Salti & Soft Risk-Taking Along the Divine Feminine Highway

Divine Feminine Power. Acrylic & pastel on masonite, 48 x 48 inches. © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe Not all of us choose to express our emotions on paper or on 2D surfaces, but I do although I'm not a schmoozer, or someone that can dress up my gifts and talents in frilly words and gushing diatribes. I tend to be overly literal and yet metaphorical and I like a bit of mystery and ambiguity too.

But, what I do care about is creating space for you, my dear blog reader to discover your own passions, gifts, talents and dreams. My job is not only to be a Creative Soul Guide, but to be a friend as we travel this Divine Feminine highway together.

Pictured above is a recent painting which I created under the influence of an almost Full Moon in Libra

Salti. Watercolor on paper, 8 x 10 inches © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe. From the Creative Soul Card® Series

"Libra seeks serenity, peace and harmony. She has a gift for relationships of all types. She sits in perfect balance seeing beauty all around her. She is the peaceful mediator seeking justice for all."

This week I'm inspired by Salti (my Creative Soul Card aka 'lefty drawing' of the week) to challenge myself EVERY DAY to be stronger, take risks AND find balance, plus hold myself accountable by blogging about it.

ps. can you tell that the painting to the left was done entirely with my left hand and the one above with my right?

Oakland, CA Leo Artist & Jewelry Designer, Victoria Camp

Leo Artist, Victoria Camp, Robins Egg Bird Nest Ring. © 2010

New Moon in Leo August 9, 2010 8:08 pm pdt

Spotlight on Leo Artist: Victoria Camp Oakland, California Website:

As a Leo artist, there is one word behind my driving force - “create.” Simply put, it’s a vital part of my life and I find it impossible for me to ever stop, no matter what the job or environment I’m in. Leo’s are always finding a new art or craft to try, experimenting with different mediums and art forms and I am no exception! Currently I am attending a fashion design school by day and also working as a jewelry artist from my home. I am finding that my true passion lies within jewelry design, but it is unlikely that I would ever stop learning and taking classes.

One of my key motivators as a Leo is passion, and I feel my emotions very deeply. This passion has helped my artistic side by inspiring me to finish what I have started (or even try something new) and to not “settle” for something less than ideal. I also feel that anything is possible if you have the right attitude and I genuinely enjoy being my own boss and managing all aspects of my business.

I have come to recognize that Leo’s have a keen eye for visual design and composition. As an artist, it is important to me that my work environment be visually organized and decorated in such a manner that won’t prohibit my creativity. When I am designing a piece, the first thing that draws me to create is the color and then the texture of the medium I am working with. I love the smoothness of freshwater pearls, the cut edges of a faceted gemstone, the soft matte finish of a clay flower and not to mention the endless color possibilities while working with clay!

As a tactile Leo by nature, I find that I am always touching the garment and accessories I am wearing. I often create my designs with touchability in mind, including either a type of bead or pendant that feels

Leo Artist victoria camp

intriguing underneath my fingertips. It’s all about the details; I find comfort in creating pieces with tedious detailing and handwork and find immense satisfaction when it is completed.

Leo’s love of luxury has certainly not escaped me! I always work with the best materials I can find within my price point and am picky about the quality standards of my finished pieces. I also enjoy the challenge of taking something “ordinary” and turning it into something wonderful, beautiful, and wearable!

Soul Speak

In process - acrylic & pastel on masonite - 48" x 48"

A new surface today - the rough side of my masonite panel, primed and ready with three coats of house primer.

I've been writing and researching alot for the online course I'll be teaching - trying to determine the outcomes of the course. Perhaps my lunar based course is trying to teach me something; to let go of outcomes. Aren't there enough courses out there that beat that into our heads?

How about a course that seeks to awaken us to our passion, our instincts, our inner knowing, our emotions? I know how easy it is to cut oneself off from these ways of being. Society and the media cannot package and sell these qualities - we must spark and grow them on our own or in cahoots with like-minded souls who now, thanks to the internet are much easier to find.

Today I look at my pure white canvas board and I realize how important it is to be true to myself and to express this truth in all I do. Why, you may ask...Because happiness breeds happiness, passion - passion and joy - joy ... I revel in this fertility.

By picking up a pen, a brush (whatever works for you!) we focus our attention, our minds, upon the other, as we let our soul speak. It's truly amazing how we are able to manipulate our own feelings, change track, or get back on track, fall off track - do we even realize how powerful we are?

I can play our song, create you on canvas and then wash it all away....

"Can't fight the fighter, I keep losing ground and I can't hide the hider with you hanging around." From the song "Run For It" by Delerium

As I press myself into it's surface (the masonite) I leave an imprint from my soul to yours.

"Do you believe in dreams? That's how I found you." From the song "Fallen" by Delerium

Musical Ambiance: Chimera by Delerium

Of gods and angels

Accessing one's inner male, testosterone subverted, not in producing war, violence, hate, but instead passion, love, intensity, driving, pounding, insistent, revolutionary, effecting change, mythical, noble, of gods and angels. "But love is not what you're thinking of" from "Please" by U2.

"If God would send you his angels" ~ U2.

I'm more afraid of lack then of plenty. Curing lack by giving.

Waiting for the painting to speak...telling me what to do next; what direction, what line, what colour, texture, flavour, emotion, it needs to express through me.

Angel wings like fingers, tentacles of fire and water, devouring, engulfing.

Of gods and angels - 3.5' x 3.5' - acrylic & pastel on silk

Wings of strength, like legs.

Musical Ambiance: "Zooropa" by U2 and "Pop" by U2.