Soul Reading: Accept Yourself

Every week I share a free Moonday Soul Reading video and blog post to help you resonate and tune in to the week ahead with the help of my hand painted oracle cards. Enjoy! (p.s. i suggest watching the video first so the cards below make sense).

Moonday Soul Reading Video

Goddess Energy for the Week Ahead (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)

Sagittarius Goddess: Artemis (Moon in Sag Sept 21-23)

Artemis - Sagittarius Goddess

Artemis, Artemis,
Goddess of the wood
You are bows and arrows, death and birth
Midnight revels and pregnant mirth.
Wild woman, child, hunter of beast,
We find our true self when we dance at your feast.

Artemis is the virgin moon-goddess roaming the forest with her band of nymphs, bearing the bow and quiver, avoiding men and killing any male who looks upon her. She was also known as the many-breasted Artemis of Ephesus, a symbol of fecundity. As the warlike Artemis she is said to have been the special goddess of the Amazons.

Capricorn-Kuan-Yin-by Kathy Crabbe

Capricorn Goddess: Kuan Yin (Moon in Cap Sept 23-25)

Mercy, compassion, grace,
China’s beloved Goddess chose this place,
To stay and guide enlightened mind,
Call her name and peace you’ll find.

Kuan-Yin is a feminine Bodhisattva, or Buddha-to-be and is the most powerful being in the entire Chinese pantheon and the chief symbol of compassion in the Orient.  Her name translates to “she who hears the weeping world”. By constantly repeating her name, it was said to bring peace and generosity into her worshiper’s lives.

aquarius-Ix-Chel-by Kathy Crabbe

Aquarius Goddess - Ix Chel (Moon in Aquarius Sept 25-27)

The Great Mayan Snake Goddess of water and the Moon,
Guides women in childbirth and those on the loom.

Among the Maya of the Yucatan peninsula, Ix Chel was the name given to the snake-goddess of water and the moon, and of childbirth and weaving. This night-riding goddess spent her energies nursing the women of earth through pregnancy and labor, taking special care of those who visited her sacred island of Cozumel.

Soul Reading Cards for the Week Ahead

Card 1: I call wrinkles god-points and so far I’m winning

I call wrinkles god-points by Kathy Crabbe

Mantra: I accept.

Affirmation: I am proud of who I am, wrinkles and all!

Element: Spirit

To be perfectly honest, 
it’s not the easiest game; 
getting older. 

But each wrinkle simply means 
that you’ve got one more good story to tell. 
Whether it be a sad one or funny one, 
they ALL count. 

But truly, 
you’ll still be fabulous no matter what age 
and like a fine wine, 
you’ll just get tastier over time. 

You will also get to know yourself 
and with this knowing comes wisdom, 
and grace,
and blessings untold.

If this card appears in a reading it’s time to accept who you are in this very moment; no matter your age, weight, health, clothes, hair or yes, even wrinkles! You know, of course, that you are perfect in every way, right? If you or someone you’re close to is feeling ‘old’ and negative about wrinkles please remind them that they or that you ARE winning – you are alive.

In my own life I do the best I can to celebrate my grey hair and even my wrinkles which does require some chutzpah ‘cause it goes entirely against the youth culture we worship. I am not ‘old’ and I forget sometimes that I have wrinkles. But I have learned a thing or two along the way and I honour the wisdom that comes with aging. If we are open to receiving this knowledge and honouring our age by being honest about it, instead of hiding, distorting or carving up our bodies to fit an ideal we don’t believe in, then we are indeed wise souls that have learned a thing or two.

Card 2: Owl Magic (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck) Kathy Crabbe

Keyword: Magick
You’re on a spiritual mission so trust the Moon to guide you.
You’re stuck and at a standstill with an important decision to make.

Affirmation: I live and breathe magick by moonlight.
Moon, Saturn, Pluto
Earth, Water

Your dreams foretell the future, so pay attention and be ready to catch them as they come.

Lore: Aglow from the inside, with Moon shining bright, her ally the Owl guides by night.

The Elf Princess’ quiet light called to her Owl, her ally of the night and so she dreamed and foretold the future, past and present and she was respected by all the Elves of the Land who trusted her visions above all else.


About Kathy Crabbe

I offer soul readings, past life, spirit guide and ancestor readings plus astrology reports. I work with 5 hand painted, self published oracle decks & I paint kitty paintings too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are my tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. I teach a Moon eClass at Wise Woman School founded by Susun Weed. In business since 1993 I’m an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition.

Owl Oracle for the Cancer Moon March 14-16

Here on the blog, I’ll be sharing a spirit animal painting and message from my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck picked especially for the zodiac sign that Mama Moon is currently transiting. Enjoy!

Preorders for the new deck begin March 20!

Keyword: Magick
You’re on a spiritual mission so trust the Moon to guide you.
You’re stuck and at a standstill with an important decision to make.

From the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck
by Kathy Crabbe
Preorders begin March 20, 2019

Subscribe to Daily Moon Vibes

About Kathy Crabbe

I believe in dreams, creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken intuition, creativity and joy no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’m here to share that magick with you.

Click here for the magickal tools you'll need to navigate these often crazy times.

Click here for my New Moon Museletter.

With Luv and Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe, (March 14, 2019)

Pisces New Moon Reading: Pick a Card (REVEAL is Within)

Here we go!
Relax your breath.
Go within.
Ask a question (or not)
and pick a card.
Then scroll down for the REVEAL.

Here on the blog, I’ll be sharing a spirit animal painting and message from my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck picked especially for the zodiac sign that Mama Moon is currently transiting. Enjoy!

Cards 1 and 3 are from the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck
by Kathy Crabbe
Preorders begin March 20

Cards 2 and 4 are from the Lefty Oracle Deck
Available here.

Subscribe to Daily Moon Vibes

Pisces New Moon Card REVEAL

Card 1: Owl Magick

Keyword: Magick
You’re on a spiritual mission so trust the Moon to guide you.
You’re stuck and at a standstill with an important decision to make.

Card 2: Crazee Janice dancing as fast as she can

If this card appears in a reading anything could happen! Things are going fast and so are you. Is it time to slow down yet? Can you manage it? Breathe…repeat. This too shall pass.

In my own life I have been on this sort of rollercoaster life ride before, especially during the early stages of menopause which also occurred during my astrological mid life transition. It’s called Uranus Opposition and it occurs for all of us around the age of forty. It was a ride I could NOT seem to get off! Crazee indeed. But I survived and even though I knew it was going to happen all I could do was to hang on. Sorry, no great advice to offer you, other than to get ready!

Card 3: Flamingo Luv

Flamingo Keyword: Delight
Meaning: Let your soul’s delight out to play for today your wish is granted.
Reversed: Keeping delight to yourself could stifle you.

Card 4: I call wrinkles ‘god-points’ and so far I’m winning

If this card appears in a reading it’s time to accept who you are in this very moment; no matter your age, weight, health, clothes, hair or yes, even wrinkles! You know, of course, that you are perfect in every way, right? If you or someone you’re close to is feeling ‘old’ and negative about wrinkles please remind them that they or that you ARE winning – you are alive.

In my own life I do the best I can to celebrate my grey hair and even my wrinkles which does require some chutzpah ‘cause it goes entirely against the youth culture we worship. I am not ‘old’ and I forget sometimes that I have wrinkles. But I have learned a thing or two along the way and I honour the wisdom that comes with aging. If we are open to receiving this knowledge and honouring our age by being honest about it, instead of hiding, distorting or carving up our bodies to fit an ideal we don’t believe in, then we are indeed wise souls that have learned a thing or two.

About Kathy Crabbe

I believe in dreams, creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken intuition, creativity and joy no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’m here to share that magick with you.

Click here for the magickal tools you'll need to navigate these often crazy times.

Click here for my New Moon Museletter.

With Luv and Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe, (March 6, 2019)