Dear Creative Soul,
It's the New Moon in Capricorn this Saturday. Are you ready? I hope this blog post provides you with some helpful tips to tackle this New Moon & New Year with some lusty Capricornian determination and chutzpah.
I painted the Goddess/Heroine below yesterday. May her strong and divine presence inspire your New Moon altars and circles. Her name is Pao-Yueh or 'Precious mouth,' a heroic Chinese Queen" as quoted from The Book of Goddesses and Heroines by Patricia Monaghan,

Capricorn ~ The Seagoat ~ from my Goddess Zodiac Playbook
- Time of Year – Winter Solstice, Dec. 22 – January 19
- Quality – Cardinal
- Element – Earth
- Ruler – Saturn
- Anatomy – Knees and lower legs
- Natural sign of – 10th house
- Opposite sign – Cancer
- Color – Black, brown, dark gray, rich winter earth colors, slate blue,
- Gemstone – Jet, onyx, quartz, turquoise
- Tarot card – The Devil
- Goddesses – All crones, Anatu, Dam-Kina, Kuan Yin, Tiamat
Capricorn Meditation: Capricorn Power – a way to focus your energies to allow creation.
Capricorn Affirmations
- I am self-disciplined, logical, persistent and efficient
- I am strong and I will endure
- I am ambitious, responsible and secure
- I am grounded and compassionate
- I am a success in everything I do
Get Serious
- - Ground your intentions through right action in the material world
- - Strengthen your willpower and commitment to purpose
- - Channel your ambitions in accord with your duties
- - Let will rather than appetite shape your life
- - Bring laughter and healing to the world
- - Embrace humor and caution
Where's Mama Moon? New Moon in Capricorn, January 9, 5:30 pm PST.
Helpful Links
More Goddesses on Instagram
Creative Soul Readings
Past Life Readings
Astrology Reports
End of Year Museletter 2015: it's been a big year
Sparkly Blessings!
Love, Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty.
p.s. January 7th is my 23rd wedding anniversary to my dearest friend and great luv, Mark.