Dear Moon Muser,
It's the New Moon in fiery, truth-seeking Sagittarius on Nov. 26 at 7:06 am PST so scroll down for my oracle card reading and pick-a-card! Plus, I’ve got a kick-ass week-long CYBER Sale happening beginning on Monday - full deets below!
Accompanying the meditation I created for this Sag New Moon are:
- Dragon’s Blood Incense
- Silica (stone)
- Two Deep Red Mary Candles
- Lefty Oracle, Elfin Ally Oracle, Zodiac Goddess Power deck
Nov. 25 - Dec. 2 (Monday-Monday)
40% Off all Art + Jewelry
Use Code: CYBER19
NEW Moon in Sagittarius Oracle Card Reading
Card 1: Demon (Lefty Oracle)
Mantra: I transform.
Affirmation: I journey into the dark to discover inner truths.
Element: Spirit
Be brave dear Soul,
face your fright.
open the door,
welcome the light.
If this card appears in a reading expect the unexpected! There is a trickster in your midst. Maybe it’s you? Not a mean trickster, but a true trickster; one who shifts your reality and helps you see things from a new perspective. Perhaps you’ve become complacent, or lazy, or overly self satisfied, and are no longer seeing the big picture because you’re too caught up in small details and worries. This WILL change soon so get ready to open your eyes wide and see the world in a whole new way.
In my own life I do my best to see negative, challenging experiences on a deeper level and I ask questions, such as, “What is the teaching in this? What is being mirrored back to me about myself? What changes need to happen now?”
Card 2: Seal (Elfin Ally Oracle)
Keyword: Kindness
Meaning: A friend or lover awaits your call.
Reversed: You are longing for something better instead of being fully present.
Affirmation: I am Queen-of-the-Sea
Astrology: Jupiter
Element: Fire, Water,
Medicine: Your playful magick entices us to claim our inner Queen, sea-bent on journeying into the Deep.
Lore: A secret passage to the sea adored by silky Seal, was her True North, encompassing her heart and leading her Home, always Home from whence she got her start.
You entice me to play and dive and learn about the cycles of the Sea and then forget I’m an elf and become one with the sea, a mermaid at heart.
Card 3: Goddess Tiamat (Zodiac Goddess Power deck)
Goddess Tiamat: a Babylonian dragon goddess who existed before the creation of the world. Her war upon the gods continues to this day. When she was killed by Marduk her body fell into the lower universe where one half became the dome of heaven and the other a wall to contain the waters.
Sagittarius Affirmations:
I stretch my horizons to envision the big big picture
I see the glorious possibilities in everything
I am free of all restrictions
I inhale optimism, courage and speed
I trust in life
I am lucky
My courage protects me and my sisters and brothers
About Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty after five years painting with her non dominant left hand. This awakened her intuition in a big way. In 2008 she created a Lefty Oracle deck and started giving intuitive soul readings. Her second deck, The Elfin Ally Oracle was published in 2019 and a third deck is planned for release in 2020. Kathy lives in sunny Southern California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves.
Nov. 25 - Dec. 2 (Monday-Monday)
40% Off all Art + Jewelry
Use Code: CYBER19