Scorpio Full Moon Musings – Something Beautiful Is Born Today

Something very beautiful is being born today - You. Scorpio knows without knowing how s/he knows... it's all on a subconscious level. When tuning into Scorpio power (and we all have it in our natal birth charts) it's a great time to ask the really important questions and expect to receive some answers - that's how powerful this Moon in Scorpio can be. Ponder that for a moment and then start brewing up some good questions and remember, often they will come at you whether you're ready or not, so be prepared for a few surprises.

Don't over-think things either 'cause this can kill the process. Just jot them down as you try to capture the biggies in your life.

Introducing The Moon Muses

The Moon Muses are intuitive guides and question askers that offer insight and wisdom along with exercises to heal and inspire you. They are creative leap takers forming a glowing moonlit bridge between your rational self and your higher self, a self that dwells in pure intuition, clairvoyance (clear seeing), meditative reflection and dreaming. This month you will meet 2 Gemstone Muses – Opal and Malachite and a Lefty Oracle Muse by the name of Miss Talitha, Spider Sister. I encourage all of you to create a Moon Musing Journal to record your monthly moon explorations (more about this in my new eCourse, Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul).

A Message from Opal

Tune into your physical body right now - how do you feel? Does anything hurt or irritate you?

Join your hands together because we're going to stimulate both sides of our brains, yin and yang. Scorpio is all about relationships.

1. What new relationships are you forming right now? 2. What established relationships could you deepen? 3. Are these 2 related. If so, pick a symbol that best represents them. 4. What does this symbol mean for you, what does it teach you?

A Message from Malachite

Have you become bored or complacent within your closest relationship(s)? Are you taking them for granted or being taken for granted?

Try dreaming with malachite (a powerful heart cleanser so use in small doses) and opal under your pillow to stimulate your subconscious. Then write down everything that you remember about your dreams immediately after waking up.

My Version of Scorpio ~ Miss Talitha Spider Sister

"Miss Talitha" is part of a series of left-handed drawings I created over a period of five years. These drawings were later turned into an oracle card deck that I use for Soul Readings.


Do you ever have a feeling of smallness? In what ways do you want to be heard? How would you like to be treated by others that would make you feel respected?

How can you nourish yourself in healing and affirming ways?

Now, imagine yourself standing tall as you gaze at yourself, as if in a mirror. Who are you? What 3 words or symbols could you use to describe yourself.

1. I am _____________________ 2. I am _____________________ 3. I am _____________________

Try and come up with a catchy slogan that best describes you and what you do.

I create a world where _______________________________________

Here are mine: Love conquers all. The vulnerable are free. Passion is everything. It's okay to love again. All is Love. Love matters.

Now lastly, choose a Soul Animal to help you on your journey.

Click here to read more Moon Musing posts.