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Elfin Ally Series (2016-2018)
Inspired by Forest, Lake and Loon, Fiery Heat, Coyote Calls, and Starry Nights.
My Elfin Ally paintings are inspired by the wild creatures of my childhood home in Ontario, Canada in the Frontenac Arch Biosphere of Ontario, Canada, where five forest regions merge, creating a tremendous wildlife diversity and close to my childhood summer home, and my heart. It is located on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territories.
In my late 20’s I moved to California and now find inspiration in the desert wine region and elfin forests of Temecula on the traditional land of the Payómkawichum where I learned to appreciate the searing sun, Santa Ana winds, starry nights, and El Nino winters of a desert life.
In 2019 I published these paintings as the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck: a 72 card spirit animal deck with oracles and keywords on the back of each card along with a 62 page guidebook. We all need magickal tools to help us deal with this often crazy world. May this deck be one of yours.
Unlock the key to the wildness within by tuning into the spiritual wisdom and beauty of your animal guides and the faerie realm. Their delightful poetry and stories, affirmations, fun facts, and astrology will enchant, heal and guide you along your path to fulfillment, power and self awareness simply by pulling a card.
Purchase the oracle deck here.
Originals and prints are here.
Elfin Ally Series (2016-2018)
Inspired by Forest, Lake and Loon, Fiery Heat, Coyote Calls, and Starry Nights.
My Elfin Ally paintings are inspired by the wild creatures of my childhood home in Ontario, Canada in the Frontenac Arch Biosphere of Ontario, Canada, where five forest regions merge, creating a tremendous wildlife diversity and close to my childhood summer home, and my heart. It is located on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territories.
In my late 20’s I moved to California and now find inspiration in the desert wine region and elfin forests of Temecula on the traditional land of the Payómkawichum where I learned to appreciate the searing sun, Santa Ana winds, starry nights, and El Nino winters of a desert life.
In 2019 I published these paintings as the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck: a 72 card spirit animal deck with oracles and keywords on the back of each card along with a 62 page guidebook. We all need magickal tools to help us deal with this often crazy world. May this deck be one of yours.
Unlock the key to the wildness within by tuning into the spiritual wisdom and beauty of your animal guides and the faerie realm. Their delightful poetry and stories, affirmations, fun facts, and astrology will enchant, heal and guide you along your path to fulfillment, power and self awareness simply by pulling a card.
Purchase the oracle deck here.
Originals and prints are here.
Heart-Bandit: Racoon was her comfort, her heart-bandit, her chum, when times were tricky, dark and glum.
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Froggy Luv: In her squishy heart was room always for Master Frog, her Spirit Animal. Bubbles and tears rose up surrounding her with fresh ideas, wonder and certainty that she WAS on the right path after all.
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Sweetness & LIght
She was Sweetness and Light and stripey mischief too,
with Butterfly as her totem.
And yes, she would dream, and love, and be beautiful,
for she too was Divine.
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Foxy Magick: Her elfin spirit was irreversibly charmed by Red Fox, her familiar. With him, she was always the guiding Star Forever. She WAS Nature; fertile, creative, a mystic. And for this she would happily move onward, sated and at peace.
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Katydid Magick: Bowing her head to her Katydid familiar felt right, for the flowers and birds called her name; sweet Elf, Mighty Queen, share your secrets with us so we too can believe.
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Caterpillar Luv: She, who was Nature called Caterpillar Magic to her; for healing, curious reprieve and magic, slow and subtle, transforming vision into reality.
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Bat Luv: The Dark Mysteries of Broom & Barn & Batwing called to her, and she answered...in wisps of mist and magick and swirly ruby red emotion.
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Moon Sparklz: Not all the time, but in all the best ways, she could honestly say: She. Was. Happy. With a friendly, black dog as her spirit animal, she too could bay at the moon, shine sparkly like the stars, and call in Great Spirit to guide her way.
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Sandpiper Magic: By the sea she belonged, with Sandpiper, her familiar at her side. It was the light and the sounds and the water babies cooing that kept her there year year by year, singing her song.
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Mouse Magic: With mouse as my familiar I can find my way, be a star, guide by moon, and never, ever forget who I am: a child of the universe, blessed and inspired and beautiful - inside and out.
Raven Spirit: She could feel her heart lift and fly free, free as her Spirit Animal, the Raven. He told her his secrets each night through gifts of shine and sparkle that blessed her whole life.
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Blue Butterfly: It was beauty she craved above all else and in blue butterfly she found it; home + peace + joy where her weary heart could rest at last.
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Merganser Magick: Sun tanned and glorious she called the lake to her. Wiith Merganser as her familiar she could savour this game, this life, this moment of magick.
The Love Birds bright blessings sang merrily in her ear tuning her heart to sun, moon and star.
Buy the print here.
Kit Fox: In the desert her soul lit up with Kit Fox as her familiar. She could trixie her way up any path where the views outshone her wildest imaginings and the Divine spoke to her loud and clear.
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Deer Magick: With Deer as her familiar she too was fleet of limb, lush of lip and gentle of heart for the Divine glowed golden in her veins.
Buy the print here.
Barn Owl Luv: Into the Beauty she flew and she knew with Barn Owl as her familiar, she could dream a thousand dreams, each one more magickal than the next.
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Bluebird Magick: She could sing in her heart with Bluebird as her familiar. In her heart she could sing where it counted.
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Ocean Call: Into the pale blue reach of her Whale Heart she could feel the Call of the Ocean carry her away to a Dream World where beauty was Everything and Power untamed.
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Opossum Magick: With Possum, her familiar by her side, she too could hang loose, be cool, free and in touch with Goddess. Above and Below she was connected!
Dragonfly Delight: With Dragonfly as her familiar she could contemplate the ancient mysteries, flow with universal energy, aglow in mist and magick.
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Rooster Magick
With Rooster as her Spirit Animal she could SING!
She would be heard!
For she was WOMAN;
All power, beauty and brawn.
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Fish Magick: On air or in water, she could swim with Flying Fish, her familiar by her side. Dreaming, dancing, splashing her cares away, so that sunshine and blue, blue depths could heal her inside.
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Peacock Magick: When Beauty called her name, she listened. When Peacock, her famailiar waved his feathers, she listened. She was learning all the time how to be graceful, grateful and Divine.
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Meerkat: In the starry realm of her soul, she'd found Meerkat, her familiar; curious, resolute and oh, so regal (and funny to boot). So she stayed there, she played there and she dreamed there until her stars shone her the way Home.
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Angel's View: What peaceful pride she felt inside with Whooper Swan as her familiar. Protected, fierce and wild her swan's heart beat in time with the magic of white feather, yellow bill and black eye affording her an angel's view of the sublime.
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Freedom: She was in awe. Her Spirit Animal, the Seagull, meant everything to her. He was freedom, joy and eternal flight, and to where, she didn't care.
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Chinchilla Luv: In the sweet close of day she shared her starry secrets with Chinchilla, her familiar who comforted her with a curious listening stillness that calmed her heart.
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Seal Magick: A secret passage to the sea adored by silky seal, was her True North, encompassing her heart and leading her Home, always Home from whence she got her start.
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Imperial Moth Magick: The beauty in her Soul fluttered forward like Moth, her familiar. Through him, she could navigate by night, by touch, by gentleness. Through him she could sense her mission, her path, her focus. For him she would be...perfect...just for one night.
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Bat Magick: Into the depths of the starry blue night she did fly with Bat, her familiar by her side. She knew darkness, like a friend, a lover, a foe, but nothing could stop her desire to know.
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Chipmunk Luv: Yes, she was cute and yes, she was fine, but with Chipmunk by her side she now knew life was but a game and she was ready to play.
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In the Pink: To be here with Flamingo, her familiar was Home. She was In the Pink; where sunshine sang her name and Aqua Blue shone true.
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Black Duck: Quiet on the Outside, but on the Inside Black Duck called her to him loud and clear.
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Panda Magick: Fuzzy and soft she was not but with Panda at her side, she could be brave and kind all at the same time.
Sea Horse: In her dream beneath the sea she meets Seahorse, her familiar, and the world opens up showering her in gentle beauty and magic untold.
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Alligator Magick: With Alligator as her familiar, she could conquer all; the world, her fears, and feeling small.
Swan Magick
She would not cry, with Tundra Swan by her side.
She would wait 'til the Sea absorbed her,
and the quiet returned.
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Hummingbird Magick promises sweetness, like a blessing from above.
Cockatoo Magick
Could she dream a new dream?
Keep her eye on the sky,
and a palm in her heart?
Surrender to the
blue and the pink?
"Why yes," said her Cockatoo,
"Yes you can, and you do."
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Black Swan
Owl Heart: She could test her boundaries with Owl as her spirit animal, for now her range was far, her night vision strong, and her intuition sharp, and oh, so in tune with her heart.
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Otter Magick: In her mind's eye she was swept away by the beauty and joy of Otter, her spirit animal in who's captivating Sea Dance she could get lost, happily, forever.
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Monkey Business: Feeling curiously free and cuddly with Spider Monkey as my totem; my friend, my reminder to be, both open hearted and limber, body, mind and soul...blessed be.
Shiner Fish: She was Queen of Make-Believe, floating in a sea of imagination with Shiner Fish, her familiar, where dreams sprouted lilies and magick flowed like waves.
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Katydid Magick: Bowing her head to her Katydid Totem felt right, for the flowers and birds called her name; sweet Elf, Mighty Queen, share with us your secrets so we too can believe.
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Queen Heron: Here in Magic Land with Heron as her totem, she could BE HERSELF; strong, capable, mystical, communing with stars that showed her the way home to the Heart of the Mystery,
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Spirit Horse: Calling to her wildness and freedom unchained, at home with the wind, her beauty un-reined.
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Prosperity: Alive in her heart, where love lived forever, with Giraffe as her Spirit Animal, she'd live long and prosper.
Bear Spirit Medicine called her name; his beauty a bounty, her torch aflame.
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Robin Magick calls her name...berry red lips, heart and breast untamed. Gold stars remind her from whence she came for she too was magick, just the same.
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Grey Squirrel was her wee champion, full of advice all day long, and nuts, and smiles, and song that kept her spiky thoughts at bay, so that finally, she too could sleep and dream a better day.
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Owl Magick: Aglow from the inside, with Moon shining bright, her Spirit Animal, the Owl guides by night.
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Bear Power: It all started with her rein (rain? reign?) of blonde hair. From there I could 'see' the bear, but was it brown, or white? Definitely white: Power, Strength, Mystery, Northern. The blues in the bear accent it's far Northern habitat and that same blue wanted to live in the sky - a star? A form. That could indeed be a star. But she needed heat and warmth and passion. Hot pinks radiated from her and a sun was born - psychedelic, swirly, strong, like her. Again, opposites unite; warms (reds) and cools (blues) as we are both, all of us, and so much more.
Lake Secrets: Into the depths her cheery heart grew, until the sun and the sky melded with the deepest, darkest secrets of the lake and she knew, without a doubt, that she was home
Sweetness: This was HER heart on the line, and it hurt. So she called upon Jack Rabbit, her totem animal, to make it better. He advised speed, but it was time that she needed and a speedy recovery. So, into the pink she leapt where sweetness dreamed and magic slept.
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Spark: Starlight, starbright, her salamander came to her by night. It sparked, it glowed, it lit her up inside, sharing magic side-by-side.
SoulSpeak: She had called her to him, her totem animal, her beloved dolphin, because she knew deep in her crystalline heart that truth and beauty were her destiny. She would not rest 'til her soul spoke Dolphin and she was ONE with her Beloved.
Buy the original here.
Heart Spark: She was fine, just fine, with all that was, will be, and is. With Kingfisher as her totem she could light up a room, and spark your heart til it glowed.
This is an example of a Custom Spirit Animal Portrait.
Snail Magick
Into the night by moonlight she was guided by Snail, her Spirit Animal, who shared with her secrets and flowers that bloomed just for her.
Prints are here.
Healing: In her sadness, no relief, just memories. Her spirit totem, the Anteater, encircled her, sharing the heaviness of time that twisted her insides into knots with no room to breathe. Soon, she would forget and move on, find peace and healing within, then share it with her friends.
Anteater Medicine: To go deep, deep, deep into the spirit of the Universe and to bring back small gems of knowledge to heal the woes of the world, both a blessing and a curse, so be careful how you use this Totem Animal's Power.
Buy the original here.
Brave: Each time the BIG CAT called her name, by Sun, by Heat, by Flame, she'd pause and remind herself; She. Was. Brave. So brave, that her fears had to run to catch up with her. Though her heart might pound, this party was Hers and the Devil wasn't allowed.
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Transformation: All the colors in the world were here for her to digest, take in and transform. Until she too could fly on wings of shimmer where magic lay waiting for her touch and a word to awaken the silence within.
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Daddy Long Legs: She could be the best of the best with Daddy Long Legs as her familiar. She'd just follow his long legged lead and point her shiny head at a star - ready, set, go.
Beloved: The blood of her tears birthed a dragon, her spirit totem, her heart; fierce yet vulnerable, soft and new, yet fighting, always fighting to be true to her self, her gods, her divine, oh so divine beauty. She would live her truth, no matter what...her dragon told her so.
Secrets: Her songbird was her totem, her blessing in disguise. She had secrets, told no lies, suffered no fools. She was dark and powerful and potent inside and when she was ready she would sing, but never for her supper. She preferred to walk alone amongst the stars she called home.
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Grateful: In the green, green depths of her snowy-white egret's heart, she knew this bird, her totem animal, her friend, her ally, like she knew herself. Composed, quiet, yet not afraid, ever, to be herself. She was proud and she would not back down. For this was Her time, Her space, Her life and for that she was deeply and forever grateful.
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Crow Call: Your Purple-Ness, my totem animal, Crow Spirit calls to me, awakens me, magicks me ALIVE. I am alive and I am glorious! Thank you Spirit Bird for finding me and showing me the way for naught else matters now but your cry...and as you beckon, I too shall fight for survival, for my rights, and for the rights of all.
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Wolf Magic: She is my protector, my luv, my guide.
With her by my side, I can fight the good fight,
no lies, just truth, and shining eyes.
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Blue Safety: At first she felt weird, but then the water calmed her, soothed her, charmed her and her Spirit Animal swam towards her. As she rested in the blue safety of the moment she knew love and she laughed inside spouting red-hot swirls all around her.
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Angels Among Us
With Falcon as her Spirit Animal she could fly forever to a land where angels roamed; carefree, unsullied, magnificent, as was she.
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Sadness: She was encased in sloopy, green sadness so that her Spirit Animal could not reach her. Her tears formed diamonds, her features hard, but in the depths of her soldier's heart beat Snake Medicine; cool, flexible and stinging. She would bounce back.
Call of the Snow Goose: Snow Goose calls her from afar. She is here with her star. Pink, rosy cheeked memories of toques and tongues keep her warm. She is far from home. Her sustenance, the pines whisper reminders, "pssst you are a Northern creature." Nothing can stop her from feeling this in her bones.
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Pink Puss: Quiet, peaceful, ultramarine purples surround her, calm her, delight her. Her Pink Puss magicks away her worries and dreams her a fantastic new world where LOVE is supreme. A place where pinks and reds warm her and wisdom finds her, easily, succinctly, appropriately.
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Quiet: Silent as the night, as her owl totem, as the moon, she worshipped from afar. Never too close, she gave them all space, so that when they called to her, she could fly, not on wings, but on fancy to a distant realm where dreams slept, awaiting her. So she waited, and she listened, quiet as the night, quiet as the moon, quiet as the owl calling her name.
Buy the print here.
Joy: She didn't realize it was missing until Squirrel, her Spirit Animal reminded her...JOY. Her sadness over the state of the world overwhelmed her, but Squirrel said: "No, you must find a way, for without your efforts the stars might not shine." So she prayed and she wished upon her star for a better world, a world where she Could make a difference, for she must, she had no choice.
Spiky: She had orange hair, spiky, like the Kingfisher, her spirit animal. Next came purple hills - mounds - soft, hazy, magical, like her. With her best friends by her side she knew, without a doubt she WAS special and that the key to everything was inside her. She just had to find it.
A Simple Celebration: At first I thought the main character in my painting was Asian with her black, black hair, but then the stripes appeared and the Light Ultramarine Blue of her eyes matched and she became French too! I pictured her with a kitty but my kitty drawing became a dog instead joined by a friend with the same ears, but this time definitely a puddy tat (ie. a cat). It seemed to be some sort of celebration and so a wreath took shape - voila! This painting celebrates love and friendship and would make a nice present for that very reason.
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Avocet: Her curlique heart beat in time with Avocet, her Shorebird Spirit Animal who sang her blues away until Sunshine returned, and magic, and wings, and watery things that filled her up with joy.
Solace: As I delve into this small jewel of a painting to better understand it, the word SOLACE appears in my mind. But why? Perhaps because this woman has her eyes closed in ecstasy or peace or an imaginary world. She wears feathers of fire and her spirit animal is bright too. She is a mystery encompassing light and dark symbolized by warm and cool colors.
Prints are available here.
Loyal: A delight. Sunshine in my heart. That's You, my Spirit Animal, my best friend, my golden pup. You amaze me every day. So my love erupts in flowers as the vegetation grows quickly and madly about me striving to catch up with my fullness. Because of you. I believe.
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Puppy Luv...they kept her sane!
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Dreaming of You: Surrounded by grey-ness - raining blues, she closes her eyes and dreams of you...her spirit friend appears in the sky, a seagull flying high. A diamond in magenta appears next; a geometry of lines to carry her forward, not into sadness, but hope. As a flower, a lotus? a tulip? in pink appears. She will close her eyes and dream a better tomorrow.
Forest Heart: She is indigenous; of the forest, the hemlocks, the rivers and the hot sun of California, as is the Marten, her Spirit Animal. It is peace she seeks; in nature and within. Yet she is a fierce fighter when called upon. The River sings her to sleep and the Sun, hot and unrelenting, sings her praises, but it is deep within the forest that she belongs; singing her heart song, silently, relentlessly, alive.
Prints are available here.
Jack Rabbit: in the depths of her leafy green heart was Jack Rabbit, her totem, her guide, her talisman. Her fiery, lush ways were tempered by his sweetness, his gentle breath and his amber eyes; so perfect, so harmonious, she could sing that sweet note forever.
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Blue Bird Masquerade: Into the velvet night she flew as Blue Bird sang her to sleep with dreams of diamonds, mystics and meteors to keep her on track and empowered.
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Tell Me No Lies
PoP: Before beginning this painting all I could envision was darkness and spikes but I wanted to tie it in with my recent series of Spirit Animal paintings. So I started, as usual with a face and drew it with a bamboo sketch pen that creates a nice, scratchy line. (Oh ya, and by the way I'm also painting with my non-dominant hand). The darkness I felt inside got expressed in the dark, flowing paint outlining her body. Yet in this darkness is light and hope as expressed in the yellow rays extending out from her head. From there I tapped into her spirit animal which turned out to be a red and purple bird. But this bird wanted company. (And it's good feng shui ya know, if you have a painting in your home that depicts a couple...it creates good energy for couples), From there I could see a moon/circle in the sky but when I finished painting it I see that it wants to become a moon-flower so I add petals or rays extending out from it.
In the end, this painting expresses the dark AND the light which is appropriate for this time of year as we are entering the dark time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere) at Hallow's Eve or Samhain, also known as the Celtic New Year.
Unicorn Beetle: Happy as she was, when her familiar, the Unicorn Beetle appeared she then knew BLISS. His comforting presence harkened her back to a Past Life Joy where flowers knew her name and memories shone golden and lapiz blue.
NOW She Could Sing: Grateful. As I painted her face a frog appeared in my mind and a combination bullfrog and tree frog appeared on the page. Surrounded by FIRE energy; passion, creativity, love symbolized by the color orange and the rays of a sun or a sunflower extending out from the frog. In her heart was rain and sorrow and tears; both sadness and release as symbolized by the giant teardrop in the left corner. The two energies and colors: cool (blues) and warms (reds) melded together to form her striped shirt and she was complete. NOW, she could move forward. NOW she could sing.
Ruddy Duck: With charm to spare, she called Ruddy Duck to her. His quack shook her out of any funk she was feeling as his brave, bright soul rose in tune with her heart.
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Cat Magick: Forbidden Fruit, her Spirit Cat reminded her, was always a temptation for her poet's heart. She, who knew the wind, the salty sea, the pleasures and treasures of journey-ing far and away. But for now, she WAS home where Sun and Moon and Star had guided her, and that was enough for now.
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Santa Ana
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SoulSecret: Sweetly, secretly, she dreamed a new life, with Ermine, her Spirit Animal, her guiding light.
Frog Magick: She was ever so beautiful and she knew it too. With frog as her familiar she could be a blissed out beautiful being in tune with wild waters that could never tame her rebel heart and she was frightfully too charming to care.
Orange Cat Magick: Today she could hear the Moon speak. With orange cat as her familiar her dreams could touch magick hidden in heart and seeded by soul.
Heart-Song: In her soul she held dear the delicate pink, grey form of her tiny Spirit Dog. Curled up on a flower budding in tune with her heart-song.
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Foxy Fox: With Fox as her familiar she was bright and sexy and oh, so charming, when need be. Fiery at heart, yet shy by nature, she traveled wild ways to gather treasures and share her gifts. Mysterious to many, known well by a few, her heart-ways were wise and her choices true.
Her dreams were big and fanciful and full of change and power and pride. You could see it in her eyes; pride in her country, herself, her guides. This bird, her totem, always by her side, fishing and squawking most in-elegantly, of fair-ness, equality and destiny.
Harmony: She tried to remain calm as the world swirled madly around her so she chose greens; green water, green eyes, green-blues. Her spirit animal, the Murrelet jauntily agreed and the sun smiled harmony down upon them. And she was grateful at last, for being alive.
Bee Magick: The promise of honey, sweet and warm, kept her safe and strong as the Bee, her spirit animal.
Lucky Charm: I am all happiness with you, sweet puppy luv, as my familiar, my friend, my lucky charm, for you guide me home, to my heart.
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True Heart
She was fine, just fine, with Brown Dog as her spirit animal.
She knew love and loyalty and trust and her heart beat strong
and in tune with Mama Moon and Papa Sun.
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Spirit Bird: In that sweet, daft, airy space in her heart there was room only for Spirit Bird; he of the Rosy Wing. It was here she could let her hair down, grow solemn, and leafy blue-green, in that space where rocks could sing and birds talk.
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Heart Tug: With Pig as her Spirit Animal, she could play all day with the fiery heart-tugging magic that called her name.
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Heart of Hearts: In her heart of hearts, is you; Yellow Butterfly, where you will be safe, always, and free, to play and fly with Beauty, Love and the Divine.
This is an example of a Custom Spirit Animal Portrait
Heart's Delite: Despite her late start in life, she was, simply, fantastic and with Black Duck as her Spirit Animal she would find and refine the DELITE that beat in tune with her heart.
Triumphant: There was always something in her way, but this time, with Cormorant as her Spirit Animal, she would sail forth, triumphant, at last.
Sunshine: Charming as she was, she was no match for Spot, her Spirit Dog, who's sweet tongue and jaunty ears kept her in Sunshine all year long.
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Fleur: With Blue Cat, her totem animal, by her side, she bloomed, like a pale, delicate fleur, enraptured by the sun, blessed by the rain and feted by the fairies.
Beauty and Truth: In the rosebud that was her heart, was you, sweet Butterfly; She, who could be trusted above all else, She, who was Divine Beauty, Love, Truth.
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Subtle: She valued subtlety above all else and her totem animal, the tabby cat had taught her plenty, lIke how to be fierce AND gentle, soft AND strong. For in her heart of hearts she was a warrior and a Queen, ready and willing to make a difference on this planet she called home.
Beloved: Ever so sweet, and oh so powerful with Frog as my Totem Animal, I sally forth, a lotus blossom, ever so mild, with a fire burning in my brain for you, my beloved, for You.
Little White Dog: The promise of a cherry-red kiss on a wet black nose is enough.
Calling All Angels: Her heart beat in tune with her best friend, her Spirit Dog by her side. She could bear the chimes of the Universe ringing thru the ages, calling all Angels, with trumpets, like flowers, beautiful and bright.
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Email : kathy@kathycrabbe.com
© 1993-2025 Kathy Crabbe