This weeks giveaway features a shamanic journey offered by Jura Scott. Jura will spend 15 minutes journeying for you and will email you a transcript of your journey afterwards. She requests that you find a quiet place to meditate or relax during the journeying process - she will email you to agree upon a good time for your journey. Please leave a comment, your email and a question for Jura below if you would like to enter this giveaway. The winner will be chosen one week from today.

Jura is a creative being who is building a life that honors her values and expresses who she is. Jura is devoted to self discovery and the sharing and exchanging of those findings with others who are doing the same.
Shamanic journeying is an expanded state of awareness brought on by rattles and a frame drum. You will experience an awakening and enhancement of your spiritual capacities. Your journey will be undertaken with a specific purpose in mind.
The revelations you receive can be used for problem solving, well-being and healing; for yourself, on behalf of others and in the service of the planet.
A SAMPLE JOURNEY This is a shamanic journey that Jura did for herself - Sunday, Nov. 30, 2008
(Transcribed from notes written after the journey.)
Jura's Question: What is the immediate step I need to take to begin the path to living my life as a successful painter?
I envisioned myself in my sacred spot; an ancient bridge in Scotland in the county of Angushire. It was night time. I wanted to get to the willow tree on the right hand hand bank of the water. (In shamanic journeys it is important to have a way to travel down to the under world or up to the upper world. I use the tree as my vehicle). I wanted to go to the tree but somehow couldn’t move - I was having a difficult time focusing. I looked down and tried to see the river rushing below. It was so dark, I could only hear the sounds of the water rushing over the moss covered rocks. (There is so much resting on this question and on getting an answer!) I laid the side of my cheek on the wooden bridge railing. I stretched my arms way out to the side. I tried to focus. Just then I decided to get up and walk on the railing of the bridge as if it was a balance beam. My arms open wide and I am balancing as I walk. As I looked to the east, the bridge and railing bent down to meet the river bank a few yards from my willow. I walked down the railing and met the ground. I headed towards the tree on my hands and knees. I stood up and stared. My tree was no longer a willow but a large oak. Just then I began to walk right up to the trunk of the tree. I was heading to the upper world. I was hanging on tightly to the leaves and branches, climbing, all the while my body parallel to the ground. I reached the top and the blue of the day sky peeks through the branches. I felt a zing of pride and accomplishment go through my body. I had always been afraid to climb trees when I was a kid. I thought of my power animal -- the seagull. Just then he appeared and landed on my forehead. I wondered, “Is he going to shit on my head like the last time he visited?” I looked into the sky, it was cloudy and overcast now. There were Red Barron airplanes flying in formation overhead. They looked like WW11 fighter planes.

Jura: “Why are we looking at these airplanes? What are we doing?”
Seagull: “You don’t have to fight you know.”
Jura: “Can you tell me, what is the immediate step I need to take, to begin the path to living my life as a successful painter?”
Seagull: “It’s going to be easy this time. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Go with it. You’re finally letting your work speak for itself.”
Jura: “But I heard that it’s important for an artist to be able to explain and talk about their work in order for it to sell.”
Seagull: “Not this work. People have been waiting for it. They are waiting,” he emphasized. The show in February for the Medical Association, you should be in that show. People at the show can speak about your work for you.”
Seagull: “You need to hear THEIR voices, the sufferers. Find a way to allow people to record their words. Let them explain what they see in your work, how they connect to it. Maybe you could utilize one of the faces from your paintings. People who come to see your work at the show can stand behind it like a mask and speak. They push a button and record their thoughts on what they see and how the work connects for them.
My finger started to draw a circle on my mat where I lay; drawing one of my faces. I saw the mask on a kind of pole or microphone stand. I felt excited about this idea.
Seagull: “Things are going to be easy now because you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing.”
I was still there holding onto the tree branches, parallel to the ground, arms and legs spread out. Just then the seagull stood underneath me and mirrored my position. He grew to my size. His back to my back. He was large enough for me to lean back onto. He said, “Let yourself go -- feel how tense you are? Relax,” he said. Laying back on the seagull, I felt how tense my body was, I couldn’t believe it. I thought I was relaxed. As he took off flying, he said, “Let me feel your weight. I’m okay, I can handle it - no problem.” I started to sink into the mat I was lying on. It felt like I was on a motorcycle, moving as one with the seagull as we soared through the sky. When he turned, I gently turned too. When he soared upward I stayed put. There was no need to buckle me in.
Just then my cat meowed loudly in the hallway outside of the room where I was journeying. The seagull got flustered and a flapped his wings furiously. I held on tight. The journey interrupted, was complete for today.

First I want to say WOW! I love this process of journeying. This was the first time I had conversation in a journey. It was very exciting and felt very natural.
Here are my thoughts as it relates to my life today...
(My Question - What is the immediate step I need to take to begin the path to living my life as a successful painter?) When the seagull said “It’s going to be easy this time. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Go with it.” He validates my dream; that the creative work I’ve been doing of late is what I am supposed to be doing. I have been attempting to be successful at so many other things. I feel the “this time” refers to building a life around art and painting instead of all of the other things I have been attempting to do.
I felt a twinge of ecstasy at these thoughts. A kind of joy that I have only felt two other times in my life! The idea of re-purposing my life around creativity seemed absolutely right. I felt empowered by his words and energetic where I had been feeling no energy. There was something different in this journey. It was about the connection I felt with my emotions and my physical body. I had my arms open wide as I balanced myself on the bridge railing. I had my arms open wide when I was at the top of the tree, and I had my arms open wide when I flew on the back of the seagull. For someone like me who keeps their body language folded tight, it was a new and exhilarating feeling. Having my arms open wide, I was able to breath in deeply and feel incredible joy.
The seagull’s words gave me a feeling of confidence to go forward with my painting. My mind was going a 100 miles an hour. I was completely inspired by the creative ideas he put forward. Especially on how I might be able to reach out to the viewers who would understand my work. He did this with mention of an art show that I had completely forgotten about. (One of my complaints is that I learn about shows after they have already opened.) The audience would be an exact match for the thrust of my work. Viewers would connect. For me, as an artist this is key. The journey also brought to mind how tense I am and how I worry a ton. I need to go with the flow more. When the seagull allowed me a soft spot to land (on his back) letting me travel in flight with him, it reminded me that the universe has got my back and I cannot fall.
The last part of the journey was interesting. The seagull got flustered and seemed to lose focus when he heard my cat meow. The message for me is about watching out for natural predators. We can’t go into things with blinders on, but we also cannot be so cautious that we are stifled with fear. We must keep moving forward toward our dreams.

Photo of Jura Scott
"Journey to the Gull" drawing is also by Jura.
All other artwork is my own.
Please remember to leave your comment below to enter the giveaway. Please also leave your email and a question for Jura - the winner will be chosen one week from today.