The ever popular Ethony, Headmistress of the Tarot Readers Academy recently shared her unboxing video of the Lefty Oracle Deck. Take a peek and you'll also get a glimpse of every card in the deck: Video Unboxing by Ethony
Divine Art: I'm Interviewed by Francesca De Grandis
I recently had the great honour and pleasure to be interviewed by Shamanic Guide and Mentor Francesca De Grandis who also happens to be my mentor!
Click here to check it out:
My Interview with Susun Weed
It was a true delight :) Thank you for being on the show, we look forward to catching up with you in the future. ~ Susun Weed, The Voice of the Wise Woman Tradition
This was the conversation I've always wanted to have with Susun Weed - twas a blast! ~ Kathy Crabbe
Click below for my interview with Susun Weed - March 21, 2017
The ever amazing Susun Weed
We spoke of many things including Spring, soul readings and their meaning, my Lefty Oracle Deck, Goddess Epheseus (and testicles!), feminism,collaboration and being brave. I was delighted when Susun called my Leftys 'delicious'. Being interviewd by Susun was a bit like being on stage with a comedian - intense! I really had to focus to keep up. What a wild ride! Susun Weed is my absolute HERA (aka hero) in the healing world. I love her work and her radio show. If you have health questions, the first hour and a half is your chance to call in. The last half hour is my interview. Each Tuesday a different guest is interviewed. I also teach an eClass Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul at Susun's Wise Woman University.
Wildflower walk near my home in Temecula, CA
About Kathy: Kathy Crabbe is a soul reader, artist, writer and teacher who has been in business since 1993. She spent the first 27 years of her life in Ontario, Canada and now lives in Temecula, Southern California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves on five acres in the countryside surrounded by ancient oaks, native prickly pear cactus and an elfin forest.
Kathy Crabbe Interviewed by Les Femmes Folles
Here is a recent interview I gave about my art that I'd like to share with you. Thanks for your support!
Kathy Crabbe, artist
Artist Kathy Crabbe shares with Les Femmes Folles (LFF) about her current exhibit at Riverside Art Museum, being an artist in Temecula, California, how feminism and engagement play a role in her work, some of her stellar drawings and more…
Where are you from? How did you get into creative work and what is your impetus for creating?
I’m originally from Kingston, Canada and now live on land outside of Temecula, California. I have always been creating and still have drawings from when I was two. My impetus for creating is self expression and celebration of goddess, nature, wildness and awakening intuition.
Tell me about your current/upcoming show/exhibit/book/project and why it’s important to you. What do you hope people get out of your work?
My current exhibit is a showing of all 52 original paintings from my Lefty Oracle Deck and some of the stories from the guidebook. It will be on display at the Riverside Art Museum as part of The 52 Project; a 52 week experiment that for me, involved creating every day. This exhibit with its set end date helped me finish the writing for the deck; deadlines are invaluable in that regard. I hope that people will be interested in the process of non dominant hand drawing to help them awaken their intuition and pursue their dreams from a deeper and more aware place within.
Does collaboration play a role in your work—whether with your community, artists or others? How so and how does this impact your work?
All my Lefty Oracle art is collaborative. It is not art that is meant to hang on the wall or sit on the shelf. It is art that is meant to engage people and groups on deep levels that involve sacred play.
Do you think your city is a good place for women in art/writing/etc? What do you think is the best thing about your city for artists, and how might it be improved?
My city is not at all a good place for women in the arts. It is a newer town with a cowboy past and a traditional present that caters mainly to families, churches and horses and I’ve had no success with my art here and very little success with the artist’s group I started or the Moon Circles I facilitated. I did have success with a writer’s group I started. My city could improve its connection with the arts by taking the time to listen to the professional artists who do live here. They have started that process recently so I dearly hope something comes of it.
Artist Wanda Ewing, who curated and titled the original LFF exhibit, examined the perspective of femininity and race in her work, and spoke positively of feminism, saying “yes, it is still relevant” to have exhibits and forums for women in art; does feminism play a role in your work?
Feminism does play a role in my art. Several of the cards in my Lefty Deck are feminist cards that stand up and fight for women’s rights. One of these images is an award winner and several have been featured in various feminist publications, as well as appeared onstage for Women’s Day in Los Angeles with Michelle Shocked and in the San Diego Women’s History Museum via zines I created.
Ewing’s advice to aspiring artists was “you’ve got to develop the skill of when to listen and when not to;” and “Leave. Gain perspective.” What is your favorite advice you have received or given?
Fave advice I ever received was to look ten years into the future and envision what life would be like. Fave advice I’ve given is always part of my soul readings; so my clients tell me!
This interview was originally published by Les Femmes Folles, a volunteer organization founded in 2011 with the mission to support and promote women in all forms, styles and levels of art from around the world with the online journal, print annuals, exhibitions and events; originally inspired by artist Wanda Ewing and her curated exhibit by the name Les Femmes Folles (Wild Women). LFF was created and is curated by Sally Deskins. LFF Books is a micro-feminist press that publishes 1-2 books per year by the creators of Les Femmes Folles including the award-winning Intimates & Fools (Laura Madeline Wiseman, 2014) and The Hunger of the Cheeky Sisters: Ten Tales (Laura Madeline Wiseman/Lauren Rinaldi, 2015). Other titles include Les Femmes Folles: The Women 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 available on, including art, poetry and interview excerpts from women artists. See the latest call for work on the Submissions page!
Interview with Kathy Crabbe, Creator of the Lefty Oracle Deck
Herbal Magazine Interview
This interview was absolutely wonderful. I was able to sit in Mom’s kitchen on a warm sunny day and have a blast talking to Kathy about pretty much everything. As a natural lefty I find that my handwriting and drawing is already well, unique let’s say. I usually find myself cursing my hand or asking others if they can read my southpaw. Listening to Kathy discuss her lefty work, however, has given me more respect for my own appendages and makes me appreciate the work that I am able to accomplish with my seemingly wrong hand. Kathy has a wonderful way of seeing the possibilities as a whole and can create beautiful work based on nature and myth that is somehow playful and powerful all at once.
How did you find confidence in your lefty artwork? Did you feel frustration when you started?
Kathy Crabbe began using her non-dominant hand almost twenty years ago when she felt artistically blocked. She had no idea it would have such a profound impact on her artwork but was thrilled to see the results. In the interview Kathy explained it helped her “slow down” and truly appreciate the creative process. She went on to explain that later on she learned that this is an art therapy technique called bi-lateral hand drawing that helps people slow down, calm themselves, and feel grounded. Slowing down is a major challenge for this jump-on-in Aries Rising, but she found that by slowing down it, “helped balance everything out a little bit.”
Based upon Kathy’s experience using her left hand she was able to make an entire oracle deck based on her lefty characters that help people become more intuitive and work through issues. She says the most difficult part is actually printing with her left hand, but cannot deny the fact that this deck has helped others and herself.
How have you changed as an artist over the 16 years you’ve been drawing with your left hand?
Kathy’s intuition has improved while working with her left hand and it has helped develop the non-dominant side of her brain. Kathy was also amazed by how well her soul readings developed after using her left hand. Before 2007 she had not done readings professionally. When she began working with her left hand she was able to build confidence to work on readings all over the world. While she does enjoy working with people in person Kathy began offering soul readings on Etsy and actually prefers remote reading because there is no other outside influence other than “just about the questions” received from clients.
Do you every go back to your dominant hand (for personal work or other reasons)?
Kathy always uses her dominant hand when doing more practical stuff (bills, errands, etc.) and for writing her soul readings which flow quickly. At the moment Kathy is focusing on Project 52 for the Riverside Art Museum which will culminate in a mini exhibitof all 52 originals from her lefty oracle deck.
How do you feel creating the oracle art and writing has helped you progress in your artistic dreams and/or aspirations?
“It’s helped me be brave and get into all kinds of adventures.”
One example that displays Kathy’s bravery is when Kathy broughtlife-sized leftys to Hollywood for Women’s Day with activist and singer Michelle Shocked (her personal hero). Since then Kathy has started a writer’s group and zines with her lefty characters. With these characters Kathy has even made performance art and has created a community.
These lefty characters have “pushed me to try something new,” Kathy said. She continues to work with her lefty art to make it more interactive and well, fun!
Does the landscape around you inspire you? If so, how?
Kathy keeps grounded and attuned with nature enhanced by her studies and training in Celtic Faerie Shamanism with mentor Francesca De Grandis. Kathy believes everything is grounded in nature and this has been a constant muse for every theme in her artwork as well as her intuitive work.
Kathy lives in sunny southern California secluded off a dirt road surrounded by the beauty of nature. She is still focusing on her oracle or lefty art and loves working with groups using her lefty deck. If you would like to contact Kathy for a soul reading or her artwork here is her link:
As Kathy says, Sparkly Blessings!