Art on the Line: Where Activism & Art Intersect

Firebird. Acrylic & charcoal on canvas, 48 x 48 inches. © 2012 by Kathy Crabbe I've been reading a lot about revolution these days trying to figure out how I, as an artist can make a difference and contribute socially to our society and often I feel quite hopeless until I listen to what women artist activists have to say and then I start to feel hope again; for art, artists, and for humanity. Here's an example of what I mean. Below is a quotation by Gale Jackson, librarian, storyteller and historian from the book Art on the Line

"We're talking about human education here. That's when you talk about seizing traditional forms, the arts, traditional forms of reaching people, and turning them modern and figuring out how to teach these lessons again because somehow people have watched too many commercials not realizing that culturally, or through the lack thereof, we've been pushed to the brink of survival, against the wall, literally to the edge of the fatal possibilities of the world we're living in. Somehow you have to reach people and bring them back, mindful that peace will only come with justice. That eye for eye for eye could go on and on. Somehow you have to reach people 'cause we have to talk. There are a lot of things that, for starters, we need to learn and remember. A lot of history has been taken away from people and one of the first restitutions would be to begin to restore. People's very stories have been taken away, made inaccessible, till we don't all know who we are. Culturally. Till we don't have no home. Real or metaphoric. Then there is all that is going on that is not being told. The news. Our country's not-so-covert wars. In my work as a writer, as a librarian, I be finding that people don't know. This tragedy of repetition. When it becomes clear that culture, art information, is first and foremost political, it is clear that people need to use that to reach and teach. To explore. People need to know. To imagine. To know." ~ Gale Jackson, Art on the Line, Essays by Artists about the Point Where Their Art and Activism Intersect

Links: Art on the Line ~ edited by Jack Hirschman Gale Jackson Chris Hedges ~ Truth Dig Revolution Truth

My painting, Firebird (above) expresses the fiery passion and hope that burns brightly within my soul; it depicts the spark within us that can never die or be extinguished even through death.

Hidden Truth

Untitled. Acrylic, pastel & charcoal on canvas, 48 x 48 inches. © 2012 by Kathy Crabbe One of my best friends suggested that my newest painting series, Journey Into Intimacy is all about penises and vaginas. If so, than this latest in the series is right on target although that was not my intention when I started it.  But I can say that having one of my best friends, Tangerine Bolen, an academic activist, writer and founder of Revolution Truth stay with me for 10 days really changed my life and exposed me to the hidden, bloated underbelly of the capitalist system over-running our country; we are in a sorry state and we need to wake up. I recommend Pulitzer prize winning author, Chris Hedge's book Death of the Liberal Class and his Truth Dig column to get you going.

All we have, as Vaclav Havel writes, is our own powerlessness. And that powerlessness is our strength. The survival of the (Occupy) movement depends on embracing this powerlessness. It depends on two of our most important assets—utter and complete transparency and a rigid adherence to nonviolence, including respect for private property. This permits us, as Havel puts it in his 1978 essay “The Power of the Powerless,” to live in truth. And by living in truth we expose a corrupt corporate state that perpetrates lies and lives in deceit. ~ Chris Hedges, Occupy Draws Strength from the Powerless

I'm BACK and ready for Soul Reading!

Beginning to see the light. Acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48 inches. © 2012 by Kathy Crabbe It's been a few months since I've posted here due to some intense painting and printmaking which can be viewed on my fine art website: plus I've been partaking in quite a few exhibits of my work at local museums and college galleries.

But my Soul Reading/Astrology biz is calling me back ever so surely and I'm very happy about that! I've made a few changes here on my site also: I've changed my eClass to a self study eBook and I have found another newsletter provider (Mail Chimp) which is free!

San Jacinto College Gallery Reception

My creative explorations have taken the upper hand over the past few months and I've joined a bunch of artist groups: PAAR (Plein Air Painters of Riverside), PNET (Printmaker's Network), the Haggus Society (L.A.), The Women's Caucus for Art, and I am also volunteering at the Dorland Arts Colony in Temecula.

I begin my day by drawing from life, mainly landscapes and still lives of my neighbour's water-wise cactus and native California plant garden. After drawing, I lift weights and sun tan - it's almost always sunny here in the Southern California valley desert plus it's my change to fill up on all that Vitamin D! I paint large abstracts and work on printmaking after that; all part of my Journey Into Intimacy Series and my BodyPrint Healing Series.  You can read more about what they mean here in my bio.

Norton Simon Museum - Sam Francis Painting

It has been a nice change to get out of my studio and my meditation space to kibbutz with live people at art openings, meetups and plein air painting dates. Next on the agenda is offering you, my dear reader a chance to purchase high quality reproductions of my new paintings as well as a chance to purchase my originals which are all large (4 foot by 4 foot) and are painted on silk, masonite and canvas. So stay tuned, I'll be keeping you posted through my Museletter, my blog and on Facebook.

The World Calls

my spectacles100 Words

Connecting the dots ~ glasses painted; Cadmium Red Dark - orange dots! No, not serious painting at all frankly, but I'm working on inspiring myself to paint.

The world calls. The painting calls me back.

The clock ticks. The painting calls me back.

Bombs drop. The painting calls me back.

Death around me. The painting calls me back.

Art stars explode. The painting calls me back.

Words, clocks, lists, shoulds The painting calls me back

Sun, fun, water, play. The painting calls me back.

Phone, net, web, spider. The painting calls me back.

The world calls. I answer: "I'm busy painting."