Dear Moon Muser,
The hardest thing for me right now is just to keep going, knowing I am but one voice, one squeak, one noise, but also one great symphony when joined with your voice. Not in fear, but in LOVE.
To be not afraid, to be heard, and to sing our song of hope, for a future that feels very unknown and scary right now. May all that I do help to guide, heal and delight you.
For my New Moon Reading this month I'm doing it differently. I'm spreading out all three of my hand painted oracle decks, closing my eyes and asking the gods to help me choose.
New Moon Reading
Be a child with me.
Drop away pretenses, false ego.
Protect yourself
(as a child would)
(as a young person would)
(as an adult would).
Observe those defenses.
Ask your body what it needs right now.
Be in that dream for a bit.
Safe and protected.
Now look at the card I pulled above.
What is it saying? What are you feeling, thinking?
Next, thank the cards, the Divines, yourself for BEING you and for allowing your safety to feel good - without fear.
Blessed Be.
So mote it be.
Check out this wee healing video I made for the New Moon. (You may want to turn on the sound.)
For me feeling safe and protected is to dream of being in nature, safe, without my glasses, playing, with my brother too, in the water, the forest, the floating dock, in the air, on water skis, swimming, floating, diving.
When I look at the card “Mummy” I am alone, at peace, dreaming.
Taurus-New-Moon-Altar by Kathy Crabbe