A Critical Assessment: Virgo Full Moon Vibes Feb. 19-21

Here on the blog, I’ll be sharing a spirit animal painting and message from my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck picked especially for the zodiac sign that Mama Moon is currently transiting. Enjoy!

This is an excerpt from my paid subscription service: Daily Moon Vibes

Three Subscription Options
(One time fees - not recurring)

$10 - 1 Month Subscription
$50 - 6 Month Subscription
$199 - Deluxe 3 Month Subscription (valued at $285)

Get Inspired ~ Stay On Track
with Daily Moon Vibes
Every 2-3 days Mama Moon cycles through all 12 signs of the zodiac. I'll be sharing moon transits and insights based upon my intuitive analysis of 7-14 moon, star and planetary transits plus the sabian symbols for the Sun, Moon, North Node and Chiron along with oracle card wisdom, affirmations and medicine from my Elfin Ally Oracle deck.

”Pink Puss”
from the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck

by Kathy Crabbe
Available in Spring 2019

Click here to purchase the original “Pink Puss” oracle painting.
Hand signed Limited Release
Prints are available from Feb. 16-March 1, midnight.

Looking for Guidance?
Astrology Reports can help.

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So spookily accurate! ~ Renée Starr, Lunar Priestess, Author

I love these lunar updates! ~ Jenny Dumont, Author, Jeweler

Thank you! Definitely needed this reminder. Things have been a little crazy around here but they seem to be lining upI really love how simple these are to read. Very positive and motivational. ~ Venus Black

This is incredibly word for word accurate! ~ Heather Marie

I am seriously loving your posts in our group. Your daily blog is different from the rest and definitely stands out. Less is definitely more in your case. We get the reading without the unnecessary fluff. It makes for a pleasant addition to my morning coffee routine. Thank you so much! ~ Venus

“Wow! This is so accurate for me.” ~ Sheri Chen

“This most recent New Moon reading is helping to keep me sane right now, and I am grateful for this bit of support. Thank you for harnessing the wisdom of La Luna and sharing it amongst us like warm, buttery, star-shaped cookies that sweeten and nourish our lives and spirits. Much love.” <3 Rosemary

About Kathy Crabbe

I believe in dreams, creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken intuition, creativity and joy no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’m here to share that magick with you.

Click here for the magickal tools you'll need to navigate these often crazy times.

Click here for my New Moon Museletter (free New and Full Moon Vibes.)

With Luv and Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe, (Feb. 16, 2019)

Claudine loves the Leftys: Ms. Kitten in particular!

Ms Kitten by Kathy Crabbe

Ms Kitten by Kathy Crabbe

Claudine was the recent winner of my Museletter Raffle for a Lefty Print and she chose Ms. Kitten is stylishly smitten

I love it! It reminds me that life is not a dress rehearsal. It also reminds me of things my extremely supportive mother has said to me all of my life: "dress to impress and charm them to no end!...they will be smitten with you kitten!", and just as my mother is always, always, always stylish in her silk scarves and beautiful dresses everyday, this is the perfect art piece for me! Looking forward to receiving it. ~ Claudine Song, Scottsdale, Arizona


Kathy Crabbe is an artist and soul reader who explores universal and timeless themes such as spirituality, healing, humor and love through her work.

Kathy's art and guidance radiates healing energy that connects us with our soul’s essence and guides us toward the infinite source of love and wisdom that we each hold within.

“By sharing my art and my creative life in as many ways as possible I hope to inspire and offer resources to others who seek to awaken, connect and heal their own creative soul.”

Kitty in love

Kitty in Love painting & necklace by Kathy Crabbe Kitty in Love is my newest commission and is painted with acrylics on reclaimed pine board. It comes with a matching necklace.  My client cried when she first saw it and I take that to be a good sign!  She also suggested I paint more kitties in this style which is quite a bit more realistic than my usual style. I tried to explain that it's just not my thing and that doing so wouldn't be true to my nature.  It got me thinking about how approval-seeking is just not how I, as an artist operate. I must paint first from within, expressing my heart and soul, because that's what it's all about for me. That's also why I paint in so many different styles. It's because it's how I'm feeling on that particular day and it's also most likely just what I needed to hear and see. I think that this quote explains things quite well.

We want you to understand at this moment that eighty percent of what you are doing in your life has been motivated by a need for approval from someone else, or a cultural belief that what you need to do is a certain thing, or by a certain time...How can you be in your own knowing when you are operating from truths that are misaligned to your requirements for growth?  ~ Paul Selig, "I Am The Word"

Please email me if you're interested in commissioning a Pet Portrait. Order a print here.

Cats are wonderful friends ~ What to do when you lose a pet

Cats are Wonderful Friends

Gentle eyes that see so much, paws that have the quiet touch, Purrs to signal "all is well" and show more love than words could tell. Graceful movements touched with pride, a calming presence by our side A friendship that takes time to grow Small wonder why we love them so.

Author Unknown

cat painting in watercolor by artist Kathy Crabbe

When you lose your cat ~ What can you do to feel better?

There is no magic pill that can remove the pain completely. With time the feelings will become less intense. However there are activities that may help you to focus on the happy memories you shared. Some people find the following useful:

* Writing poetry or a letter for your cat to express your feelings for him or her. * Arrange photos in a special album. * A memorial page on the web (if you don’t have a web page of your own, there are specific sites that welcome photos and poetry to memorialise your cat). * Joining a email group – there are several that provide support from people who have also lost their cats. * Have your own ritual. Invite like-minded and supportive people to share in memories of your cat. * Plant a rose or tree for your cat. * Sponsor an animal in the zoo in memory of your cat. * Read a self-help book. There are many available on grieving. * If your grief is overwhelming and causes major disruption to your daily life over a long time, consider seeking help. There are counsellors and psychotherapists who are sensitive to the needs of people who are grieving for their pets. However ensure that they have the same qualifications you would expect for grief counselling for humans (eg psychologist, social worker, counsellor of professional association).

Excerpted from Cats of Australia

Art above is from CreativeSoulGuides.com ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Guiding Your Creative Soul

Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.