All Time Is Now (Happy Yule!)

Dear Moon Muser,

As I write to you (3rd version is the charm) in the complete darkness this morning due to a power outage at the exact moment of starting (a sign!) I just knew I needed to send this version of my museletter to you.

I hold a space for silence and for love lost. Take heart and trust that we CAN do this. We can live and love and grieve, and that it will get better by and by.

I sit upon a throne of bones this Solstice as the power shifts and we all transition, some to the otherworld.

We grieve.
We love.
We trust,
that all time is now,
and that love is forever.

With Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader + Artist

"Café au Lait" Original Painting on Wood

"Café au Lait" Original Painting on Wood

About Kathy

I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist located in sunny Southern California. All things witchy, magickal, creative and inspirational are my tools along with deep insight and healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.

p.s. I just added these sweet l'il hand painted wood slice talismans, ornaments, necklaces and pins to my shop and they're now 10% off just for you thru Dec. 31 with this code at checkout: NEWYEARS

NEW! Winter Solstice Mp3 recording + New Year's Reading + Gift Cards too!

Kitty in love

Kitty in Love painting & necklace by Kathy Crabbe Kitty in Love is my newest commission and is painted with acrylics on reclaimed pine board. It comes with a matching necklace.  My client cried when she first saw it and I take that to be a good sign!  She also suggested I paint more kitties in this style which is quite a bit more realistic than my usual style. I tried to explain that it's just not my thing and that doing so wouldn't be true to my nature.  It got me thinking about how approval-seeking is just not how I, as an artist operate. I must paint first from within, expressing my heart and soul, because that's what it's all about for me. That's also why I paint in so many different styles. It's because it's how I'm feeling on that particular day and it's also most likely just what I needed to hear and see. I think that this quote explains things quite well.

We want you to understand at this moment that eighty percent of what you are doing in your life has been motivated by a need for approval from someone else, or a cultural belief that what you need to do is a certain thing, or by a certain time...How can you be in your own knowing when you are operating from truths that are misaligned to your requirements for growth?  ~ Paul Selig, "I Am The Word"

Please email me if you're interested in commissioning a Pet Portrait. Order a print here.