Exciting news! On January 2, 2022 I began painting my first ever Tarot Deck!
“Now we can see the real use of the Taorot pack. It is for living in and arranging our lives with. The cards are the exchange-symbols between inner and outer life…Altogehter the Tarots are a most valuable collection of psychoc-physical currency convertible into either dimension. ~ Wm. B. Gray, Magical Ritual Methods
Here is a sneak peek of The Fool card in the tarot deck I'm painting 🐟
The Fool card (detail) by Kathy Crabbe
What is Tarot?
The Tarot is an ancient Western occult psychological and philosophical system consisting of 78 cards divided into the Major and Minor Arcana. The 22 cards of the Major Arcana represent in archetypal symbols a human’s journey through life, a journey which Carl Jung envisioned as the process of individuation.
The remaining 56 cards, which are the forerunners of contemporary playing cards, consist of sixteen Court Cards and forty “pip” or number cards. They are divided into 4 suits: Wands (Clubs), Cups (Hearts), Swords (Spades) and Pentacles (Diamonds). Each suit has a King, Queen, Knight and Page (or Princess); cards are numbered from Ace through Ten.
Because the Tarot relies on the universal language of symbolism, its influence has, over several centuries, spread throughout the world unrestricted by language barriers or semantics. And, since symbolism is also the language of the unconscious, the use of the Tarot tends to activate the intuitive mind or right-brain center. Because of this, the cards have been most commonly used for “psychic” divination based on a variety of layouts, one of the oldest being the Celtic Cross.
Excerpted from Mary Greer’s excellent book, Tarot For Your Self.
About Kathy Crabbe
I am proud to be an artist and soul reader, in business since 1993. I love my work and hope you've enjoyed coming along for the ride and allowing me to be of service to you through all the creative, healing work I do. Thank you.
The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when I found myself creatively blocked so I switched to my left hand which awakened my right brain and inspired me to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader. I have since published 4 oracle decks with the Fairy Herbal Oracle deck coming in 2022.
I live in Southern California and soon in the 1000 Islands, Canada for half the year with my pooch and partner in homes we’ve built ourselves.