New Moon in Aquarius -January 27, 2017
This is not a reading, a writing, a quote, a cliche, a story, a myth, a prediction, a platitude.
Instead, ask:
What can I do?
How can I be of service?
I AM a healer.
I change the world.
Sing YOUR song.
Ulrica Could Handle Anything by Kathy Crabbe (from the Lefty Oracle Deck)
Lefty Oracle Card of the Month: Ulrica Could Handle Anything
Mantra: I am confident.
Affirmation: I can handle anything.
Element: Earth
I am simply
I can Be.
If you pull this card in a reading it’s time to get serious, take charge and get ‘er done! Put on your action cap or your thinking cap or whatever cap you need to help you focus on what’s important. If you’re a woman this may mean accessing your animus or your inner male – the part of you that thinks in a linear, goal focused way. Whether male or female take a moment to honour yourselfand recognize all you’ve achieved so far in your life.
In my own personal life I gain daily focus by writing a to-do list every morning after breakfast; a list that actually is do-able so that I can gain much needed satisfaction from checking things off a list.
Click here for the Lefty Oracle Deck coming Spring, 2017!
Lefty Oracle Cards by Kathy Crabbe
Aquarius Altar Tips from my Goddess Zodiac Playbook
Aquarius – The Water Bearer
Time of Year – Winter, Imbolc,
January 20 – February 18
Quality – Fixed
Element – Air
Ruler – Uranus
Anatomy – Ankles, bloodstream, circulation, shins,
Natural sign of – 11th house
Opposite sign – Leo
Color – Electric blue, turquoise, silver
Gemstone – Obsidian, opal, sapphire
Tarot card – The Star
Goddesses – Feng P’O P’O, Freya, Ix Chel, Nut, Tien-Mu
Aquarius Affirmations
- I seek out unusual people and experiences.
- I overstep my boundaries to create the unusual and manifest my dreams.
- I teach unconditional love.
- I believe in the limitless possibilities of life.
- I am called to the circle where I tend the web of community.
- I am a force for change.
Change Begins With You
- See the interdependence of all life forms in an unbroken web of consciousness
- Feel hope and freedom as you dream of the future
- Know that the earth is alive
- Teach us how to care ethically
- Spread goddess consciousness wherever you go
- Walk your talk
Soul Readings
Need to go deeper into your issues and question, then consider a Deluxe Soul Reading, Past Life Reading or Astro report. Click here for Readings.
Spirit Animal Paintings
My newest series of work explores the bond between feminine nature and wild nature in mini gouache paintings and portraits of women and their totems. Click here for stories and art.
Her songbird was her totem, her blessing in disguise. She had secrets, told no lies, suffered no fools. She was dark and powerful and potent inside and when she was ready she would sing, but never for her supper. She preferred to walk alone amongst the stars she called home.