The Night Speaks: Purple Nightshade Goddess painting

I hadn't painted in a while, but last night I had some time to myself and felt inspired to paint a night Goddess.  I'm also thinking ahead; cause I've got 2 art shows coming up and I'd like to have some brand new Moon Goddess paintings to show off.  When my friend Tony heard about my new painting and it's title "The Night Speaks" he asked if she could perhaps be a Nightshade Fairy or Goddess and methinks she is; her hair matches the wild purple Nightshade growing in my front yard (pictured below). The Night Speaks by Kathy Crabbe

Nightshade Lore: Deadly Nightshade also known as belladonna, is one of the more dangerous herbes of the practitioner. It was Deadly Nightshade which Juliet took as a potion, and brought sorrow and death to herself and was also used to invoke Bellona, and other Goddesses of War..may be used to invoke Circe, and is the appropriate herb to consecrate ritual tools made of lead...may be used in the consecration and charging of onyx. They do well stored together. ~ The Master Book of Herbalism by Paul Beyerl

Deadly Nightshade & Abby-girl

Purchase The Night Speaks (original painting) here.

Kathy Crabbe Creative Soul GuideAbout Kathy Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty. She channels New & Full Moon readings every month on her blog

Kitty in love

Kitty in Love painting & necklace by Kathy Crabbe Kitty in Love is my newest commission and is painted with acrylics on reclaimed pine board. It comes with a matching necklace.  My client cried when she first saw it and I take that to be a good sign!  She also suggested I paint more kitties in this style which is quite a bit more realistic than my usual style. I tried to explain that it's just not my thing and that doing so wouldn't be true to my nature.  It got me thinking about how approval-seeking is just not how I, as an artist operate. I must paint first from within, expressing my heart and soul, because that's what it's all about for me. That's also why I paint in so many different styles. It's because it's how I'm feeling on that particular day and it's also most likely just what I needed to hear and see. I think that this quote explains things quite well.

We want you to understand at this moment that eighty percent of what you are doing in your life has been motivated by a need for approval from someone else, or a cultural belief that what you need to do is a certain thing, or by a certain time...How can you be in your own knowing when you are operating from truths that are misaligned to your requirements for growth?  ~ Paul Selig, "I Am The Word"

Please email me if you're interested in commissioning a Pet Portrait. Order a print here.

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Dad's Day to all fathers everywhere!

Best Friends painting by Kathy Crabbe
Best Friends painting by Kathy Crabbe

The painting above is from my new "Magical Folk Art" series and is called "Best Friends". Enjoy!

Kathy Crabbe author box
Kathy Crabbe author box


I am a self taught intuitive artist currently living and working in the desert valley of Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest. I live in a home created by my husband that we share with our cat and dog, Abby and Spartacus. Gnomes, aliens and fairies have also been spotted here. I’ve been drawing since age two and giving intuitive soul readings since 2008.

Handpainting a new sign (banner) on pine board (Shabby Chic-esque!)

I've been painting my new line of Magical Folk Art on old pieces of pine board cut to size by my husband and figured I'd create a new sign for my website, online shop, art booth, etc. I always like to update the graphics for my work when I start in on a new style and my new work fits the Shabby Chic theme quite well - hope you enjoy it! Kathy Crabbe handpainted sign & banner

Kathy Crabbe handpainted sign & banner

banner 72

Kathy Crabbe handpainted sign & bannerKathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul BannerABOUT KATHY CRABBE

I am a self taught intuitive artist currently living and working in the desert valley of Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest. I live in a home created by my husband that we share with our cat and dog, Abby and Spartacus. Gnomes, aliens and fairies have also been spotted here. I’ve been drawing since age two and giving intuitive soul readings since 2008.

Painting Persephone

Why Persephone? Why now?

47 years ago I was adopted. When I was 27 I finally met my birth mother who I am now very close to. In the past year she has been fighting pancreatic cancer and so I feel a deep desire to dive deeply into the well with her by exploring the longest running mother/daughter myth there is; the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone.

Sally, Kathy & friend - Solstice CelebrationSally, Me & Carol ~ Solstice Celebration

I'm interested in the pre-patriarchal version of the myth; the one where Persephone (the daughter) willingly ventures into the Underworld to help lost souls cross over to the Other Side. Her mother (Demeter) agrees to this, but in mourning Persephone, she turns summer into winter and the land becomes barren until Persephone returns in the Spring.

The myth re-enacts the cycle of birth/death/rebirth on a yearly basis; this is a natural part of life, but not one that our society accepts or understands in a conscious way. We are afraid of death and dying and what happens next. I do know that our souls do not die. Part of my work as a Creative Soul Guide is to venture into the Other World; the world below and to communicate with the Ancestors. To me, this is one of the most amazing and wondrous discoveries that I have every made.

I had taken a break from mediumship for a few years, but when my birth mom's battle heated up this past year I felt a strong pull to connect again with the departed; partly to reassure myself that yes, our souls do live on, and because I wanted to offer this service and this reassurance to others who are searching for contact from the beyond. I started re-connecting with my own ancestors each morning during meditation where they lovingly surround me. I have always known that we do not die; it's nothing provable or scientific, just a deep feeling of knowing-ness that is hard to explain.

So, when I ventured back into painting my large 4 x 4 foot acrylics on canvas, I knew things had to change, because I had changed. Persephone had entered my life and I was consciously channeling her every morning in conjunction with pulling a Rune. I started the painting in my usual abstract manner, but I had to stop; I was un-satisfied with the process and so I called upon Persephone for help.

It was time to paint in a way I'd never painted before...not from my own ego-self, but allowing Persephone to channel through me. At each step along the way I would stop, hold the Rune and consult with Her; not forcing things, but allowing Her guidance to come through and help me envision what I must do next.

Here are my notes from that session:

algiz - protection Persephone Rune Readings by Kathy CrabbeTo begin I pulled a Rune and called upon Persephone for help. I was told to envision myself in a cave painting on the walls. What would I paint? I would paint, not to serve myself, but Her and so I listened.

Then I painted white gesso over top of what I'd painted earlier, so that only a faint outline remained of a face and two circles.

Then, while holding the Rune I was guided to draw on the canvas with a big, thick piece of lead pencil WITHOUT LOOKING. When I opened my eyes I felt like filling in this shape with light ultramarine blue, but I didn't have enough so I painted it turquoise pearl instead.

And then Her face appeared and She was blood-red.

Next came the black, jagged tears, like wisps of dark ghosts underground (or spears).

Painting Persephone by Kathy Crabbe

This painting is for all the girls and women who are victims of sexual assault, just as Persephone was in the patriarchal version of Her myth. Victims such as 17 year old Rehtaeh Parsons who recently killed herself after being raped and videotaped by 4 young men in Nova Scotia and the 70 victims of sexual assault stemming from a phone prankster who pretended to be a police officer as depicted in the dark and disturbing 2012 movie, Compliance.

And I ask myself, "What can I do? What can we do, as a culture"?

It's time to be truthful. It's time to face Hard Truths about how the denigration of women and the Goddess directly relates to the rape and destruction of this planet. We need to ask ourselves, "How do I contribute to this madness and how can We stop it and stand up for Our Truth as women and Goddess?"

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

If you are interested in purchasing a Persephone Reading or an Ancestor Reading please click here.