As I sit in front of my altar for the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 20 with Goddess Freya and my mentor, Francesca De Grandis close by, I contemplate, I channel, I remember and I write.
I need this New Moon Time to re-connect with God/dess, to be with my community and to receive inspiration that I share with all of you.
I don't blog to share my woes, but instead to share glimpses of brilliance, of Faerie, of hope and magick.
Sapphire's Song (to be sung outside to the New Moon)
I am blessed O' Mother
to be here at Your birth
To sing Your name
O Goddess Divine Moon Mama
To sing wooohooo
To be silly AND strong
For Aquarius calls us
to be Trickster AND Divine
We ARE the bridge
to You to You to You.

Creative Soul Guidance and Oracle Card Pick: Now the real work begins
Relax into the flow. It is the time of the Water-bearer (New Moon in Aquarius) although Aquarius is actually an air sign; bringing water and air together which is also what's happening astrologically as Venus and Mercury conjoin in the sky. Love/emotions (water) and thought/communication (air) come together and the air is fragrant with it - what do you smell?
Stay on track with the loves of your life. Who and what are they? Give thanks. Let this love and the love of the Divine wash over you; melt into it; feel your body awash in love and blessings. Don't hold onto it - share it.
Then open your eyes and send that love out through your heart and back into the world and with an open heart and mind, set your intentions for the moonth ahead.
Also, be aware that Mercury Retrograde is coming up on Jan. 21 until Feb. 11 and plan accordingly. There may be delays, miscommunication and set backs so it's a good time to review and revise, not charge full steam ahead.
New Moon in Aquarius Altar (from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook)
- Time of Year – Winter, Imbolc,
- January 20 – February 18
- Quality – Fixed
- Element – Air
- Ruler – Uranus
- Anatomy – Ankles, bloodstream, circulation, shins,
- Natural sign of – 11th house
- Opposite sign – Leo
- Color – Electric blue, turquoise, silver
- Gemstone – Obsidian, opal, sapphire
- Tarot card – The Star
- Goddesses – Feng P’O P’O, Freya, Ix Chel, Nut, Tien-Mu

Calling all Goddesses! if you're in the Temecula, California area on Jan. 16 I've got a New Moon Circle happening at Yoga for Life...more info here.
Coming soon: Divine Feminine eClasses at the Wise Woman University plus New Moon Telecalls.
NEW! My Goddess Zodiac Playbook is now available as a full color hard copy in my Etsy Shop (previously it was only available as a pdf).
Valentine's Cards & Prints freshly added to my Etsy Shop: kitties/doggies/fairies!
Art Show Jan. 27 at Crush & Brew, Temecula, 7-9 pm - I'll be bringing my handpainted books plus goddess paintings and fairy/mermaid/cat/dog prints and cards.
Creative Soul Readings: In person readings are available every Thursday at Gypsy Luv in Pomona or online thru my website.
RAFFLE! Win a Three Month Astrological Timeline Report (12 page pdf), a Natal Chart Wheel pdf and a Goddess Zodiac Greeting Card of your choice along with a Creative Soul Bookmark (via snail mail) - learn more here. I will email the winner on the day of the New Moon.

About Kathy
Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty. She channels New & Full Moon readings every month on her blog at