Dear Moon Muser, Thank you for staying with me the last few weeks during my POETRY RUN when that was the only way I could speak. I asked Goddess Kerridwen for help and She told me I needed some time to rejuvenate and now I know why!
Sept. 11-12 - San Diego Festival of the Arts
I'll have loads of original paintings plus some prints and cards. This was a last second opportunity and wow, so exciting! Click here for more info
Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck Coming Soon!
This upcoming deck will be a wonderful companion to the Cat Herbal Oracle Deck and will be my 5th oracle deck so far - woohoo! Filled with fairy delight, healing herbs and some kitty familiars too.
Heather Fairy for the Aquarius Full Moon
I pulled this fairy card from my upcoming Fairy Herbal Deck to help you celebrate the Full Moon Moon in Aquarius on August 22nd at 5:02 am, Pacific Time. I've been using my own hand made fairy deck for over 10 years now in giving soul readings.
"Heather Fairy" by Kathy Crabbe
Heather Faerie Guidebook Excerpt
Affirmation: “I am beautiful.”
This is an herb of immortality with a long herstory of conjuring ghosts. Make an amulet from the wood or take as a daily tonic for protection, luck, a long life and to perceive the soul. Helpful during initiation, to bless couples, and for rain-making. Add to your altar at Lammas and Ostara and to a Full Moon bath to enhance beauty.
About Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe has been an artist and astrologer forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age 40 when she found herself creatively blocked so she switched to her left hand which awakened her right brain and inspired her to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader. She has since published 4 oracle decks with more on the way.
Kathy lives in Southern California and the 1000 Islands, Canada with her pooch and partner in homes they’ve built themselves.