New Moon in Sagittarius Goddess Blessings To All*

*This is an example of the private Forecast Video and Blog that accompanies my Divine Feminine eClass.

Goddess Blessings from me and my Zodiac Goddess Power Deck to energize and inspire you for this fiery, adventurous New Moon in Sagittarius taking place on Dec. 14 at 8:17 am PST accompanied by a Total Solar Eclipse at 8:15 am PST. To receive a Full Video Reading + Moon Chart please sign up for my eClass here.

Sagittarius New Moon Goddesses

Sagittarius Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Sagittarius Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Sagittarius – The Archer

Time of Year – November 21 – December 21
Quality – Mutable
Element – Fire
Planetary Ruler – Jupiter
Anatomy – Hips, liver, thighs
Natural Sign of – 9th house
Color – Dark blue, pale green, purple
Gemstone – Obsidian, silica, turquoise
Tarot Card – Temperance
Goddesses - Artemis, Diana, Callisto, Sarasvati, Marichi, Cerridwen

Sagittarius Meditation

In Sag’s truth my fears dissipate and
my dreams open to expand us all.

Sagittarius Affirmations

  • I stretch my horizons to envision the big big picture

  • I see the glorious possibilities in everything

  • I am free of all restrictions

  • I inhale optimism, courage and speed

  • I trust in life

  • I am lucky

  • My courage protects me and my sisters and brothers

The Quest Begins:

- Seek new horizons
- Explore worlds without maps
- Quest!
- Be outrageous
- Look to the future
- Seek freedom from all oppression

I Paint Sagittarius

Channeling Sag energy allowed me to trust in life and to leap before looking knowing that I am safe. When I seek truth I know Sag energy.  Sag teaches us how to uplift our spirit, teach others, and carry the truth within opening us all to other realities.  We must heal the artist, the creator, and the dreamer within. To create is to release ourselves into the flow of life. We trust that in freely expressing ourselves that we are doing it for everyone, because we realize that each one of us is a Creator. 

In my Sagittarius painting I have depicted a third eye that explodes into flames. This mystical, visionary opening allows me to connect with my higher purpose, guiding the way for all humanity.

Artemis by Kathy Crabbe

Artemis by Kathy Crabbe

Sagittarius Goddess ~ Artemis

Artemis, Artemis,
Goddess of the wood
You are bows and arrows, death and birth
Midnight revels and pregnant mirth.
Wild woman, child, hunter of beast,
We find our true self when we dance at your feast.

Artemis is the virgin moon-goddess roaming the forest with her band of nymphs, bearing the bow and quiver, avoiding men and killing any male who looks upon her. She was also known as the many-breasted Artemis of Ephesus, a symbol of fecundity. As the warlike Artemis she is said to have been the special goddess of the Amazons.

Sarasvati by Kathy Crabbe

Sarasvati by Kathy Crabbe


Every Hindu god needs a Shakti or enlivening female force to function so Brahma, the creator needed Sarasvati for the world to come into being. She is both the water goddess - part of a trinity including Ganga and Yamuna and the goddess of eloquence which pours forth like a flooding river. She is the inventor of all the arts and sciences, patron of all intellectual endeavours and the prototype of the artist. She invented writing to record the songs she inspired and created music so her beauty could be praised. In her identity as Vach, goddess of speech, she caused all words to come into being.

About Kathy Crabbe

Forecast-by Kathy Crabbe

I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist located in sunny Southern California.

I work with 5 hand painted, self published oracle decks & I paint kitty portraits too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are my tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. I teach a Moon eClass at Wise Woman School and I write and illustrate for Witches & Pagans and SageWoman Magazine. In business since 1993 I’m an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition.

My eclass Begins Dec. 14

New Moon in Libra Soul Reading

Every Moonday I share a Soul Reading Video + Blog to help you resonate with the coming week. This week there is also a Libra New Moon on Friday, October 16 at 12:31 pm Pacific Time. I suggest you watch my video first and then scroll down for the meaning of the cards pulled in my reading. Enjoy!

New Moon in Libra Soul Reading Video

New Moon in Libra Oracle Card Reading

Libra Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Libra Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Card 1: Libra Goddess (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)

Libra Meditation

Forever beauty we dance and spin,
ride our chariot, harness the wind,
find divine balance within.

Libra Affirmations

  • I focus on beauty, harmony and cooperation within my personal relationships

  • I am serene and at peace

  • Harmony fills my soul

  • I come alive to the rhythm of tribal beats through dance and movement

  • I see and understand every woman’s point of view

  • I see beauty all around me

  • My inner scales are in perfect balance

Card 2: Libra Goddess: Benzaitan (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)

Libra Goddess Benzaitan by Kathy Crabbe

Libra Goddess Benzaitan by Kathy Crabbe

Libra Goddess ~ Benzaitan

Dragon Lover
Mating cry
White snakes hover
Beauty flies
Divine balance
In the sky
Guiding talent
Battle cry.

Benzaitan or Benten was one of the seven Japanese divinities of good luck also known as the Dragon Woman and Queen of the Sea, often appearing surrounded by a retinue of white snakes. Benzaitan brings inspiration, talent, wealth and romance to those who honor her.

Behold by Kathy Crabbe

Behold by Kathy Crabbe

Card 3: Behold (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Mantra: I delight.
Affirmation: Dare I eat the fruit of my delight?
Element: Spirit

If this card appears in a reading it’s time to plunge into the dark and pull out hope. Whatever stressful conundrum you’re currently in, know that you HAVE the resources and inner strength and power to find a solution and gain clarity. You CAN pull it off. It may require some dirty work, so buckle down and get your hands dirty. There is a decent prize at the end of it all and it’s definitely worth fighting for. If you’re hesitant or un-sure of what to do next then think like a cat, independently. Think for yourself; trust yourself. Call upon your intuition and the Divine or your higher power. You CAN do this; it’s just a matter of time before all will be sorted out and you can once again move forward.

In my own life I sometimes need to get my ‘monkey-mind’ (when my mind is all over the place) out of the mix and be more fully in the moment, trusting that I am being guided and that I can indeed hear and trust my intuition. Like a muscle, the more I work it, the stronger it becomes.

Card 3: Grey Squirrel (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)

Grey Squirrel by Kathy Crabbe

Grey Squirrel by Kathy Crabbe

Keyword: Inventive
Meaning: Your curious mind comes up with a brilliant solution.
Reversed: If only you could figure things out but you’re over thinking it.

Affirmation: I am speedy.
Astrology: Mercury
Element: Air, Earth

Medicine: In the spirit of fun and frolic, you keep us on our toes and ready for action.

Lore: Squirrel was her wee champion, full of advice all day long, and nuts, and smiles, and songs that kept her spiky thoughts at bay, so that finally, she too could sleep and dream of a better day.

Quick and sure, fast and alert, you keep me on my toes and in the groove – ready for action – my furry friend!

Beebalm by Kathy Crabbe

Beebalm by Kathy Crabbe

Card 5: Beebalm (Cat Herbal Healing Deck - coming in 2021)

Beebalm or ‘Balm’ is often worn and mixed into baths to attract love and success.


About Kathy Crabbe

I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist located in sunny Southern California.

I work with 5 hand painted, self published oracle decks & I paint kitty portraits too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are my tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. I teach a Moon eClass at Wise Woman School founded by Susun Weed. In business since 1993 I’m an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition.