Why Get A Soul Reading?

Dear Moon Muser,

When I channel for you in a soul reading I bring insights from the Divines and the ancestors. I ask only for the deepest, highest good for all concerned. I remain grounded in my Virgo Sun, of healing service to you and your questions.


Because I must. I must be of service and I love traveling between worlds as the messenger whilst gounding those messages in the real world where we can make practical use of their guidance.

Click here to learn more about what a soul reading can offer you.

About Kathy Crabbe

I channel healing magick through my soul readings and divination decks.

Dividing my time between California and Canada I travel by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved, Mark and myself.

My work has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We'Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women's Museum of California. I review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine and have taught at Wise Woman School.