A Leo Eclipse Healing Insights Exercise

This eclipse in Leo is a big deal. The unconscious, hidden side of life is coming to the surface now and this can help accelerate the beginning or ending of something important in your life.

I channeled this exercise to help you find healing, wholeness and holiness during this important time.

A Healing Insights Exercise Using the 5 Elements

During this Leo New Moon and Solar Eclipse it's a perfect time to go within and ask your body, mind and soul: "What needs healing?"

You can work your way through the 5 elements while using their power to help you in the search for healing, wholeness and holiness.

The 5 Elements are: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit.

During your meditation approach each element and ask for healing guidance in regards to any issues that relate to that element. Here are examples from my own life along with the healing guidance I received. I hope by sharing my own story that it will inspire you to do the same.

Earth Element: I wish to be more present.

Earth Healing Guidance: Be in the moment more by unhooking from social media in the morning and instead sit on my front porch with my husband and enjoy the birds, trees and sky.

Air Element: I wish for greater focus.

Air Healing Guidance: This moonth my focus will be starting construction and renovations on our property along with landscaping. There won't be much time for anything else so I need to focus on that as well as on my clients and painting (if time permits).

Fire Element: I wish to follow my passion.

Fire Healing Guidance: Since I'll be uber busy and exhausted from construction I will not be able to fully focus on my passions this month, but I will find a way to paint whenever I can because I must, that is a given.

Water Element: I wish to love with all my heart.

Water Healing Guidance: Because this is a Leo New Moon, it's FULL of passion, so I will use this energy to open my heart even wider by listening to it and paying attention and by asking the Divine, my guides and ancestors for extra guidance in helping me to be passionate and in love and open to new joys and old and to be quiet in this love so I can truly absorb and appreciate life.

Spirit Element: (personal).

Possible Difficulties I May Encounter

  • Social Media distraction
  • Exhaustion
  • Working in the heat outdoors

I Will Find Healing Through

  • Awareness learned in doing the above
  • Focusing on passion, not distraction
  • Asking for Divine Guidance
  • Sharing practicality and passion online

If the Healing Process above has helped you in any way you may want to consider a Soul Reading to bring more clarity, healing and practical tools into your life so that you too can LIVE your passions, EXPRESS your true gifts and BE AMAZING just as you are.

The paintings above are from my newest series Spirit Animals

Leo New Moon Reading!

Lefty Oracle of the Month: Homer on the verge of greatness

Mantra: I strive.

Affirmation: I let go of fear to be here now.

Element: Water

"Stop trying to be soooo great,"
my inner critic whines at me, 

but do I listen?
No way. 

I AM great

…in my own mind, 

or am I?

Isn’t that supposed to be the End Goal?

Sadly, it feels like the race will never end.

If only…

if only…

I could be present right now

and have THAT be enough.

If this card appears in a reading it’s about time you asked yourself who you’re trying so hard to please and why it’s never enough. Instead of seeking approval outside of yourself go within and be your own best friend. You ARE good enough and, in fact you are the best YOU there is and the only YOU that will ever exist.

In my own life this card was inspired by my dad, and that story is a long one indeed. I learned a lot about what not do to in life from him, and for that I am grateful.

Purchase a Lefty Deck

Creative Journal Prompt
Do you ever feel like Homer does, “On the verge of greatness?” If ‘yes’ then describe what that means for you and explain what it refers to as well. If not, then describe a feeling of being on the verge of greatness or something similar.

What does greatness look like to you? What meaning does it hold?

Are you on the way to achieving this greatness, and if so, what needs to happen for you to get there and to know greatness?  Try breaking it down into numbered steps within a timeline.

Now, congratulate yourself BIG TIME for your foresight and diligence in acknowledging right now, that even without all this, YOU ARE GREAT just by saying these words:

I am great.
Thank you Divine One for blessing me and my work.
I am great and so are you.

Expressive Body Movement Challenge
Imagine that, like Homer, you too are on the verge of greatness. Translate that feeling of greatness and momentum and possibility into an element such as earth, air, fire or water. Which element facilitates and encourages your feeling of greatness the most? Now become that element.

Non Dominant Hand Exercise
Take some time to meditate upon your greatness and to come up with a symbol to depict your greatness along with an affirmation using your non dominant hand.

Purchase a Lefty Deck

Aquarius Full Moon Reading!

Full Moon Lefty Oracle: Jolene - missing the embarrassment

***Excerpted from the Lefty Oracle Deck***

Mantra: I am daring.
Affirmation: I am so proud to be me, can't you see?
Element: Spirit

Yes, I AM wearing a fox tail.


Maybe it’s a cat tail
to impress my friends, 
of course.

No, really, it’s just me being me; 
without shame or excuses.
Just plain ol having fun. 

And proud of it.
Dang, grrr.

If this card appears in a reading expect the unexpected. Be prepared to be unprepared and be okay with that. Jolene, like many a Lefty is a trickster who was sent to shake you up and out of your comfort zone. Be optimistic and aware; have fun, yet keep your wits about you. This is a time of growth and new experiences that will expand your consciousness. Enjoy!

In my own life, this particular card was inspired by a girl I spotted at a café in Santa Cruz, California wearing a tail. This amused me to no end and I just had to paint her as part of the deck to inspire you and me to be more odd, quirky and outlandish just for the fun of it.

Creative Journal Prompt
Try to do one new thing that feels a bit embarrassing every day for one week and keep a journal starting now.

Creative Journal Prompt Number 2
Take a chance, be silly and laugh at yourself now and then. It can be healing for body and soul. Name one silly thing that you spotted someone you admire saying or doing recently. What was so daring or amusing about it? Now, dare yourself to do something similar or pair up with a dare devil partner and dare each other. Document the experience and share it with others, encouraging them to do the same and describe how it helped you in the process.

Expressive Body Movement Challenge
Pretend, like Jolene, that you now have a tail. What kind of tail? Walk around as if you are that creature.


Soul Reading Spread with the Lefty Oracle Cards by Kathy Crabbe

Leo New Moon Oracle: Caava Kicks Butt

New Moon Lefty Oracle:
Caava kicks butt

Mantra: I am strong.
Affirmation: I mean business.
Element: Fire

I am a mean machine.
I love conflict,
getting angry,
and kicking butt.

But that’s not all!

I’m also charming, gracious,
well put-together and make
a mean strawberry/rhubarb pie.

So, don’t judge me
‘til you know me
and I’ll do the same for you.

If this card appears in a reading it’s self-evident that you need to take a stand. Who or what needs the boot in your life? Bolster your strength and courage and do something about it. NOW. Reach out for support. You don’t have to do this alone. Your heart is in the right place and you WILL move forward. There is a time and a place to take action and that time has come. Don’t charge in madly until you know exactly what you need to do. Write it down or talk it over with a friend if need be. Then move forward, one spiked toe at a time and it’s done. Good work, brave soul!

In my own life I usually like to wait to take action in regards to a grievance until I feel the fire in my veins. I’ve prepared for that moment by thinking and talking it through so I’m ready with the power of emotion and intellect for when I do take action and it gets results!

Creative Journal Prompt
Take a moment to pretend that you are climbing the tallest mountain around and that you have just reached the very top. Look around. Breathe the air, feel the exhilaration, the quiet peacefulness AND the pounding of your heart. We can be both: quiet and exhilarated. Take another moment to feel this duality within yourself. Now add a third element: knowing-ness. Then take one goal and apply these three elements to it while journaling and leave extra space in your journal entry so that you can record your progress over time.

Expressive Body Movement Challenge
Pretend that you have just climbed the aforementioned mountain. Then re-enact the part where you reach the top. What do you do? Express all three elements discussed above using expressive body movement. i.e. quiet, exhilarated, knowing.

*Excerpted from the Lefty Oracle Deck 92 page Guidebook

Purchase Caava as a print here

Learn more about the Lefty Oracle Deck

CAAVA Kicks Butt in the We'Moon Datebook!

Caava was lucky enough to kick butt in the We'Moon Datebook and in my self published book: Odds & Ends A Collection of Friends. Here is her short and sassy poem from that book.

Recipe Kickbutt
(for Virginia)

strong calves
pointy shoes