I see spring colors coming out in my work, new greens, bud pinks.
Everything feels so peppy, but I need some edge so I turn on music by Massive Attack ~ "Mezzanine".
I am balancing dark and light all the time. Be wary, Lightworkers, for we too are of the dark, the compost, the fertile, fetid, furious realms, of Persephone, of Hades, of Pluto, "cause ya can't have one without the other" (try singing this last line!)
It's the tension between light and dark where art grows. As I paint, I'm aware of painting to stay open, flexible, not letting the piece settle, formulate, coagulate in any 'one way', but to allow freedom to reign. That way I can turn everything upside down (literally) more easily.
Today is windy and my thoughts are blowing away, my feelings searching for a place to land. My to-do list is a mile long, but none of that matters now, just the process,the painting, the music, the passion and back to work I go...
Grainne Mhaol is coming across the ocean, With armed soldiers as protection, Neither French nor Spanish but Irish, And they will scatter the invader.
My greatest wish would be to see, Even if I died within a week of seeing it, Grainne Mhaol and her mighty warriors, Proclaiming banishment to the invader.
From the song "Oro, Se Do Bheatha 'Bhaile" by Sinead O'Connor
Musical Ambiance: Sinead O'Connor ~ Sean-Nos Nua, Sinead Lohan ~ No Mermaid, Bjork ~ Vespertine, Massive Attack ~ Mezzanine.