Land of the Summer Stars

I painted this 'vampire goddess' as I call her when I was feeling a bit low and overlooked, but heck, it's Winter; the season of Death and that's okay and even expected. I also turned to Robert Graves' book The White Goddess for the words within this painting and to Starhawk's book Dreaming the Dark. I'll be attending Starhawk's Winter Solstice Ritual in Los Angeles on Saturday and I'm sooo looking forward to it! I do love Winter (especially winter in Southern California!) which isn't really winter (I'm from Ontario, Canada; real winter!) but it does get cold, the trees do change color (a few of them) and I can sense the stillness and the darkness within plus the days are much shorter and I've started putting up my holiday decorations. Anyway, long story short; this 'vampire goddess' painting should help you 'get in the mood' for Winter and the Solstice where we once again cheer on the light during the longest night of the year. Vampire Goddess Painting by Kathy Crabbe

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy’s intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

 “Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again.” ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth Founder

Vision Questing as Raven Persephone

Channeling Persephone: A Vision Quest Kathy Crabbe, Raven Persephone, 2013, mixed media on paper, 5 x 8”"Help me Persephone. I am exhausted with the business of selling."

And so Persephone becomes a Raven and we race through the Underworld, me on her back, until we come to an old woman wearing rags and feathers by the name of Gemma. She has very long fingers and a cloak which she wraps around me. I am listening, though I am weary and can barely stand. She taps me three times with a silver coin and I become one with the Divine and nothing else matters.

I am the Triple Goddess and I see a link with my art. "See something you like, make me an offer," but my rational mind says, "You have tried this and it didn't work," so I hop back on Raven Persephone and back we go through the Underworld; ancestors on all sides, and I'd like to stop and chat and I think, "these visions are stories that I could illustrate, but...I don't like to illustrate." And again my hopes are dashed.

On we go, faster and faster until all is a blur. I hold on tight. Then suddenly She is gone and I am floating, weightless, not really moving. And I feel nothing and my mind is blank. I hear my phone ring but I ignore it; it's the world calling again, but no one is home although I am getting hungry.

I can feel my hair growing and growing, down, down, down to the Earth and I have no fear. Nothing can reach me up here (or down there?) And I call out for Persephone yet again. But I am Persephone and Demeter is not here and I weep for my Mother who is so far away and she weeps for me. We are alone, each in our own worlds, but there is no time for weeping. There is work to do.

Interested in reading the pre-patriarchal Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone? Click here.

Creative Soul Readings  can be purchased here.

Info about the artwork above: Kathy Crabbe, Raven Persephone, 2013, mixed media on paper, 5 x 8”. Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

Spring Intention Setting

Equinox Musings ~ March 20, 2011 ~ 4:21 pm pdt ~ Sun enters Aries

"The New Year is not January 1st! The new year is the Spring Equinox which occurs on March 20 (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries by geocentric astrology.

The Spring Equinox is the time to identify the intentions we wish to fulfill during the four seasons. Ideas correctly seeded at the Spring Equinox manifest for a year. During the Summer Solstice, the time has arrived to birth these ideas into recognizable form, like a forming fetus. The Fall Equinox is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess these creations and to weed things out that just are not working. Then the Winter Solstice is the time to enter into deep contemplation to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet."

~ Barbara Hand Clow

To stay up-to-date with the seasons and moons, subscribe to my bi-monthly Creative Soul Museletter, plus receive a free gift: a Creative Soul Blessing!

Leo Full Moon - Fueling the Heart's Fire

Leo Goddess - Cybele. Watercolor on board, 24 x 30 inches. © 2010 by  Kathy Crabbe Leo Full Moon - Fueling the Heart's Fire by Guest Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus

The Full Moon in fiery Leo on February 18th (12:36am PST, to be exact) calls for reconnecting with your heart, expressing your individuality, and celebrating the Light.

At the Aquarius New Moon on February 2nd, you planted seeds for your future vision. Aquarius is the sign of community and the collective, and the New Moon initiated a new beginning in sharing your gifts with the world.

Now, the Leo Full Moon brings you back to this present moment, illuminating your heart's true desires. This Full Moon asks: What really makes you happy? Are you devoting so much energy to others that you're neglecting your personal happiness and creative expression? Are you taking time to celebrate, or are you living in the future?

At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun is straddled by Neptune -- the planet that rules our inherent interconnectedness with all life -- and Chiron the Wounded Healer. The Full Moon's interaction with these slow-moving planets amplifies our felt connection with the suffering of the collective, possibly putting a damper on the festive Leo energy.

If we can open to the feelings that arise, rather than closing our hearts to the pain, we have the opportunity to heal and release old wounds, and increase compassion for others. From this heart-centered place, we can see with innocent eyes, opening new possibilities for inspired action. What is the most creative response to the current crises? What is the unique gift you have to offer? How can we as individuals bring more Light to the planet in these dark times?

emily trinkaus, guest astrologer for kathycrabbe.comEmily’s Bio

I fell in love with astrology when I was 13 and read Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. Suddenly the world made sense! I’ve been a passionate student of the cosmic science ever since. The more I learn, the more I’m humbled by its elegance, power and profound mystery. I started giving readings professionally in 1999.

I also have a background in creative arts – writing, painting and movement – and founded Portland Women Writers. I love working with other artists and writers to offer support for breaking through blocks and increasing access to the creative flow.

Museletter: Full Moon in Cancer - Opening to Inner Wisdom

Full Moon in Cancer - Opening to Inner Wisdomby Guest Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus

The Full Moon on January 19th (1:21pm PST) animates the watery, feminine, sensitive sign of Cancer, stirring up strong feelings and intuitive insights. Cancer the Crab rules the inner realm of home, family and deep emotions, and this lunation highlights what you need to feel nurtured, supported and secure.

At the Solar Eclipse on January 4th -- a super-potent New Moon -- ambitious new beginnings were set into motion. In earthy, pragmatic Capricorn, the Eclipse focused intentions on professional goals, long-term commitments, material success, and taking on greater power and authority. The Eclipse ideally served as a catalyst to activate your higher purpose, your true work in the world, and to inspire concrete steps to bring your vision into reality.

Now, the Cancer Full Moon asks: Is your outer-world mission aligned with your feelings and intuition? To effectively pursue worldly ambitions and fulfill your purpose, what kind of foundation, container, support system do you need? How can you create a balance between nurturing your personal life and achieving your goals?

Magnifying the power of this lunation, the Full Moon forms a harmonious trine (120-degree angle) with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces. Uranus is the Great Awakener, the principle of revolution and liberation, while Jupiter expands what he touches. This aspect opens the potential for flashes of intuitive awareness, magical synchronicities, and freedom from old emotional patterns and programs.

The shadow expression of all this watery energy is emotional overwhelm, leading to depression, crankiness, and the desire to escape into your favorite addictions.

Cultivate the higher expression of this Full Moon by calling in and honoring your favorite goddess; nurturing yourself and loved ones; nesting and devoting yourself to home-improvement projects; taking a long bath or otherwise communing with the water element; and, most importantly, taking time to simply feel your feelings.

emily trinkaus, guest astrologer for kathycrabbe.comEmily’s Bio

I fell in love with astrology when I was 13 and read Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. Suddenly the world made sense! I’ve been a passionate student of the cosmic science ever since. The more I learn, the more I’m humbled by its elegance, power and profound mystery. I started giving readings professionally in 1999.

I also have a background in creative arts – writing, painting and movement – and founded Portland Women Writers. I love working with other artists and writers to offer support for breaking through blocks and increasing access to the creative flow.