Sag New Moon Winter Magick

Dear Moon Muser,

I have missed sharing my life with you since the last New Moon! Last blog post I didn't get a chance to and I realized that what I love most in blogs is the personal touch and getting to know the person behind the work.

Winter here in Southern California is mild - very mild. A few of the trees are just now changing color: burnt oranges (Chinese Pistachio), yellow (Sycamores) and a few bright red maples. Dusk falls around 4:45 pm and it drops to almost freezing at night.

Samhain (Hallow's Eve) is the Witches New Year and I adore this dark time of the year, but also I'm so glad for the sun of SoCali. I am part Snake (born Year of the Snake in '65) and I appreciate the sun and warmth in the dead of Winter.

For added Fairy Winter Inspiration I'm reading: The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust and The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington.

My latest passion is Color Theory. I'm mixing, labeling, ordering and playing with ALL my watercolors and gouache on a much deeper and more analytical level, what fun! It keeps my Virgo, sixth house Sun active.

As we roll into the deepest of deep Winter days, I remember to quiet things down more and more. The busier the world gets the quieter and more contemplative one can be - this is the magick of the season.

With the New Moon in Sagittarius on Nov. 23 it's time now to set intentions for the moonth ahead, seeding your travels (Sag loves adventure) into worlds unknown, trusting in synchronicity to bring you all you need to expand and grow deeper, always deeper, darker, ever darker.

How are you inviting in the dark? Time to pull a card and find out.

Sparkly Winter Blessings,
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist

Sagittarius New Moon Fairy Herbal Oracle

Rose Fairy Lantern by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Rose Fairy Affirmation:
“I honour all that is sacred.”

This feminine herb of the Moon is a member of the Lily family native to California. Fairy bells entice nature spirits to stay and play. An herb of the Underworld it helps one ritually celebrate inner beauty, goddess and chakras, break love spells and protects one from the evil eye.

Astrology: Libra, Mars, Moon, Sun, Taurus, Venus
Deity: Kuan Yin, Rhiannon, Sarah, Venus
Element: Water
Healing: Spiritual

Kathy Crabbe

Soul Readings

Now in this Dark Time of Year when busy-ness, life pressure, world trauma and sorrow fill our screens please know dear ones that I am here in this darkness to help guide you to that spark of intuition found within; your guiding light, your way forward, into the Spring, in touch with the Divines, your Ancestors, the herbs and the Animal totems that call your name in times of need. For healing, magic and wonder await you, believe... it is so.

Here is where to reach me for a Soul Reading.

Scorpio New Moon Blessings

Dear Moon Muser,

I've been gone from home nine weeks. Three weeks on the road and five weeks off-grid in Canada.

My website and etsy store have been shut down so no marketing, selling, etc. My internet and movie/series intake was minimal. My time was spent in nature, or reading, writing, sketching, with friends, or simply in quiet reverie.

Now that I've been back for over 24 hours I've managed to watch three of the Homeland series and my sleep was filled with unwanted images. How easy it is to be swept up in the powerful stories of media that constantly surround us, beckoning and demanding that we fill the empty spaces in our life with their sound and fury.

It's hard to be selective. It's easier to let the media in. Why? Because we can. It's everywhere. I've just come from a quiet, empty, off-grid, on-the-road space back into my everyday life and it's time to make some choices.

I have re-opened my website and etsy shop so I can offer my soul readings, astrology, art and oracle decks to you once again and do art/craft shows.

I also want to blog more. If you have any suggestions or ideas for me, just drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you and continue to be of service.

Welcome Home!

Within 24 hours of returning home to Southern California I was stung by a scorpion! Luckily the Common California Scorpion's venom is not dangerous unless you are very old or very young and I was fine, the pain was minor. I like to think that the sting was a reminder saying, "Hey, you're back in a place of magick, deep mystery and mystical exploration. Awaken to your power, listen deeply and be of service."

I hear Mother Mary, Maat, Rhiannon, Sekhmet, Brigid and Kerridwen calling. I am here.

Blessed Bee,
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist

Fairy Duster (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck by Kathy Crabbe)

Fairy Duster (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck by Kathy Crabbe)

Scorpio New Moon Fairy Herbal Oracle

Affirmation: “I am healthy, whole and holy.”

Also known as Angel’s Hair in Spanish, this Legume Family herb acts as a mood stabilizer to balance one’s hopes and dreams. It helps one connect with the Underworld and is eaten at funerals. Make into amulets and rattles for love, good fortune and protection from evil and negativity.

Astrology: Mercury, Scorpio, Taurus, Venus
Deity: Äkräs, Carna, Demeter
Element: Air
Healing: Treats fever, kidneys

*Artwork is from the Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck by Kathy Crabbe. Order here.

About Kathy Crabbe

Feel Kathy’s healing energy guide you with a gentle touch. You ARE in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

As a soul reader, astrologer, artisan and oracle deck maker I provide a safe space and encouragement to assist my clients in shining light upon their gifts and hidden depths in tune with spirit and the divines.

New Moon in Leo + Lammas Blessings!

Dear Moon Muser,

Coming up is the New Moon in Leo AND Lammas (first harvest, pagan-style). Time to love yourself MORE. Right now.

Iris Fairy by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Iris Fairy by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Iris Fairy Affirmation: My journey is safely guided.

Buy the Fairy Herbal Oracle deck.
Prints of
Iris Fairy
Iris Fairy Painting

About Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe

Feel Kathy’s healing energy guide you with a gentle touch. You ARE in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

As a soul reader, astrologer, artisan and oracle deck maker I provide a safe space and encouragement to assist my clients in shining light upon their gifts and hidden depths in tune with spirit and the divines.

Up Close and Personal this Aquarius New Moon

Dear Moon Muser,
It's the Aquarius New Moon on Jan. 31 at 9:46 PM Pacific Time.

I finally realized after 21 years of sending newsletters that the ones I most enjoy are really personal, so that is what I'm going to give to you today - Enjoy!

But, where to start?!

This year I'm most excited artistically with the 36-card Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck I'm working on. I painted it in the early 2000's and turned it into an oracle deck in 2008. Right now I'm writing the back of each card; filled with magical, spiritual insights, astrology, deities and healing similar to the 36-card Cat Herbal Deck which it accompanies.

I'm also excited about Tarot! I've been working with the tarot since I was a teen (and I'm 56 now) when I purchased my first deck, The Aquarian Tarot and worked through Mary Greer's excellent workbook, Tarot For Yourself. Other favorite decks are The Paulina Tarot, The Greenwood (out of print), Motherpeace and the Rider-Waite Tarot illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.

The Fool Detail by Kathy Crabbe

The Fool Detail by Kathy Crabbe

Soooo...I intuited that I needed to finally attempt to paint my own Tarot! Whew! It is a tad overwhelming but I dived in (My Aries Rising helped, lol). The first card I painted is the 0 card, The Fool. I painted 100% intuitively, inviting images to appear in my mind's eye first and then painting them using acrylic gouache onto Montréal handmade paper (my favorite is by Papeterie St.-Armand). I wasn't sure if I could continue, but when I sat down again to paint out came card number 1, The Magician. Again, it came to me bit by bit 100% intuitively so we'll have to see if this continues, but I hope so!

On a personal note, I really enjoyed the documentary film, Alive Inside about what a HUGE, life-changing difference music makes for those with dementia. I also watched The Matrix 4 at the theater but had NO IDEA what the heck was going on since I'd missed Matrix 2 and 3.

Book-wise, I've always got a stack on the go and recently enjoyed Dave Eggers new futuristic book, The Every which is very true to the now - uber scary! I like how Dave is only releasing this book through independent book stores and NOT Amazon. My dear friend, astrologer Chad Woodward loaned me The Scalpel and The Silver Bear by Lori Alvord, M.D. and Elizabeth Cohen Van Pelt (required reading in his college anthropology course on magic) and it's fascinating to learn about the first female Navajo surgeon and how she combines traditional Navajo teachings with her medical practice especially when treating Navajo much to learn!

Magically, I'm re-reading the fictional book, The Midnight Witch by Welsh author Paula Brackston about necromancy and a coven in London, England in 1913. I usually have a magical, fantasy book on the go.

Cooking-wise, I continue to make recipes from different cookbooks that are brand new from the library for my husband and I. I'm loving Jennifer Segal's new cookbook, Once Upon A Chef and plan to buy it. It has simple, delicious meals with a Mediterranean and East Indian flair.

My husband and I continue to work on the two bedroom, bathroom addition to our adobe-style California home along with a large barn and it's beautiful! We created all the windows by hand using clear Douglas Fir that we stained a reddish brown. It should all be done soon so we can get to Canada to continue building our cottage on a lake near where I grew up in Kingston, Ontario.

Starflower Fairy by Kathy Crabbe

Starflower Fairy by Kathy Crabbe

Fairy Herbal for the Aquarius New Moon

This painting is from my upcoming oracle deck and is ruled by Aquarius. Her affirmation is: I make wishes come true. *Click here for Starflower Fairy Signed Prints

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe
I am proud to be an artist and soul reader, in business since 1993. I love my work and hope you've enjoyed coming along for the ride and allowing me to be of service to you through all the creative, healing work I do. Thank you.

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when I found myself creatively blocked so I switched to my left hand which awakened my right brain and inspired me to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader. I have since published 4 oracle decks with the Fairy Herbal Oracle deck coming in 2022.

I live in Southern California and soon in the 1000 Islands, Canada for half the year with my pooch and partner in homes we’ve built ourselves.

The Midnight Witch