Dearest Moon Muser,
I had a wonderful time creating this Full Moon Video filled with astrology tips, Leo Goddesses, a Channeled Butterfly Meditation, herbal kitty wisdom to warm your soul plus a chance to pick a card for a soul reading and have your questions answered. The oracle cards are all below - enjoy!
Leo Goddesses (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck by Kathy Crabbe)
Leo Goddess by Kathy Crabbe
Leo Meditation ~ The Gold Within
Feel the sadness of earth’s cry,
let your body touch the sky,
guide by light, your soul’s fire,
spark to lead ever higher.
Leo Affirmations
I am special and loved
My heart is open
I am awake and in tune with my spiritual self
My inner child is alive and well
I am a creative being bursting with joy
I am one with the Sun
I am generous and loving
Cat Herbal: Juniper (from my upcoming deck coming out 2021)
“Juniper is a protective herb of the Sun. It is associated with the base chakra, where the Kundalini, or serpent power, lies dormant. Juniper is useful for those who are blocked on the physical plane, generally earth types. It is also used for those who are looking for a more spiritual way of life, who want to embrace fire. Juniper allows a person to be more detached emotionally and to move on from obsessions or resentments, from anger and violence. Being fiery, juniper can also help to ‘dry out’ water types, who become lost in a sea of emotion and are unable to act or initiate. Fire provides focus and direction. It energizes the will and gives courage, something that watery types sometimes lack. You can work with Juniper incense or by burning juniper berries on charcoal at the new and full moons. As you work with it, allow yourself to become inspired and encouraged by your own spiritual fire.” ~ (Excerpted from Astrological Herbal for Women by Elisabeth Brooke.)
Leo Full Moon Soul Reading + Pick-A-Card
Juniper Cat by Kathy Crabbe
Card 1: Carolee (Lefty Oracle Deck)
Mantra: My heart is open.
Affirmation: I am all heart in tune with the universal flow.
Element: Water
Heart to heart with open arms
I share
myself with you.
I am an open book, comfortably
intimate and revealing.
I expect nothing in return.
Just being with you here and now is all I ask.
Believe in me.
I trust you with my heart.
If this card appears in a reading get ready for the sun to shine upon you and all your endeavours. You have accomplished a lot in a short time and your heart is full and spilling over. Share this good feeling with others just by being in their presence. Your good vibes will raise the energy level of all you touch.
In my own life I try to share my own heartfelt, positive energy through my art. If it lights me up inside I can only hope it will do the same for others.
Card 2: Seal (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)
Seal by Kathy Crabbe (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)
Keyword: Kindness
Meaning: A friend or lover awaits your call.
Reversed: You are longing for something better instead of being fully present.
Affirmation: I am Queen-of-the-Sea
Astrology: Jupiter
Element: Fire, Water,
Medicine: Your playful magick entices us to claim our inner Queen, sea-bent on journeying into the Deep.
Lore: A secret passage to the sea adored by silky Seal, was her True North, encompassing her heart and leading her Home, always Home from whence she got her start.
You entice me to play and dive and learn about the cycles of the Sea and then forget I’m an elf and become one with the sea, a mermaid at heart.
Divine Feminine eClass starts February 11
Join me for a 4 week experience where we'll come together beginning at the New Moon in Aquarius for a mystical, magickal experience. Each week you'll receive creative, inspirational moon-guided lessons and videos by email to help you resonate with Mama Moon, develop your intuition and get creative. We'll also meet by phone to share a guided meditation or two and in a private online group. You’ll also receive a personalized Moon Chart to help you tune in astrologically to what's going on that moonth.
About Kathy Crabbe: A natural born psychic medium and astrologer for 20 plus years I work with self painted oracle decks to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.
I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist. I offer soul readings and oracle decks to awaken your intuitive heart. All things witchy, magickal, creative and inspirational are my tools along with deep insight and healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.
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