Libra Full Moon Inspiration

Each month at the New and Full Moon I pull a Lefty Oracle Card and channel the energy of that moon. This month's card is: Now the real work begins. Below you will also find suggestions to decorate your altar Libra style along with goddess lore, affirmations and ideas to make the most of this Full Moon. Venus, the Goddess of Love rules Libra so open your heart and let love flow guided by the light of Mama Moon. Sparkly Blessings! Kathy Crabbe

Purchase your own Lefty Oracle Deck here.

Lefty Oracle Card: Now the Real work begins

I am ready.
I know what I must do.
The ‘real work’
is the only work that matters.

It’s the work I was born to do.
It’s the work that calls to my soul
and takes me out of my petty, small self
and into my BIG picture self.

I am in alignment with the flow, the zone
and I am moving forward
in conscious awareness of each step.

I am poised.
I am graceful.
I am grateful for being here today.

When this card appears in a reading it means business. What IS your ‘real work’; the work that matters to you on a soul-deep level? The work you MUST do before you die. Define that first. Then ask yourself, “Am I doing my ‘real work’ consistently or is it even on my radar?” If your ‘real work’ is still a mystery to you, it’s time to awaken to your soul’s calling and uncover your true gifts. You can start by looking back at your childhood and pin-pointing your favorite parts. Next, look at your current favorite activities or times when you’ve been so absorbed you lost track of time. If nothing comes to you, ask a friend to point out your strengths or take the StrengthsFinder test (from the book StrengthsFinder by Tom Rath).

In my own life I purchased the StrengthsFinder book, took the test and identified my top five strengths which helped me focus on my strengths rather than my weaknesses so that I could truly shine.

Watch my 1 minute Lefty video for the Full Moon here.

Goddess Wisdom from the Goddess Zodiac Playbook
Purchase your own Playbook here.

Libra – Scales of justice

Time of Year – Fall, Autumn Equinox,
September 23 - October 22
Quality – Cardinal
Element – Air
Ruler – Venus
Anatomy – Kidneys
Natural sign of – 7th house
Opposite sign – Aries
Color – Shades of blue, pale green, pink
Gemstone – Bloodstone, jade, jasper
Tarot card – Justice
Goddesses – Athene, Benzaitan, Maat, Minerva, Nemesis, Themis

Libra Affirmations

  • I focus on beauty, harmony and cooperation within my personal relationships
  • I am serene and at peace
  • Harmony fills my soul
  • I come alive to the rhythm of tribal beats through dance and movement
  • I see and understand every woman’s point of view
  • I see beauty all around me
  • My inner scales are in perfect balance

Delve Into Culture:

  • - Delve into culture: the arts, music, poetry
  • - Make time for social gatherings
  • - Be in love and be loving
  • - Handle conflict with fairness and equality
  • - Flood the mind with beauty
  • - Seek common ground with others
  • - Cultivate the refined, elegant and lofty dimensions of experience

About Kathy Crabbe
“I have been called by Spirit to live a creative life and to be of service, both through my artwork and my intuitive guidance.”

Kathy Crabbe is a soul reader, artist, writer, and teacher who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. She currently lives in Temecula, California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves.

Kathy received intuitive training from English psychic and channel, Adam Higgs, spiritual training from meditation teacher Om (devotee of Sri Chinmoy), yoga training with Atma Khalsa. Kathy studied Herbalism with Susun Weed (Green Witch Intensive) and Therapeutic Touch with Joyce Fournier, RN. Kathy received her certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy and has been a lifelong student of astrology through private and group sessions with Steven Forrest, Patty Davidson, Laura DesJardins and Jeffrey Wolf Green. In 2017 Kathy completed an intensive two year training in Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism with Francesca De Grandis.

Kathy holds a BA in Art History from Queen’s University and a Diploma in Graphic Design. Her work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine and San Diego Women’s History Museum. She has taught and mentored at Wise Woman University, Mt. San Jacinto College and on HGTV along with starting a writer’s group and artist’s circle in her town.

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Leo Full Moon Artist Feature, Affirmations, Goddesses and More!

Gonna Fly (from the Lefty Oracle Deck) by Kathy Crabbe

Leo Full Moon Oracle Card: Gonna Fly

Mantra: I change.
Affirmation: I am free to be me.
Element: Air

I'm ready to go.
To fly right outta here.
I know no boundaries on earth or elsewhere; above or below.
I am a force of nature; divine in body AND soul.
My magick fills me with purpose and freedom and yes, flight.
I surrender.
I let go.
I am free to be me.

If this card appears in a reading either your spirit or your physical body, or both are ready to fly, move, shake things up, make a change, shift directions, vamoose! Perhaps this will enable you to see things from a different perspective or perhaps you’ll actually shift your reality in a big way by making a major change in your life. Whether big or small, this card signifies change. So embrace it, welcome it, prepare for it ‘cause it’s a coming…soon.

In my own life I kept pulling this card over and over until it felt like my mascot. I didn’t yet know what direction it would take me, but I opened my heart to receive and surrender to guidance and change. And move forward I did without mental distraction and this is how the Lefty Oracle deck and guidebook was birthed and exhibited in a fine art museum for all to see!

*Gonna Fly is from my upcoming Lefty Oracle Deck coming out Spring 2017.

Leo Full Moon Celebration

*from my Goddess Zodiac Playbook available below

Leo. Mixed media on board, 24 x 36 inches.  © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

Leo – The Lion
Time of Year – Summer, July 23 – August 23
Quality – Fixed
Element – Fire
Planetary Ruler – The Sun
Anatomy – Heart, spine
Natural Sign of – 5th House
Color – Gold, orange, scarlet
Gemstone – Amber, diamond, ruby
Tarot Card – Strength
Goddesses – Amaterasu, Bast, Cybele, Hestia, Ishtar, Sekhmet, Tara, Vesta

Leo Meditation ~ The Gold Within
Feel the sadness of earth’s cry,
Let your body touch the sky,
Guide by light, your soul’s fire,
Spark to lead ever higher.

Leo Affirmations

  • I am special and loved
  • My heart is open
  • I am awake and in tune with my spiritual self
  • My inner child is alive and well
  • I am a creative being bursting with joy
  • I am one with the Sun
  • I am generous and loving

My Leo Full Moon altar

Feed Your Fire ~ Release Your Inner Child

- Have the guts to be visible
- Be proud of heart
- Work with Leo’s energetic and extroverted energy to inspire self-confidence
- Be dramatic
- Feed your creative appetite.
- Bring home treats for your inner child.

Leo Goddess - Cybele by Kathy Crabbe

Cybele Mountain Mother,
Great goddess earth,
In divine madness we worship
And celebrate her birth.

Cybele or “Mountain Mother” is an Earth Goddess originally worshipped in Turkey.  She appears as a full-breasted and mature woman carrying corn and keys and wearing a crown and robe the color of all the flowers of the earth over which she ruled.

Spotlight on Leo Artists: Hanni & Koshka of Finland

Amazon Queen: halter top and mini skirt

Hanni & Koshka. Helsinki, Finland
Web: Vaisto Instinct
Featured Art: Amazon Queen: halter top and mini skirt

We’re two Leo ladies with a passion for beauty. We want to give every woman the gift of feeling strong, sensual and beautiful – to feel that little warm purr inside that makes her move with dignity, like a feline.

When we work, we really work hard to hunt down the sweetest zebra, and when we rest it’s all about occasionally twitching an ear to fend off the flies.

Our creative process comes in a burst of brilliant bi-polar energy and results in a fat stack of sketch papers, later to be sorted and polished sharp and shiny before the actual production takes place.

Hanni & Koshka, Finland

It’s like this: color, shape, lines, tones…our little visual carnivore hearts start beating faster.

Add texture, weight, drape…we’re together running for the prey, tiring it down. And then detail, fitting, final snips…it’s there and we’re feasting, dancing around the room wearing it, making poses, laughing, taking photos.

The imagination demands to be materialized, there’s nothing we can do about it. We walk with the Sun and the Sun shines with us.

This article was originally published at in August, 2009 and also appears in my Goddess Zodiac Playbook below.

Zodiac Goddess Playbook
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