I wake up with dreams on my lips and a story to tell. So I pull an oracle card from my new Cat Herbal Oracle deck with my left hand and I start to write.
Wolf Spirit by Kathy Crabbe (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)
By keeping the CHANNELS OPEN I invite INTUITION into my life. I allow dreams and visions to have SPACE and TIME to percolate in my pores.
I spend time running with the cows and the coyotes, speaking their language as dusk falls - it’s the enchanted hour now.
I lose all sense of human boundaries becoming one with my animal spirit guides.
I acknowledge the indigenous roots of this land - the traditional land of the Payómkawichum aka Temecula, California.
I am an interloper, a trickster, an astrologer and guide.
p.s. My grandmother, Ethel wants to come through so she carves a sigil in the air joining Earth, Air, Fire Water and Spirit to awaken the wildness within, where magic and power lies.
About Kathy Crabbe
“Deeper always deeper, darker ever darker.” We hold within us a deep body memory of who we are. We are so much more than what this patriarchal society dictates, especially women. We are faerie, goddess, trickster, spirit animal, wise woman, witch. Let us never forget. We are not a label, a corporate brand, a commodity, lesser than. We are mystery, magic, light and dark and that still, quiet place in between where poetry grows.
If you are seeking inspiration and spiritual guidance you may want to consider a soul reading with Kathy to awaken the wildness within.
Book a Soul Reading here.