Our Special Club - What To Do if Your Child Sees Dead People

Jamie sees ghosts...all the time. So when her oldest son started seeing them too, she knew it was time to face facts and admit what was happening, not just for her own peace of mind, but for her son's sake as well. This is her story.

"Our Special Club" - Jamie's Story

Something I have spent the majority of my life avoiding is ghosts. I have had interactions with them for as long as I can remember and if you ask my mom, even before I can remember. I have avoided them partially out of fear built up over the years, but originally I avoided them because of the stigma and the loneliness I experienced being that kind of “different”.

I’ve decided to stop avoiding them. I’m taking baby steps to embrace this ability and learn what I need to learn to still feel in control of my pragmatic life. Why now? What changed?

My son. My gifted oldest is my main "Why". I have 2 sons, but only one has exhibited signs that are all too familiar to me. It began in his infancy. He woke up many nights screaming and trembling and seeming genuinely frightened by something. He would also tell us how “shadows were pinching him” and how all the talking in his room was keeping him awake. We’ve also watched him play and interact with people we couldn’t see. He has been able to answer questions or complain about orders that haven’t been spoken out loud, but were being thought of at that exact moment. This particular skill has lessened over his five years, but we still have a kid with an extraordinary gift on our hands.

I want him to feel supported and accepted. I want him to know that someone understands what he’s dealing with, but first, I must allow myself to accept my own “gift”. How can I lead and support him unless I do?

In the beginning, my husband and I decided to listen to him and his experiences and make sure he felt heard and never tell him he was wrong or imagining things (because that's what caused my stress as a kid). I didn’t want to ask leading questions or make a big deal of it. I thought just listening would be enough.

I was wrong.

His anxiety continued to grow. What I didn’t take into consideration was the rest of the world’s reactions to his stories. As a parent, sometimes I forget that I am not the entire world to this baby (excuse me, five year old…) anymore. He was still terrified of the dark and being alone and he still seemed hesitant to share what he was experiencing.

The constant feedback he was receiving from the world in general (friends, grandma, television, etc.) was that ghosts aren’t real. Imagine how confusing this must have been for him! What I realized was that I was not helping by simply listening to him without judgment. He needed validation.

One day, I made a choice to have a conversation with him, an event that I thought would happen much later down the road, but I knew it couldn’t wait. It was sad and frustrating to watch him react in such an anxious way to his experiences and, it was bleeding over into all of his everyday experiences, not just the paranormal ones.

We sat down one afternoon and discussed the way he and I are “special”. I explained that I knew what he was seeing and hearing was real, but not everyone else agreed. As the words rolled off my tongue, I could see the anxiety being lifted. He and I had our own special club. For the first time in a while, I saw a child-like lightness in him. We talked about how some people just can’t see or hear what we do, so they don’t believe it’s real. And we talked about the people in our lives that DO believe us, and how maybe we should only talk to those people about our experiences. You may think that this was too much for a five year old to comprehend, but he clearly got it. The smile on his face showed me that.

He was so excited about our special club, that as soon as his daddy got home, he promptly told him that he and I had this club that daddy was not invited to be a part of because he was not special like us.

That simple conversation has changed things for us around here for the better. His general anxiety level with day to day things has lessened dramatically. Now, when he hears a “voice”, being the logical and analytical kid he is, he will check first to make sure it wasn’t another living person in the house. When he learns it wasn’t a friend or family member, he usually just shrugs and goes about his business. He now tells us these experiences in a very matter-of-fact way.

In the beginning it was my gifted son who was my "Why", but along the way I have collected several others and I continue to work with them in our special club on an ongoing basis.

You can participate in Jamie's Special Online Clubs at:

Her Website - ReluctantMedium.com

Her Facebook Page

Readings by Kathy Crabbe - Soul Reader: For those interested in a mediumship reading to connect with the dearly departed I do offer readings at http://KathyCrabbe.com

I'm in a Treasury called "Readers" on Etsy

HowlingCaterpillars created this lovely Treasury featuring various psychic/intuitive readers on Etsy and I am proud to say that she has picked my Ancestor Reading to feature along with various angel readers, palm readers, tarot readers etc.

What is a Treasury?
The Treasury is a member-curated gallery of short-lived lists of 12 hand-picked items each (plus four alternates). It functions as a high-demand (and pretty!) promotional tool that many devoted Etsians fight to get. Members can feature their favorite items, items selected on a theme, or just however they like. The Treasury is not intended for self-promotion, but instead to acknowledge and share the many cool things for sale on Etsy. Admin often choose an exceptional Treasury list to promote on the home page and occasionally make them to tie into Storque articles or special events and occasions.

If you want to improve this Treasuries chance of getting featured and promoted by Etsy Admin then please be sure and click on every item in the actual Treasury to help promote it (and you can leave a comment too)!

p.s. This Treasury expires on March 29th!

Hallowe'en Kick-Off Samhain Seance

I love Hallowe'en because it's the most magickal and mystical time of the year. I can feel it's potency, its power, its drama and its ancient pull upon my Soul. The Ancestors are there and I can't wait to say hello, to honour them, bless them, and see what they have to say. But this year, it's going to be different, because this year I'm sharing it with you!


Hallowe'en or Samhain (Sowen) was originally a Celtic/North European pagan seasonal celebration that marked the halfway point between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice. It was the Celtic New Year and the beginning of the dark half of the year. The veil between the worlds of the living and the dead are thinnest at this time of year and the usual barriers are lifted making it the very best time of year to attempt to make contact with our Ancestors and retrieve ancient knowledge, as well as honour the memories of those who have passed over. Dressing up for Hallowe'en is like a Celtic New Year's Resolution, so have some fun and dress up in a costume that reflects what you would like to achieve or who you would like to be in the coming year.

Join with me in forming a Virtual Online Samhain Circle on Hallowe'en. By joining together at a specific hour we can increase our strength and powers of perception just by joining forces. Together we will read or listen to the Guided Meditation I will be sending you (via email) and together we will light a candle, burn incense or sage ourselves in preparation for this special Worldwide Samhain Circle. I will be holding energy for the entire group and in cases of unwanted Spirits, all that are unwelcome will be requested to leave at once. Afterwards you are welcome to share your experiences and questions with me, personally, or with the entire group via an email exchange.


What can I expect from my Ancestors and how will I know I am hearing from them?

It is a good idea to come prepared with a list of Ancestors you would like to make contact with along with some questions you would like to ask them (to make sure who they are.) The Ancestors will usually show up with a specific message just for you because that is the whole point of them 'coming through' so to speak.

Do these answers from our Ancestors come through via signs, thoughts, voices? Are we able to ask them questions?

It depends on how the person receiving the message will tune in - most times the Ancestor will be seen with the mind's eye, but it is also possible to sense them by hearing them or feeling them as well. Yes, you can question them and you can request that they come closer so that you can see them more clearly.

Do you recommend having photos of them close by?

Yes, photos can be helpful to look at beforehand.

Do we verbally question them out loud or do we say it to ourselves?

Either way is fine - whatever works best for you - you will know what works by how comfortable you feel doing it :)

What was it like the first time for you?

It's hard to remember, because I have been communicating with the Ancestors and Guides for a long time. But the first time I officially did it, in my class - I just stood up in the middle of our circle, closed my eyes and almost immediately saw someone - then I described them and asked specific questions relating to everything about them - the point was to describe the person in enough detail so that someone in our group absolutely, and without a doubt, knew that the person was their for them - we had to give 3 specific pieces of info about them and be right on - then we requested a message from them.


Myself and one virtual friend explored the Realm of the Ancestors together on Hallowe'en day and afterward shared our experiences. C___ experienced all kinds of magical enchantments during her Guided Meditation but unfortunately was not able to connect with her Ancestors. Practicing at a set time and set place on a regular basis will help but sometimes it can take years to make contact. "Practice makes perfect," was my psychic teacher's favorite piece of advice and this still applies even in the nether realms!