Pisces Full Moon
August 24, 2010
10:04 am pdt
Spotlight on Piscean Dreamer & Fiber Artist, Gail Asbury Savoy Faire Shop New Hampshire, USA
As a true Pisces I am a dreamer. I dream up many of my creations or fall asleep with them popping into my head only to awaken and hope to remember them. Sometimes I wake up and one pops into my head which is great because I can get up and draw a quick picture of it!
While I am very imaginative and prefer to seek refuge in my imagination, I am not overly sensitive since I was a professional business woman for over thirty years. On the other hand because I can go with the flow like a fish I could just as easily follow as lead! I can also be the boss’s favorite because I understand who the perfect employee is and can become just that, but I am truly happiest being my own boss and creating my dreams!
I'm a big performer, storyteller, dancer and public speaker whenever I get the chance, including at funerals where others may be tongue tied, yet I feel it’s important that something special was said. Ideally I'd love to be in the performing arts but was pushed into using my intelligence for accounting and analytical work where I can crunch numbers and tell you things you wouldn't see for yourself. I’m big on out of the box thinking because no limitations have ever been put on my imagination.
My seventh grade creative writing teacher once told me to never lose my imagination and I’ve taken that to heart.
Only recently was I able to finally do what I've always wanted to and that is become a fiber artist and to create using various media; fabric, beads, and bobbles, both recycled and new. As a child of two I'd collect all my mother's sewing scraps and drape them around my dolls creating flowing outfits. I love using pearls and shimmery, shiny things from the sea and if I had my way I'd drape myself in lush flowing gowns with long trailing sleeves, covering myself in pearls, beads and all kinds of jewelry with rings on every finger...oops, I already do that! During the winter here in New England you’ll find me wearing rich velvets and wild capes! I can still remember when I was four years old and my ballet teacher would wear a feather in her hat with a red cape; her style was so unique. Later, she moved to New York City to open a ballet studio and I never saw her again, but
I've never forgotten to wear things that make me happy no matter what others say.
Because I am a big planner, I draw my inspirations months ahead of time when ideas and dreams pop into my head. My boyfriend finally understands that when I make a decision it's not based on what is obvious, but instead relies upon intuition. Many of my best works just flow out of me when I have fabric laid out. I will start with a drawing that I want to bring to life and end up with a multitude of styles. As a clothes horse myself, I'd like to wear something different every day if I could, and in turn offer my customers a lot of choice and diversity so that everyone can find something they'll love.
There will always be that one item that very few people like yet it sells because someone somewhere loved it and that's what makes it all worthwhile to me.
Growing up in the 1960's and 70's when girl's dresses were so special and now are almost impossible to find in that style I try to create things girls will never forget and hopefully pass down to a special girl themselves one day. I hope you put on one of my fabric creations and then relax, forget time, problems and deadlines and dream about how it could be...