Season of Plenty

Kathy Crabbe, Season of Plenty, 2014, watercolor on paper, 8 x 11”. Check for available cards, prints and originals at

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy's intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Creative Soul Essence Portraits ~ a true gift for your sacred self:

 “Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again." ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth Founder

http://CreativeSoulGuides.comYour Creative Soul BannerKathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.



Entering the Light

Persephone AltarAnd again I face my Persephone Painting (the big one) and decide to create a smaller version before going any further (a linoblock print is next). And again I pull a Norse Rune to help me connect with Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld.

Channeling Persephone ~ A Ghostly Taleansuz - A God, Mouth

Persephone: "Meet me in the Circle" (there are ghosts everywhere), but we go deeper and deeper into the center, which is blood-red.

Persephone hands me a sphere also colored blood-red. "Drink, drink," she says and so I do and the sphere empties of colour and glows clear. "Now, you are one of us. You can see/hear/feel everything down here."

She puts a paintbrush in my hand and I'm back in the cave, as before, waiting to be guided to what I need to do. Persephone helps me stay focused on my purpose and not get distracted.

Me: (I realize this is how I like to work). A sunflower lights my way and I hold it with one hand and ask the dark spirits what to draw.

Dark Spirits: Go on.

Persephone: Your way is lit, your eyes shine through mine. March on, march on, march on.

Me: I see endless trails of white leading to souls; unhappy, trapped.

Persephone: Be with them, reassure them, show them the light - the source. Hold up your sphere. The sunflowers light your way.

And then, like a vacuum cleaner, or a moth to a flame, the soul's eyes open and they are sucked up and into the light by force of their will and their desire to be One with Source.

Me: What am I?

Persephone: You are the witness.

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

If you are interested in purchasing a Persephone Reading or an Ancestor Reading please click here.

Enter Goddess No. 1 or How to dream a new reality

Kathy Crabbe, Goddess No. 1, 2012, acrylic, charcoal & pastel on canvas, 48 x 48” I can feel a new series of paintings coming on and as usual, the idea came to me at a low point when I needed it the most. After a very dark conversation with a good friend I penned an equally dark blog post, then after 24 hours I realized that it didn't even sound like me so I nixed it and began to go deeper.

As I sat and stared at my current painting in progress I asked for a vision and then I meditated. Next, I found myself in a swirling, milky green crystal where I encountered a fire spirit and so I dallied a while and when I came to I had the idea for a new series to be called: The Lost Goddess Series and of course my last painting (see below) just had to Goddess No. 1

Connecting with the fire spirit reminded me of all the work I've done in the psychic realms and as a Creative Soul Guide and teacher of the eClass, Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul and it made me wonder why I had not brought these 2 realms together in my new work. And when I asked that question, POOF everything fell into place and it made sense why this last painting had a female face within it.

I am hoping to commune further with this Goddess to see if she will tell me her name and what kind of magical qualities she has, so stay tuned!

My Facebook friends suggested these names for her: Egyptian Pagan Alien Samurai TimePiece Silent Dancer Horns of the Moon Torn Coatlicue Gently Rising Inner Currents Trip to the dentist

*This painting is available for purchase, please email Kathy Crabbe for more info*

Notes from The Seth Material

Subjectively speaking, you are everywhere surrounded by your own greater reality, but you do not look in the right places. You have been taught not to trust your feelings, your dreams, or your imagination precisely because these do not fit the accepted reality of facts.

They are the creator of facts, however. In no way do I mean to demean the intellect. It is here, however, that the tyranny of the fact world holds greatest sway. The intellect has been denied its wings. Its field of activity has been limited because you have given it only facts to go on.

Each event of your life is contained within each other event. In the same way, each lifetime is contained in each other lifetime. The feeling of reality is "truer" then in the dream state. You can become consciously aware of your own dreaming. You can also allow your "dream self" greater expression in the waking state. This can be done through techniques that are largely connected with creativity.

Creativity connects waking and dreaming reality, and is in itself a threshold in which the waking and dreaming selves merge to form constructs that belong equally to each reality. You cannot begin to understand how you form the physcial events of your lives unless you understand the connection between creativity, dreams, play, and those events that form your waking hours. In one respect dreams are a kind of structured unconsious play. Your mind dreams in joyful pleasure at using itself, freed from the concerns of practical living. Dreams are the minds' free play. The spontaneous activity, however, is at the same time training in the art of forming practical events.

From The Nature of The Psyche, A Seth Book by Jane Roberts


A Spirit Guide Reading for Holli

About Spirit Guide Readings:

Spirit Guides are wise teachers and guardians from another dimension that advise and protect us. They are dis-incarnate spirits (ie. animal totems, angels, nature spirits) that can act as spiritual counselors or protectors for us, during our time of need. I will also provide you with suggestions and techniques for connecting to your guides on your own. You can order a spirit guide reading here on my website.

A Spirit Guide Reading for Holli

*This reading is being shared with client permission.

This reading is in response to your wish for a connection with your spirit guides.

The first image I receive is of tigers!

The Tiger as your personal totem has this meaning: Tigers are considered to represent yang energy, and are also a solar animal which associates them with the sun, summer and fire symbolism.

Asian lore considers the tiger to be the protector of the dead, and tigers will often be seen in graves as a mark of protection, assuring peace for those who have passed.

I am also drawn towards working with banded gemstones for your reading such as Tiger’s Eye and Petrified Wood.

Petrified Wood allows us to access our roots or beginnings, which are stored on a cellular level, drawing strength and knowledge from our ancestors and our lineage. This allows us to “speak” to those who went before and gain wisdom from them. Honour where you have been, release the old, and allow yourself to move forward in a new direction.

At first your guides are very suspicious and protective of you – they want to make sure that my intentions are pure and honourable before I am able to connect with them!

An Exercise to Help You Connect with Your Guides

Next, they suggest an exercise that will help you to connect with them more easily. They suggest creating a circle of stones by surrounding yourself with yellow gemstones such as Calcite. This can be done literally or through visualization. To begin you are to get comfortable within this circle and to remain calm and centered.

Yellow Calcite promotes heightened awareness and truth. It encourages certainty and sureness, memory enhancement and quick thinking.

You are to realize that you are indeed protected here. You can also say some prayers as well as acknowledging the elements, earth, air, fire, water, your ancestors and The Great Spirit along with Grandmother Earth and Grandfather Sky. Nothing can harm you within this circle – you are safe.

Next, you are to ask to connect with your guides and to say: “Show yourself, send me a sign.” I am now seeing a long line of guides waiting to see you!

First I see a mother holding her baby. She is very warm, loving and nurturing. She is there for you – you are always a part of her and you like to watch her caring for her little one.

Next I see a Native American dancer wearing a wolf head (or it could be a coyote head). I also hear the name “Raymond”. He offers you protection as well.

The Wolf as Totem has this particular meaning: Deeply emotional, and wholly passionate, the Wolf is the lover of the zodiac in both the physical and philosophical sense of the word. The Wolf understands that all we need is love, and is fully capable of providing it. Juxtaposed with his/her fierce independence – this Native American animal symbol is a bit of a contradiction in terms. Needing his/her freedom, yet still being quite gentle and compassionate – we get the picture of the "lone wolf" with this sign. In a nurturing environment the Wolf is intensely passionate, generous, deeply affectionate, and gentle. Left to his/her own devices the Wolf can become impractical, recalcitrant, obsessive, and vindictive.

I also see someone in a cloud. I believe it’s an Angel – she is so glorious! I can only feel her energy (not really see her) and she is so bright (I catch glimpses of yellow) that it brings tears of joy to my eyes. She shines Grace upon you. And she says to you, “Listen to your heart (of course) and your guides. Then lie down beneath a blanket of stars and let the stars infiltrate your being so that you are one with them. Then you will fly and be free. There is much good for you to do in this world and although you may feel unsupported, we are here.”

I’m also given an image of a red hand-knit sweater that is quite small, as if it was meant for a child. This sweater is some sort of talisman for you. You are also a fierce protector yourself.

Next I pull a card for you from my Lefty Oracle Deck and it is called “Crazee Janice dancing as fast as she can”.

Because the Lefty cards were all drawn with my non-dominant left hand, the ‘intuitive’ hand (controlled by the right brain) they do not come with any kind of written interpretation. That part is up to you, so go with your intuition and trust whatever images, thoughts or feeling come up. It’s time to trust yourself and put your intuition to work – go!

I do believe that this card is indicating that you are in the middle of a whirlwind of events right now and you’re just doing your best to stay sane and catch up, but to know that this too will pass, so stay the course - ’steady as she goes’!

You will grow into your role and your uncertainty will turn to grace and strength and grounded-ness for you have touched the Divine and you know your place here on Earth - thus you are free.

I’m ending your reading by sending you a blessing and a prayer and surrounding you with light, love and quiet, fierce knowing.

Holli's Response: Yes I received the reading. Thank you :) It resonated with me strongly. My mother died when I was four so the first person coming through being a mother wasn't too much of a surprise. My name is actually Scottish not Indian, but I have begun to have more of a focus o nature/pagan spirituality so it was nice to see an Indian. I have also been focusing lately on how to communicate better with them. It seems that I have been asking for a sign, and just not getting it, so the message of how to communicate with them certainly was an answer to that question. I still am not seeing the signs from them, but I am going to keep trying :)

I just found it fascinating that you had an interest in the images as tarot-type cards - that thought had not even crossed my mind - so thanks for thinking of it!

If you are interested in purchasing a Spirit Guide Reading please click on the link to find out more.

A Past Life Reading

What is a Past Life Reading? This combination astrology and soul reading will help you gain a better understanding of who you are so that you can maximize your potential and natural abilities to the utmost of your ability. Real growth comes from understanding and transforming behavior patterns so that you can challenge yourself to develop in new and exciting ways based upon a knowledge of your past lives.

Your past life reading will also include an examination of the north and south nodes of the Moon in your birth chart. The Moon rules your feelings, moods, and emotional body. It is the most important planet in your chart from a karmic/past life perspective and will help you understand your karmic mission for this lifetime based upon your past lives. Your reading will explore:

• two to three major past lives • the location in the world in which you were born and lived • information about your gender and appearance • your important experiences and relationships • talents or abilities you cultivated • your ethical and spiritual development • major lessons you learned

Sample of a Past Life Reading *Reprinted with client permission

I will begin your past life reading by taking a look at several of your past lives based upon a psychic/soul reading of your past life energy.

- The first vision I get is of you as a little girl on a farm. You are happy, but then the nightmare begins. This nightmare will repeat itself again and again until you understand it. You even have a desire to take your own life. - I do see you growing up into a tall, slim, long haired, blond woman.

- It is the early 1900’s in Sweden and your name is also ‘Aubrey.’

- I hear you asking (back then), “but what options did I have as a woman?”

- So you became a poet and you write and heal in your own sort of ivory tower.

- The words, ‘clench and unclench’ come to mind.

- I see you having a little girl and she becomes a teacher.

Life Lesson: Your lesson in this lifetime was to heal yourself, and others, and pass on the healing through generations of women after you.

Lifetime Two

- In the second lifetime I tapped into I see you as a little, scruffy, black haired farm boy, swatting at black and white cattle with a branch/switch.

- You grow up in Italy and become a gentle and suave man.

- You have a good understanding of women, but you also have a bit of a cruel streak.

- In business you are ruthless, you like trading, and you like guns.

- You are not a playboy. You are in love with a beautiful blonde.

- You have children and you are successful.

- The time is the 1930’s.

Life Lesson: Your lesson in this lifetime was one of pleasure. You weren’t too deep, but you were steady and true.

Lifetime Three

- In the third lifetime I tap into I see you as a very, very old and wise woman.

- The name ‘Matilda Jones’ crops up.

- I see you alone in the woods, very mysterious.

- I also see you in Russia in the Black Forest, as a sort of gypsy.

- You are taking your place in a long line of healers, and healing in mysterious ways.

Life Lesson: Your lesson in this lifetime was to trust in answers that mysteriously appeared.

Part 2 - An Astrological Analysis of the Nodes of the Moon in your Natal (Birth) Chart

Your Karmic Mission based upon past lives – Why are you here? (The Nodes of the Moon)

In astrology, the Moon rules our feelings, our moods, and our emotional bodies. It is the most important planet in our chart from a karmic/past life perspective. An analysis of the North and South Nodes of the Moon will help you better understand your Karmic Mission for this lifetime based upon your past lives.

Your North Node is in Libra in the 3rd House (the Gemini House) - Your present life. Your South Node is in Aries in the 9th House (the Sagittarian House) - Your past lives.

Libra North Node:

Attributes to Develop:

- Cooperation - Diplomacy - Increasing awareness of others’ needs - Creating win/win situations - Sharing

Tendencies to Leave Behind:

- Impulsiveness - Thoughtless self-assertion - Self-centeredness - Lack of good judgement regarding money - Outbursts of anger

With a Libra North Node you need to be aware of selfishness because it is a bottomless pit – no one else can fulfill your needs for you. Satisfaction lies in connecting with people who see you for what you are. When you support others unselfishly that energy will eventually come back to you and help you create the kind of situation you really want. You also need to watch out for an un-ending search for independence.

Accomplishments and independence will not make you feel complete.

You could be a fantastic counselor, diplomat and peacemaker because you have the gift of clearly seeing and communicating mutual understanding between people. You could also excel in fields involving beauty and art. You would make a great entertainer or public speaker as long as your goal is to uplift, energize and bring confidence to your audience. Any profession in which you play a supporting role will be successful for you.

You have past life gifts of independence and leadership and you can use these gifts of self-confidence as a tool for peacemaking and helping establish justice for others. However, if you pursue professions that have your own independence as the aim, you may become dissatisfied and feel you have never reached your goal. When you use your strong self-identity to support others, you gain a sense of inner satisfaction and completion.

You had many past lives as a warrior where your entire focus had to be on keeping yourself alive and this has made you quite competitive and goal oriented. In the process you may have lost touch with love and the ability to work with other people, but this lifetime is all about partnership and there will be plenty of opportunities to get it right! You also might have an exaggerated survival urge and a “me versus you” mentality. It’s all you’ve known. But this is not a warrior lifetime, no one is out to destroy you or take things away from you. You need to realize you have comrades on all sides. Your job in this lifetime is to help others win battles, and in doing so, you win.

Healing Affirmations:

- “When I focus on supporting others, I feel confident.” - “When the team is successful, I win.” - “When I share with others, I have more.”

North Node in the 3rd House (the Gemini House):

Attributes to develop:

- Healthy curiosity - Asking questions to learn how others think - Seeing both sides of a situation - Tact - A positive approach to life and other people - Purposely cheering others up

Tendencies to leave behind:

- Self-righteousness - Thinking one knows what others are saying without really listening - Needing to be right - Careless spontaneity - Resisting ideas that are foreign to one’s belief system.

There is a need for you to release any kind of preoccupation you may have with the absolute Truth. What’s important is learning how to relate to people as they are, listening to them and learning from them. What you really want, is to be completely free to pursue Truth, have adventures, be spontaneous and be right 100 percent of the time. You want to speak completely from your Truth and your intuitive process and to have everyone understand you, learn from you and appreciate your help. To attain this goal you must stop focusing on “your Truth” and begin to focus on the people around you. You have the ability (when you listen) to tune in to the specific thought processes of others and supply information that allows others to view problems from an expanded perspective. Selling, writing, teaching and communicating in all forms can bring you happiness as well as prosperity. You will also have gifts in the areas of philosophy and religion and an innate awareness of ethics and morality.

You can use your spiritual and intuitive awareness to understand the thinking of others. However, if you involve yourself professionally in the pursuit of Truth or religion as a final aim, you may ultimately feel isolated. You are better off when you use your natural talents to deeply connect with others on a day-to-day basis.

This lifetime is all about bringing your vision into reality. You must express that vision in a way that the world understands and when it does ‘get it’ you must accept respect for your success. You need to stay on track and leave behind insecurity, taking shortcuts, aloofness and a sense of isolation. Your South Node in Sagittarius (opposite sign of Gemini) means you spent many lifetimes pursuing Truth on your own – as a wandering nomad in the desert, as a hermit, nun, priest, philosopher or monk. Because you sought Truth, spirituality, ethics and enlightenment above all else, you neglected society and human relationships. Due to the isolation and loneliness of your past lives you may have a hard time communicating with others in this lifetime.

The challenge in this lifetime is learning to value communication as a vehicle for curiosity as well as welcoming input from others. Sometimes you may appear combative, and others will resist you. There is a need for you to recognize that it is your presentation they are resisting and not necessarily your point of view. The real challenge in this lifetime is rejoining society so that you can learn how best to connect with others and share your Truth.

Healing Affirmations:

- “This is a people oriented lifetime.” - “When I am willing to listen, tune in and connect with others I win.” - “When I tune in to how others think, I know what to say.” - “If I don’t understand, it’s okay to ask questions.”

If you are interested in booking a past life reading you can do so here.