Cancer Full Moon for Luck and Inspiration

Dear Moon Muser,
Welcome to 2020 + the first Full Moon of the year. Below you will find survey results plus my first paintings of 2020 and a few from the end of 2019 inspired by intuitively chosen words from my favorite books. I'm painting bigger now (9x10") but on the same Montreal-made paper. May their colors, themes and words brighten your day and provide you with insight, good luck and messages to guide you in the coming year.

All paintings are listed first at a reduced price for 3 months in my Etsy Shop.

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe
Artist, Soul Reader, Astrologer

p.s. Check back at the New Moon for my usual 3 card oracle spread.

The Future
Inspired by:
"The Night Speaks" by Steven Forrest.
Purchase here.

Islands of the Moon
Inspired by:  
"Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & The Pacific" by David Hatcher Childress
Purchase here.

Path of Spiritual Consciousness
Inspired by:
"Spiritual Approach at the Time of the New and Full Moons" by Meditation Mount, Ojai, California.
Purchase here.

Divine Essence
Inspired by:
"The Crystalline Transmission" by Katrina Raphaell.
Purchase here.

How Beautiful You Are
Inspired by:
"Crystal Enlightenment" by Katrina Raphaell.
Purchase here.

 Survey Results

A little while ago I held a giveaway for a handpainted wood necklace and in return sent out a survey. Here are the results. Thank you to everyone who participated; it really helps me understand you and your needs. If you would still like to take the survey (and have a chance to win a necklace/pin/earring) please email me.

You Asked - I Responded!

Shopping in my Etsy Shop is preferable to my website.

More online classes. I offer two currently: Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul + Lefty eClass.

More kinds of Soul Readings which I have added to my offerings:
Soul Reading by Phone
Soul Reading by Text
*Sorry, I can't offer Skype right now because I live in a rural area without great internet.

Joint Past Life Readings - I already offered these so want to share that with you now.

The ability to purchase the crystals, etc I recommend in my readings directly from me. I currently do not offer this service but I do include a 2 page Resources List at the end of each reading with my recommended suppliers. I also have a Resource Page on my website.

Art ON more THINGS! Sorry, folks but I'm trying not to clutter the environment with more things so I'm sticking to selling my original paintings and occasionally prints.

Blog about all my metaphysical trainings. I have done this previously (and will do so again). Here are links that can be found on the sidebar of my Blog:

Mid life transition Articles

Energy Healing

Hard copy Guidebooks to accompany my oracle decks. I'm working on that for my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck (2 small guidebooks to fit in the box with the cards) and my upcoming Zodiac Goddess Power deck will come with a hardcopy guidebook.

About Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty after five years painting with her non dominant left hand. This awakened her intuition in a big way. In 2008 she created a Lefty Oracle deck and started giving intuitive soul readings. Her second deck, The Elfin Ally Oracle was published in 2019 and a third deck is planned for release in Spring, 2020. Kathy lives in sunny Southern California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves.

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Pick-a-Card for the Aquarius Full Moon: Take Care of YOU + Avoid Burnout

As I pull cards for you I'm happy to say I'll soon have a third oracle card deck to add to the mix: The Goddess Zodiac Oracle Deck coming out in Spring, 2020.

Time now to go deep.
Take some breaths.
Choose a card below then scroll down for the REVEAL.

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Aquarius Full Moon Reading

Card 1: Sandpiper (Elfin Ally Oracle)

Keyword: Swirly
This is an emotional time so take care of yourself first.
You are trying to do too much and are in danger of burning out.

Affirmation: I am LOVE.
Aquarius, Neptune, Pisces, Pluto
Air, Water

Medicine: You reach deep down into the heart of the VOID to release the Magick within.

She belonged by the sea, with Sandpiper, her ally, at her side. It was the light and the sounds and the water babies cooing that kept her there year after year, singing her song.

You open me up to the very depths of my being, scraping the corners of my heart with your sensitive bill, feeling into my empty spaces to fill them up with all that ever was – JOY.

Purchase the original Sandpiper.

Card 2: Demon (Lefty Oracle)

Mantra: I transform.

Affirmation: I journey into the dark to discover inner truths.

Element: Spirit

Be brave dear Soul,

face your fright.
open the door,
welcome the light.

If this card appears in a reading expect the unexpected! There is a trickster in your midst. Maybe it’s you? Not a mean trickster, but a true trickster; one who shifts your reality and helps you see things from a new perspective. Perhaps you’ve become complacent, or lazy, or overly self satisfied, and are no longer seeing the big picture because you’re too caught up in small details and worries. This WILL change soon so get ready to open your eyes wide and see the world in a whole new way.

In my own life I do my best to see negative, challenging experiences on a deeper level and I ask questions, such as, “What is the teaching in this? What is being mirrored back to me about myself? What changes need to happen now?”

Card 3: Jack Rabbit (Elfin Ally Oracle)

Keyword: Noble
Romance is in the air; succumb to it, if you dare.
Reversed: A missed opportunity is not worth tears.

Affirmation: My love flowers only for one.
Mercury, Moon, Taurus, Venus, Saturn
Air, Earth, Water

Medicine: Your magic is untamed, tricksy and loving, so take care in choosing the ONE.

Lore: This was HER heart on the line, and it hurt. So she called upon Jack Rabbit, her ally, to make it better. He advised speed, but it was time that she needed instead. So, into the pink she leapt where sweetness dreamed and magic slept.

She has tasted the sweetness of love flowering and just as quickly seen it fade away. As Elf Princess she had a higher, deeper path to follow and it was not with her Beloved Rose. Luckily, she had Jack Rabbit as her ally and he reminded her daily, that love would wait for she was a Priestess-to-be and happily pleasure and great passion was her birthright.

Purchase the original Jack Rabbit

Click here for an Aquarian Full Moon channeled message from Hopi “White Corn Maiden” Qocha Mana.