New Moon in Cancer
July 11, 2010
12:40 pm pdt
This month the New Moon enters the watery, cardinal sign of Cancer, the crab. During your New Moon Meditation allow yourself to sink deep, deep into the watery depths of Cancerian emotion as you connect with your family, your roots and your heritage. Trust that you are safe and protected here in this watery playground, as you allow your feelings to guide you where they will, knowing and accepting that all is well in your world and that your emotional wise woman wisdom is taking you exactly where you need to go.
Total Solar Eclipse
12:34 pm pdt
This eclipse falls in the sign of Cancer, which means it shows us our shadow in the area of emotions, feelings and our inner life. The funny thing is, this is a solar eclipse, so it’s marked by an external, real-world event (unlike a lunar eclipse, which is mostly experienced internally). So during this eclipse our inner life may be symbolized in the outside world by a physical event. The eclipse may also stimulate events in Cancerian arenas, such as family (meaning both the family you grow up with and the family you create as an adult), the home or private sphere and one’s emotional life. This eclipse is total, so it is likely to have a stronger effect on those it touches than the other eclipses this year. ~ Kindly Excerpted from the We'Moon Datebook
On July 11 when the New Moon enters Cancer get ready to:
- Be quietly at home with your family.
- Protect your home as if it was a sacred temple.
- Ease your fears and reconnect with your true feelings.
- Feel compassion for all living things.
- Write a letter to your mother telling her how you feel and thanking her for doing the best she could, no matter what.
- List 3 things your mother taught you that you wish to pass on down the line.
More About Cancer – The Crab
Time of Year – June 21 – July 21, Summer Solstice
Quality – Cardinal
Element – Water
Planetary Ruler – The Moon
Anatomy – Breasts, stomach
Natural Sign of – 4th House
Color – Iridescences, silvery blue, smoky grey, white
Gemstone – Moonstone, pearl
Tarot Card – The Chariot
Goddesses – Circe, Isis, Mama Cocha, Tien Hou
Introducing The Moon Muses
The Moon Muses are intuitive guides and question askers that offer insight and wisdom along with exercises to heal and inspire you. They are creative leap takers forming a glowing moonlit bridge between your rational self and your higher self, a self that dwells in pure intuition, clairvoyance (clear seeing), meditative reflection and dreaming. This month you will meet Pearl, a Gemstone Guide and a Lefty Oracle Muse by the name of Cathann. I encourage all of you to create a Moon Musing Journal to record your monthly moon explorations and creative longings (more about this in my eCourse, Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul).

A Message from Pearl
Pearl asks you to swim deep, deep into the subconscious realms so that you can ask yourself these questions: “How can I heal my wounds, my roots, my core, my soul’s pain that cries out in deep of night; a long, dark, low howling of misery and longing. How can I heal my wounds?”
How can you put your healing into action today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? Name 3 things you could do to start taking that step.
Allow Pearl to help you by wearing, holding or envisioning her and then thanking Pearl for being your faithful friend and guide.
Cancer Affirmations
I care deeply for others.
I see the wounded child within us all.
I teach others how to care and wash their wounds.
I am sensitive and receptive.
I am safe and protected.
My home is my heart.

My Version of Cancer – Cathann Doin’ the Somnambulist Twist
"Cathann" is part of a series of 500 or so left-handed (my non-dominant hand!) drawings I created over a period of five years. These drawings were later turned into an oracle card deck that I use for giving Soul Readings.
Cathann has appeared to remind all of us to take charge of our dreams.
So remember:
You are needed.
You are safe.
You are guided.
Now take a moment to feel the warmth of your own heart beating, for you are loved and don’t you ever forget it.
I am currently teaching Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul at the Wise Woman University. “Celebrating the lunar cycles is an important part of building a spiritual framework. Each month we can tune into her cycles to keep ourselves on track. At the new moon we plant our intentions for the month ahead, at the full moon we watch them flower, and at the waning moon we release and share our wisdom with the world. As women we are naturally able to resonate with these cycles in deep and meaningful ways.
You can order prints of the artwork featured above by clicking the link.