New Moon in Taurus Inspiration

Mummy from the Lefty Oracle Deck by Kathy Crabbe

This month as I sat with Lefty Oracle card of the month (Mummy) and pondered this New Moon in Taurus (April 26) these thoughts came to me:

Why do we do anything?

To be of service, of course, and to support our own growth and that of Mother Earth and all her denizens.

How are you of service? And how does being of service tap into and express your own sacred gifts?

When we express the love we have inside we ARE being of service. If we need to be flashy and show-offy, is this our true self, or just our ego saying 'look at me!'

In this self obsessed world we live in, I heard online that it's now a radical act to take a walk and NOT share it online!

Why not come up with your own radical act for NOT sharing online? I challenge you to try this out at least until the next Full Moon (May 10). Try making time for a walk in nature without your cell phone or camera. I'm going to try NOT checking my phone first thing after I get up.

When I was a young girl in the 1970's I had a premonition about just how BIG a part screens would play in our lives and how avoiding getting sucked in would be one of THE most important things we could do to help ourselves be ourselves. I love computers, but hey, they're addictive, right? (Check out Wim Wenders' movie from 1991, Until the End of the World for some interesting observations and of course Aldous Huxley's book, Brave New World).

Lefty Oracle of the Month: Mummy

When you pull this card in a reading
it’s definitely not a time to charge forward. You need to lay low and take care of yourself right now. Self care is number one, so find a way to nurture yourself body, mind and soul. You deserve it.

In my own life, when I painted this card I actually had a cold and was feeling very inward, needing time to recover and take care of myself first. (excepted from the Lefty Oracle Deck Guidebook)

Purchase the Lefty Oracle Deck here

Lefty Oracle Deck and 92 page Guidebook by Kathy Crabbe - purchase here.

Taurus New Moon Altar by Kathy Crabbe

Taurus Inspiration from the Goddess Zodiac Playbook

Taurus – The Bull
Time of Year – Spring turns into summer, May Day, April 20 - May 20
Quality – Fixed
Element – Earth
Planetary Ruler – Venus
Anatomy – Neck, throat
Natural Sign of – 2nd House
Color – Earth colors, green, pink
Gemstone – Chrysocolla, green emerald, moss agate
Tarot Card – Hierophant
Goddesses – Demeter, Flora, Gaia, Hathor, Hera, Nokomis, Olwen, Rhea

Taurus Affirmations

  • I am practical, sensible and earthy
  • I am sensual and loyal
  • I am grounded and fulfilled in the arms of Mama Earth
  • I am creative and persistent
  • I grow deep roots
  • I am slowing down and enjoying myself
  • I take time to pamper and nurture myself
  • I indulge my senses on a regular basis

Feed Your Taurus Earthiness

  • - Spend time in nature feeling comfortable and at home
  • - Build and transform your world through the healing powers of art
  • - Allow Mama Earth to support your endeavours
  • - Discover deep bliss

Purchase the Goddess Zodiac eBook here

Scorpio New Moon: Celebrate the Darkness

As we approach the Scorpio New Moon on Oct. 30 we delve into themes such as: letting go of the old...entering the dark...claiming our power - all themes relating to Hallowe'en or Samhain.

Frankly, a lot of the time I feel like letting go of everything, but that's not why I'm here or you either, I bet.

I have few words right now, but I do have paintings. Inspired by English landscape Alice Sheridan who I've been conversing with lately by email about her writing that accompanies her work I decided to give it a try myself as part of my new Spirit Animal Series. I discovered that although I thought I didn't know what my painting titled PoP was all about that when I started writing about it it suddenly became clear to me.

New Moon In Scorpio Tips from my Goddess Zodiac eBook

Scorpio the Scorpion, Phoenix & Eagle

Time of Year – October 21 - November 21
Quality – Fixed
Element – Water
Planetary Ruler – Pluto
Anatomy – Sex organs
Natural Sign of – 8th House
Color – Blood red, maroon
Gemstone – Malachite, opal, topaz
Tarot Card – Death
Goddesses – Brigid, Hecate, Morgan, Selkhet

Scorpio Meditation

Deep inner knowing,
Her arms snakes, her belly the depths,
Slowly she transforms
Vulture claws spreading open,
Wings of magic, reborn glory,
The Phoenix.

Scorpio Affirmations

  • I am motivated, resourceful and determined
  • I risk honesty
  • I transcend earthly concerns and soar to new heights
  • I am magnetic and mysterious
  • I am Phoenix Rising
  • I have no fear of death

Can You Feel It?

  • Seek spiritual catharsis through sexuality
  • Feel and sense the power of deep magick within you
  • Feel burning desire in the heat of passion
  • Focus on the goal as you rebirth yourself every day
  • Relax into the warmth of the crone’s cave
  • Live life to the fullest

Scorpio New Moon Lefty Oracle Card of the Month: Witch Power

Witch Power from the Lefty Oracle Series pictured on my altar

You can purchase a print of Witch Power here. Learn more about my upcoming Lefty Oracle Deck here.

More News

For Love of the Great Being, 8x10 inch watercolor on paper (Lefty Series)

The painting above is from my Lefty Oracle series and was recently selected to illustrate a poem in the book "Garland of the Goddess". You can purchase a print of "Great Being" here and the book is here.

Silk Art Print CAT Sale

My paintings of cats on silk were all painted during my time in Laguna Beach in the 90's and this is the last of them so grab them while you can. They'll be on sale with free shipping until the Full Moon, December 13, 2016.

October Cat Print Giveaway WINNER is Mrs. K. Murdock - congrats!

October Cat Prints are available here.

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe has been an artist and writer forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty after five years painting with her non-dominant left hand. This awoke her intuition in a big way. In 2008 she created a Lefty Oracle deck and started giving intuitive soul readings that have touched many lives in profound and playful ways. Kathy lives in sunny Southern California with her pet muses and architect husband in an adobe-style home they built themselves.

More of my Art & Daily Magick here: