Moon Card in the Visconti-Sforza Tarot
The Tarot is an ancient Western occult psychological and philosophical system consisting of 78 cards divided into the Major and Minor Arcana. The 22 cards of the Major Arcana represent in archetypal symbols wo/man’s journey through life. The remaining 56 cards, which are the forerunners of our contemporary playing cards consist of 16 Court Cards and 40 number cards divided into four suits.
Because the Tarot relies on the universal language of symbolism, its influence has, over several centuries, spread throughout the world unrestricted by language barriers or semantics. And, since symbolism is also the language of the unconscious, the use of the Tarot tends to activate the intuitive mind or right-brain center.
No one knows for sure where or when the Tarot first appeared. The earliest deck still in existence is the Visconti-Sforza Tarot Deck dated approximately 1432. Tarot cards are believed to be of many different origins: from hermetic sciences; Goddess times, from Egypt, spread by the gypsies, related to religious history, or created by philosophers. With this varied history numbers of avid participants throughout the centuries have been believers in the use of Tarot Cards in divination.
Oracle card decs do not follow the same system as the Tarot but work instead with the system devised by their creator. Unlike the Tarot there may be no suits, court cards or major or minor arcana cards and the deck can have any number of cards within it.
Soul reading cards by Kathy Crabbe
I work with my own hand painted oracle card decks for giving soul readings. These decks, like the Tarot can be used for divination, to read the akashic records, or for past, present or future visions.
The Lefty Oracle Card Deck (52 cards) features The Leftys; guides, mentors and friends drawn entirely with my non-dominant left hand.
The Zodiac Goddess Power Deck (32 cards) features Goddesses for each of the astrological signs and was originally painted for my book titled The Zodiac Goddess Playbook.
The Cat Herbal Deck (36 cards) features cat herbal watercolors, each associated with a particular magical herb or flower. Magickal herbal healing advice is included with each reading
The Elfin Ally Oracle deck (72 cards) is a spirit animal deck with a thick guidebook filled with animal medicine and lore.
According to Loyd Auerbach, in his book ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists, (Warner Books, 1986), receptive ESP consists of precognition, knowledge of the future, retrocognition, knowledge of the past, and the “clairs.”
- Clairaudience is psychic hearing.
- Clairvoyance is psychic seeing and not, as many people mistakenly think, the ability to see into the future or into the past.
- Clairaroma is smelling.
- Clairgustus, tasting
- Clairsentience, a bodily sensation or the sense of touch, not the ability to feels others’ emotions intensely. People who have this ability are called empaths.
Healing crystals and stones
My personal 6th sense is visual, auditory, and feeling based. I’ve kept a dream journal since I was 13 years old and recommend that you also do this to further develop your intuition. Be aware that if you do mediumship readings you may feel their feelings, perhaps even how the ancestor died so keep all senses on the alert and learn how to set good boundaries beforehand with the help of a teacher or mentor. Be aware that a reading is never set in stone and that a client’s free will is always the final determinant.
I find that soul readings can help shift the energy and offers insight and guidance. I use chakra balancing, crystals, herbal messages, Goddess myths, astrology, meditations, and affirmations to promote healing.
A soul reading can help a client push through fear and clear energetic blockages plus can help them acknowledge, value and develop their own creative and intuitive powers. Very often the ancestors will step in and offer loving guidance and pertinent advice. Hearing from a loved one who has passed away can be an incredibly moving experience plus the advice is often much needed.
My favorite paranormal experience involves the wildflower fairies of Southern California and a Native American Spirit Guide who lived near my home on the traditional land of the Payómkawichum. Scattered around my property beginning in late Spring, are a multitude of seed pods belonging to the wild cucumber plant; (otherwise known as Big Root or marah fabaceus which has a spine covered melon filled with nut-like seeds.)
wild cucumber
I spend a lot of time in nature acquainting myself the flora and fauna in hopes of meeting with the local nature spirits (elementals). The fairies never appeared to me in 3D but instead shimmered and sparked out of the corner of my eye, almost like a dream vision loaded with information!
During my time spent with the wild cucumber plant I was in contact with a very sad and withdrawn young Native American woman who had shut herself away from the world. She seemed to be very connected with the wild cucumber plant. I later looked up the Native American herbal healing lore associated with this plant and discovered that:
“According to oral history, either this plant’s seeds or the root (or both) were once used to put an end to human lives. Here, so it’s said, was a suicide plant for Indians consumed by the death wish.”
I was astonished that the Spirit of this indigenous woman was in contact with me so I wished her well and blessed the land for allowing me to have this vision.
About Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe inspires others to live their dreams. In 2000 Kathy was bored and blocked creatively so she switched to her left hand. This awakened her intuitive right brain in a holistic way and inspired her to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader.
Kathy lives and works near Temecula, California on the traditional land of the Payómkawichum and in the 1000 Islands, Ontario, Canada on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territories with her wee doggy Djinn Djinn and architect husband Mark in an adobe style home and lakeside cottage they built themselves.
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