Kathy Crabbe, Love is for Candy Asses, 2013, ink, marker & gouache on paper, 5 x 7”
Original, cards & prints available at: http://www.kathycrabbe.com
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Kathy Crabbe, Love is for Candy Asses, 2013, ink, marker & gouache on paper, 5 x 7”
Original, cards & prints available at: http://www.kathycrabbe.com
The hardest lesson is to love what you already have.
Page to the left is from my sketchbook: Kathy Crabbe, Ask Selma, 2013, ink & gouache on paper, 5 x 7”. Shop here.
Ask Selma via Kathy here (scroll down).
Yup, that's right...I draw...people, faces, figures, cartoons to keep me company, & lots of em! You can check them out here:
Cartoons (new)
**To purchase prints or originals please click here for my Etsy Shop.
Kathy Crabbe, Queeniel, 2013, ink on paper, 5 x 7”.
My intention this month (at the New Moon) was to connect with a community of creatives for encouragement and networking, but I wasn't too specific about what kind of creatives, although the person I really hoped to connect with was Vanessa Davis, a cartoonist I just discovered who is very much a part of the vibrant cartoon community that exists in the United States. I've been super inspired by her interviews, podcasts, videos and artwork which can be found on her website: http://www.spanielrage.com/contact/
But the realllly interesting thing is that I sketched a cartooney face that looked very much like Vanessa just two days before I discovered her online. I was visiting Los Angeles for the weekend and purchased a small sketch book and some Asian brush pens whilst in Little Tokyo and was really inspired to start sketching right away especially after visiting the Japanese American Museum for the Giant Robot Biennale 3 show where I especially loved the cartoon-ey art of Saelee Oh. I was also inspired by the artists and toys I found at Q Pop Shop. I wrote this about the whole experience:
Looking back on this trip I feel as though it freed me up...to be me, to just dream and not worry about it...but also to think about everything differently and to realize and respect all I do know and all I've learned along the way during my 47 years on Planet Earth.
The drawing that looks a bit like Vanessa is posted above and I do believe it helped me find her and then befriend her on Facebook where we just started a conversation today - woot! Gotta love the internet at times like this.
**To purchase prints and original drawings by me please click here for my Etsy Shop.
Email : kathy@kathycrabbe.com
© 1993-2025 Kathy Crabbe