Aquarius Full Moon Rising by Guest Astrologer, Shakti

Full Moon Rising

Full Moon Rising

Full Moons are culmination points of your emotional journey throughout all those different inner facets throughout the month of one lunar cycle. Full Moon means the uttermost reflection of the light giving energy of the Sun into deepest crevices of your inner world. This Full Moon in Aquarius is receiving the energy of the Sun in Leo. Sun and Moon are the yin and yang, the male and the female force, the complementing forces in life. Sun as the life giving entity is radiating the force to create life and Moon is reflecting the energy, taking it into the inner world, sustaining and nourishing life.

Sun in astrology shows your self- identity, the inner place of strength you act from in your life. Sun is representing the inner and outer male figure. Sun is your self awareness and consciousness guiding you into choices and decisions. With the Sun moving through the whole zodiac throughout the year it gives you different mental perspectives onto life and guides your process of evolution as an individual and as whole humankind.

Moon in astrology on the other hand reflects consciousness evolving through your inner digestive process of your feelings and guides you more intuitively. Emotions are often unclear and hidden from the light of consciousness and might take a while to float up to conscious recognition and acknowledgment. Moon is the archetypal mother, the inner woman or outer woman, nourishing you in her unique way of being.

The Potential of the Aquarius and Leo Opposition

I believe wherever this Full Moon is touching into your chart it will have a profound impact for your soul’s journey in these challenging times. Note in which house the Full Moon falls in your chart and which aspects it is forming to personal planet. It carries the potential for integration between your inner and outer world and your visions and dreams coming to fruition.

You are also called upon extending your goodwill to others, be a role model for your beliefs concerning change for the better, taking care for your friends and neighbors, acting from a place of oneness and connectedness, taking charge and stepping up. Become a leader for what you believe in! Be the change you want to see! Grass root movements are needed to move on into the Aquarian Age, into the year 2012 with all its prophesied changes in consciousness of humankind.

I think we all agree that the old ways driven by greedy ways of the ego for power and self-gratification won’t meet the requirement of the 21st century. Mother Earth is polluted like never before and we are poisoning ourselves with it. The old economy is crashing and with it the old paradigms. We have to come up with new ways to organize ourselves on this earth looking beyond old tribal, ego driven survival instincts and make decisions based on the good for all.

What is needed is the emergence of a new consciousness and astrology is giving us much hope and understanding about the challenges ahead. It also gives us tools for coping. Here are two gemstones that can help you to balance and integrate the seemingly opposing forces of Aquarius and Leo.



An Aquarian Gemstone is the Aquamarine

Uranus infuses Aquamarine with some unusual qualities and a vision beyond our limited mind-set, making Aquamarine the Rebel among the gems. This is the gemstone of visionaries fighting for a better life, supporting goodness and necessary changes. It urges you to seek freedom and independence and to express your uniqueness. Aquamarine is the stone of innovators, ahead of their time in many ways. It encourages you to always question your limiting beliefs with an open mind and to be willing to grow beyond them. It can help you to find your own vision and purpose in life and the courage to live them.

This unique gem connects you with the unlimited aspect of being that is found in the ocean, symbolizing the vastness of existence, the unlimited space and horizon that you experience standing on a beach or on a boat.

ruby ring by shakti

ruby ring by shakti

A Leo Gemstone is the Ruby

The Ruby is the warrior of the heart, the knight of your dreams. It touches the root chakra and the heart chakra, helping gently but powerfully to bring energy up from the first chakra to the heart. The root chakra is your connection with the earth, your grounding, ego identity, survival instincts, anger, sex drive, and life force in general. The heart chakra is the seat of your emotions of love in all its aspects, from self-love to unconditional love. It is the site of unresolved wounds suffered in love and childhood experiences—but it is also home to forgiveness and compassion.

If you like my astrological musings I invite you to sign up for my free weekly newsletter here on my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog for a regular update on the actual universal flow in the heavens. As you can tell I am also very passionate about the abilities of the healing gemstones to help to align and balance our flow. I have even written a book about it and the connection with astrology! If you know where your challenges are, you can then take steps to support or balance yourself with gemstones, if that is something that appeals to you.

I hope you enjoyed this article, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.



Bio: Shakti Carola Navran has been an astrological coach, jeweler, spiritual teacher and healer for over 30 years. Her practice spans hypnotherapy, meditation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and healing with gemstones. She creates beautiful jewelry for the soul and spirit at her studio on Maui, Hawaii. She has written many articles and is the author of the book Jewelry & Gems for Self Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul.

In her book she teaches you about astrology and how to read the blue print of your own chart. If you know where your challenges are, you can then take steps to support or balance yourself with your 12 personal healing gemstones, those enchanting allies to raise your frequency and experience more joy. Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery is a treasure chest of ideas about Soul Jewelry; on how to select, purchase, and wear jewelry that will enhance your body, heart, mind, and soul.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author, 1135 Makawao Ave. Suite 310, Makawao, Maui, Hawaii 96768. Phone: 808.878.8182

The Empress Speaks

Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Empress Speaks by Stephanie

I love to twirl and spin and grin turning inside out and about like a true empress could.

My bare feet imprinted in the wet dirt connects me to that place I find oh so calming.

Let me feel comfort in knowing that I am a woman. A true empress of life. Wondrous mother, sister and lover.

Intelligently wise beyond space and time. Ever growing and adapting to the throws of life. Freedom calls me to live wildly and naturally like no other.

I am empress the one and only goddess that's me!

Stephanie's Bio Stephanie Francis is an aspiring writer living in Los Angeles. She loves reading tarot, writing poetry and listening to Michael Jackson.

You can find her poetry at

Kundalini Balancing & Rising

My name is Annie. I am New Zealand born and bred although I make my home in the largest island in the world, Australia. I have always been able to converse with spirits, having an imaginary friend, George at the age of two until my first day at school and the list goes on. I have run with the wolves during my adolescence, every night in dreams to learn the Lone White Wolf nature. I am a true quintessential Aquarian, very eccentric in nature and very spiritual in my beliefs. This has carried me through numerous traumatic times in my childhood and adulthood to bring me to the state of grace I now find myself in. For many years I was upon a journey within myself to develop my inner gifts of writing (to unleash my unconscious), healing with crystals, the energy and chakra therapies, reading for myself and others and feeling the spirit at work on all levels. I escaped to a nearby place called the Lost World, on the edge of a rain forest to literally lose myself in nature. I spent two wonderful years communing with nature spirits, listening to the trees and holding fire circles with many spirit exchanges and animal ones also. It was here I met my soul mate and upon a new child entering the earthly sphere we departed to the local township for stability and a new beginning as a family.

It was at this point everything turned as I could never have foreseen. With the collapse of the relationship due to the inability to connect with his soul in town and with a newborn baby in my life, I was utilizing my tarot cards, medicine cards and healing energies to get through the darkest depression of my life to date and the daily grind my life had become. I had a dream a few days before divine intervention stepped in that showed me my soul mate had actually murdered me and my child many times over in past life times and I was to rectify this in this lifetime. I battled on.

Three more days went past before divine intervention stepped in through a car accident that my children and I were involved in yet the car miraculously turned at the last moment for my door to take the full impact. The children were remarkably unhurt and apparently I (with a broken neck and severe injuries) was conversing with them the whole time to help them remain calm until medical emergency services arrived on the scene. I must make mention at this point, that the accident occurred at one of my favorite places to visit, Cedar Creek where we had picnicked at the falls many a time and had personally named it “the witches haven”.

I was placed in an induced coma, to give my body a chance to heal itself which lasted almost seven days. Seven being my favorite number, I find this in itself very prophetic. In this coma I was made aware of a glowing white man with white lights for eyes who yelled at me and told me constantly, “Get back there, it’s not your time!” When he was finally done yelling at me, I had many telepathic conversations with this man, he listened to me share my pain and trauma and calmed down enough to show me dreamlike sequences to show me why I must come back.

Upon waking from the coma, the glowing white man continued to haunt me when visitors departed and no one was around. I continually attempted to escape which showed the doctors immediately that I had no nerve damage and was not going to suffer any paralysis. I had a neurophysiologist converse with me about my escaping habits and I shared with him the glowing man and my fear that he is still here. He smiled at me and told me to research him when I got out of hospital, because that man has saved your life. They moved me to the brain injury ward where I could no longer escape although within two weeks I was allowed to go home.

I had no memory of the past two years or anything traumatic from my life before. I began getting to know my beautiful children again, with a total amazement at the young child I now had. It was his acknowledgment of me and his genuine trusting and loving nature that brought me back quick smart to reclaim my life in a whole new world. My 16 year old daughter, at the time, filled me in on pieces I just couldn’t understand due to the amnesia and I was consistently telling everyone I wanted a snake which no one would take seriously. I had two broken vertebrae in my neck which took 3 months to heal, 12 smashed ribs that took 6 weeks to heal, a hole in my lung and liver that took a week to heal with no pain to speak of.

Archangel Metatron

This journey has been totally unbelievable, even from my own perspective and that is because I don’t feel quite human. I am in a human experience, Yes although I know there is a spirit one also and that is the one I have needed to trust to recover so remarkably. Having trusted the spirit and the glowing man with great thanks for my life now, everything that man showed me has come to fruition with the greatest good for us all. I no longer hide my emotions and battle with society’s expectations of us to conform. There is now a knowing that life just is and the spirit just is! I no longer feel any need to explain it or justify it to others. I just let it be. What will be, really will be. We all come to our own place of knowing when we are ready and open and willing enough.

Please don’t get me wrong, in the past 18 months I have had all sorts of things thrown my way that I would normally have seen as very traumatic and would have had a need to fight for my rights although they have all come through my children and their respective fathers, whereby I can see the whole picture now and have been able to fight for my children's rights, standing beside them as a support network of unconditional love and protection that stands apart on its own because I just trust in the unseen. I have had both fathers of my sons attempt to use this brain injury as the basis to claim custody of my children with disastrous results on their behalf. I have a legal knowledge now that astounds me, having filled out my own affidavits, prepared my own defense and I just trust in the universal justice system rather than the human created one with wondrous results for my children.

As I slowly get a handle on the knowledge I now have and how I wish to bring it out into the world to help others on their path to enlightenment, I have reintegrated back into working part time in a retail store as part of my connecting to adults again and providing an outlet for me, which I call my ‘free time’. Who would ever think that working would be a freedom, but to me it is and a way to find my way back into the sphere of humanity to prepare myself for the future I know I have in store for I was shown.

I was only just saying all this to my 18 year old daughter earlier this year and feeling like I have completely healed now. She smiled and told me she had acquired a snake for me for my birthday, “Go have a look Mum.” I fell in love with her and brought her home. My daughter trusted in my spirit calling and listened, because I have always listened and trusted in her. My snake is finally here and she is telling me wisely, now is the time to get ready to shed this healing skin and embark on the next phase of my life. I had three names in my mind when she came, although she flicked her tongue at me when I said, “Kundalini” so Kundalini it is. For she has helped me balance out the Kundalini serpent within that is ready to rise. No longer am I using my sexual energy for any exploits with humans, it’s all there for me to utilize to release the passion I hold inside for helping humanity realize we are all healers, we are all wise women. We are all spirit beings, light beings and we all work as one for the highest good of all.

On another note, and I know you readers are inquisitive to know who this glowing white man was. I researched him. I have never been a religious person although I went on a ‘bible’ hunt at my local library. After reading every bible there is I still hadn’t a clue. Then a girlfriend gave me an Angel Bible as a gift. As she gave it to me, she asked me to open to any page and see if that’s the man you saw. I prayed to the glowing one and opened the book, to the White Angel, Archangel Metatron, even the picture was strikingly similar minus the long white beard, but he had a shiny bald head. I got light sparkly twinkles and from this day forward when I am with someone that is caught up in the human experience, I see these white sparkly lights surround the person. The person most often stops what they are saying and admits that in their mind they have all these lights flashing. I smile and know it’s my archangel doing his work, freeing up my mind and theirs to be able to change their whole perspective from that point on in the conversation and it works!

I meditate with him often, he is always present around the Full and New Moons and is ever present in my daily life and always will be from this day forward. I feel it was his work in bringing Kathy into my life at this very auspicious time of the Spring Equinox, 2010. I have been working towards manifesting this very story to be told and preparing my book to be published in the very near future which was part of my ‘coma dream’ also. The time is here and I pray that you all can take something from this interesting experience to gain insight into your own earthly transition at this time.

Sparkly Blessings All with Love & Light ~ Annie

Annie's Facebook Page:

Claudi’s Poem For Walking the Quarter Moon

A poem for walking the quarters and the circle by guest writer and photographer, Claudi.

Walk the never ending circle,

step by step without an end.
Sunlight in the early morning
heat we felt in afternoon.
Heat that then will slowly fade
into evening starlight,
Fade the starlight into midnight
and the midnight into morning.
Walk the never ending circle,
step by step without an end.

Blessed Bee to thee.

If you are interested in submitting your poetry or writing to my blog please click here to find out more.

The Yin Yang of Relationships by Guest Writer, Cindy S.

Have you ever been a selfish demanding lover, friend, parent, child, partner? Have you ever been the doormat, the one too eager to please? Of course you have! Well, knock it off.

The first poem came about because I wanted something from someone; a love letter, that's all. This person has been loving in every possible way but I wanted more.

The second poem came about because I wanted to present a fair and balanced view of relationships: Selfish versus also selfish. And somewhere in the middle is the calm, mature, devoted and steadfast relationship we all want. I don't have a poem for that yet.

Demands from a Selfish Lover
(originally published online in Poetry Victims)

write a love letter
on birch bark
with a hawk's flight feather quill
and corn poppy ink

find an ancient alchemy book
collect the morning dew
turn it into aquamarines, emeralds
garnets, sapphires
leave it on my doorstep,
wrapped in silk
you have spun yourself

gather robins and doves
to serenade me as i fall asleep
then perform an aubade when i wake

and when i wake,
on a day when the sky is bluest blue
arrange the clouds
to spell out our names

do something about that time-space continuum thing
turn back time
then fast foreword
then return to now
like a ride, you see?
just for us
from you, to me


Reply from The Perfect Lover

I love you so much that

if there's a storm
I will cover your ears so you don't hear thunder
Cover your eyes so you aren't blinded by lightening
I love you so much
that if it rains
I will be your umbrella
I love you so much that
after the storm
I will fling myself down into the mud
like a cape, to protect you from
Tell me
What else do want?
What else do you need?
No don't tell me
I can anticipate what you need or want
before you know you need or want it.
And I will be here for you always
you will never feel lonely
because you'll never be alone
even if there isn't a storm.

About Cindy S.

I am a Pisces (engaged to a Scorpio), live in a Chicago suburb, have 2 grown children (son aged 26, Aquarius and daughter aged 23, Pisces). I have been a Special Ed teacher for a very long time. I am interested in astrology, familiars and aromatherapy. I have also been collecting 'rocks', gemstones, charms and crystals since I was a child. I am not an expert on any of these topics, but a very willing student. I also write and love to read. I believe we are sent here on earth to help each other---things you do come back to you---even in seemingly the smallest ways.

The heart collage above was created by Art Angel
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