off by asking this Demon what you are meant to learn by facing your shadow-side. Take note of how that question makes you feel and then start taking notes and asking more questions; be as specific as you like.
So here is what The Devil might sound like and keep in mind that this exercise is good practice for getting tuned up for the actual New Moon especially since these questions are going to help you kick start an entire year of intention work!
The Devil’s Questions: It is time now to acknowledge the Capricorn side of your nature and yes, every one of you has Capricorn somewhere in your birth chart.
By resisting me you only make me stronger (and yes, you too, in the process). What things in your life are you resisting right now?
Why are you being so hard on yourself?
Can you accept yourself with all your faults and limitations?
Tell me about your purpose, your foundation, your favorite modes of being creative and what you’re working on right now.
What have you come here to accomplish?
What do you need help with?
Who can help you with these things?
Who is preventing you from accomplishing what you need to?
Who is keeping you on track? Take a moment or two to acknowledge who these helpers are right now and then send them your gratitude from the heart...
In closing: Okay, enough with The Devil, I think you get the picture! Now, when you’re ready to write out your New Moon Intentions you’ll have some good, juicy material to work with. And remember, at the Full Moon you’ll be tracking how these intentions have come to fruition and at the Dark Moon (just before the New Moon) you can release all that is keeping you back from reaching your true potential. It’s time to acknowledge yourself as the unique, creative and special person that you are.
Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide. She empowers women intuitively and creatively through divine feminine e-classes, creative soul circles, soul readings, and online resources. Her background in the arts infuses her work and inspires her clients to live the life of their dreams.
Kathy has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Her art and writing have been published and shown throughout the world at museum shows, galleries, magazines and books. Kathy maintains a blog and website sharing her experiences with both the psychic, intuitive realms and the world of art making.
The artwork featured above is from Kathy’s Goddess Zodiac deck and Creative Soul® deck that she incorporates into her Creative Soul Readings.
Kathy is currently teaching Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul at the Wise Woman University. “Celebrating the lunar cycles is an important part of building a spiritual framework. Each month we can tune into her cycles to keep ourselves on track. At the new moon we plant our intentions for the month ahead, at the full moon we watch them flower, and at the waning moon we release and share our wisdom with the world. As women we are naturally able to resonate with these cycles in deep and meaningful ways.”