It's Brigid's Day! Let's SING and DANCE!

Dear Moon Muser,

I am a shaman and witch. You are my tribe.

This Brigid's Day lets:

  • Check your white privilege at the door

  • Dance with Mama Moon

  • Sing Hallelujah together with me in harmonee

All together, let's raise some energee!

We will rise to the occasion O' Brigid, as will Papa Sun returning again.

In Power & Solidaritee,
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist

February 2 is Brigid's Day (Imbolc). Brigid is an Irish Fire Goddess of healing, smithcraft and poetree and we as pagans and witches honour Her today by lighting a candle to celebrate this half way point between Winter & Spring as the Sun grows stronger every day and the days grow longer.

psssttt...I had THE MOST AMAZING dream this morning and had to share bits of it today above for the Lion's Portal Opening (2/2/22) and for Brigid.

Kathy Crabbe

My Totem Animals (many of which communicated with me via dreams):
White Wolf
Sting Ray
Blank Panther
Black Widow

My Herbal Spirits:

Grizzly spying into a Wolverine Opening

Grizzly spying into a Wolverine’s Hole (From the Smithsonian website)

About Kathy Crabbe
I am proud to be an artist and soul reader, in business since 1993. I love my work and hope you've enjoyed coming along for the ride and allowing me to be of service to you through all the creative, healing work I do. Thank you.

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when I found myself creatively blocked so I switched to my left hand which awakened my right brain and inspired me to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader. I have since published 4 oracle decks with the Fairy Herbal Oracle deck coming in 2022.

I live in Southern California and soon in the 1000 Islands, Canada for half the year with my pooch and partner in homes we’ve built ourselves.

Scorpio Soul Reading for the Week Ahead

Every Moonday I share a quick soul reading Video and Blog Post to guide you in the week ahead. This week I pulled 2 oracle cards: a Spirit Animal from my Elfin Ally deck and a Lefty Oracle along with a Scorpio Goddess from my Zodiac Goddess Power Deck. May their messages serve to guide, protect and heal you in the coming week. Scroll below for the Video and guidance from the Oracle Deck Guidebooks. Blessed BEE! Kathy Crabbe, Soul Reader + Artist.

Card 1: Scorpio Goddess - Brigid (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)

Scorpio Goddess ~ Brigid


Brigid’s reign as sacred muse
spans centuries timeless truth
Priestess or nun
tending her fire
Brigid’s power
always inspires.

Brigid is one of the few early goddesses to survive intact through the Christian era. Brigid means ‘bright one’ as symbolized by fire. She is worshiped as a Triple Goddess by the Celtic Irish, called Brigantia in England, Bride in Scotland and Brigandu in Celtic France. In her ancient form as carrier of the cauldron she was ruler of smithcraft, poetry, inspiration, healing and medicine. The Christian Saint Bridget is often invoked as both muse and healer in continuation of her ancient rites and her rituals were preserved for more than 1000 years after she ceased to be called a goddess. Today little is left of the ancient Celtic legends describing her.

Card 2: Wolf (Elfin Ally Oracle)


Keyword: Courage
Meaning: Be brave and strong for you have a task to do.
Reversed: There is a con artist close by so be cautious.

Affirmation: I am strong, wild and free.
Astrology: Aries, Mars, Saturn, Uranus
Element: Air, Earth, Fire

Medicine: Your wild heart mates for life.

Lore: She is my protector, my luv, my guide. With her by my side, I can fight the good fight, no lies, just truth, and shining eyes.

Card 3: Miss Talitha spider-sister (Lefty Oracle)


Mantra:  I am hidden.
Affirmation: I acknowledge the darkness within for out of the darkness comes the light.
Element: Spirit

I am your darkest, 
most troubling secret. 
I am the witch in the cave, 
the spider in your attic, 
the darkness of a moon-less night. 

I spell ‘Trouble’ with a capital T. 
I am NOT kind or patient or happy. 
I am a part of you; 

a part you often deny 
or hide in the closet. 
Well, I’m not hidden anymore, 
so let’s catch up.

If this card appears in a reading you are heading into the unknown and that can be scary, but at least you will be prepared. It may be a journey within to the hidden depths of your soul or it may take place in the mundane realms. It may be a time of deep emotion, facing fears, overcoming a challenge, seeking truth, legal issues, or worries and stress but you will come through it transformed and stronger than ever.

In my own life this card was inspired by a phone call from my best friend whose car had been stolen. She was okay, but shaken and very angry. It brought out her dark side which I witnessed and then I painted it. The energy was intense and I needed to find a way to help her and myself release the energy in a beneficial way that helped both of us move on in the process.

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe
Creative Soul Guide, Gen X witch, artist and creator of the Moon Musing eclass “Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul” and the Lefty Oracle Deck. Kathy offers Soul Readings to guide you on your path.

Amongst ancient oaks and an elfin forest Kathy finds serenity in Sage, California with her husband and best friends, Abby the big dog and Djinn Djinn the little one.

New Moon Goddess Paintings of the Month

Paintings can be purchased by emailing me at Shipping is $5 to the United States and Canada and $7 elsewhere.

New Moon Goddesses of the Month by Kathy Crabbe

the goddess is in by Kathy Crabbe
the goddess is in by Kathy Crabbe
Sturm und Drang by Kathy Crabbe
Sturm und Drang by Kathy Crabbe
Runic Tree Goddess by Kathy Crabbe
Runic Tree Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

The Ash Tree represents the third lunar month, also known as the “Moon of Floods.” It is associated with the Spring Equinox and is sacred to Poseidon, god of the sea. The Ash is sacred to Wednesday and the Ash affirmation is, “I am a wind on the sea.” Ash is a watery, and emotional moon and it’s healing secret is, “From the viper’s poison comes the tonic of life.” The emotional turmoil that accompanies this Moon can teach us a great deal about our inner self so that we can express who we are more honestly. ~ Year of Moons, Season of Trees by Pattalee Glass-Koentop

Pao-Yueh by Kathy Crabbe
Pao-Yueh by Kathy Crabbe

Pao-Yueh: "Precious mouth," a heroic Chinese queen. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Goddess Mertseger by Kathy Crabbe
Goddess Mertseger by Kathy Crabbe

Mertseger: "Friend of silence," she lived on the pyramidal peak of the burial ground at Egyptian Thebes. Benevolent and punishing by turns, she was sometimes shown as a snake with three heads -- one its own, one human, one that of a vulture -- and sometimes as a snake with a human head. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Goddess Bast by Kathy Crabbe
Goddess Bast by Kathy Crabbe

Bast: She originated in the Nile delta, but by 93- B.C., the power of Bast was acknowledged by all Egyptians. Bast ruled pleasure and dancing, music and joy. At first she was a lion-goddess of sunset, symbolizing the fertilizing force of the sun's rays. Later her image grew tamer: she became a cat carrying the sun, or a cat-headed woman who bore on her breastplate the lion of her former self. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Elven Dream Priestess & Puss by Kathy Crabbe
Elven Dream Priestess & Puss by Kathy Crabbe
Brigid by Kathy Crabbe
Brigid by Kathy Crabbe

Brigid: Probably the clearest example of the survival of an early goddess into Christian times is Brigid, the great triple goddess of the Celtic Irish who appeared as Brigantia in England, Bride in Scotland, and Brigandu in Celtic France...The three Brigids --probably never construed as separate goddesses but as aspects of one divinity --were unified in the symbol of fire, for Brigid was "bright arrow," or simply the "bright one," as her name tells us. Almost into modern times, the ancient worship of the fire-godddess Brigid continued at her sacred shrine in Kildare, where 19 virgins tended the undying fire and where, on the 20th day of each cycle, the fire was miraculously tended by Brigid herself. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Being in my emotions is powerful and scary by Kathy Crabbe
Being in my emotions is powerful and scary by Kathy Crabbe
Original artwork by Kathy Crabbe
Original artwork by Kathy Crabbe
Painting large (Divine Feminine Series)
Painting large (Divine Feminine Series)

About Kathy

Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty.

Kathy lives in sunny SoCal with her architect husband and pet muses, Abby the shaggy black dog and Djinn Djinn, the small scruffy one in an adobe home they built themselves. Kathy shares behind-the-scenes glimpses into her daily work and life on Instagram at

Learn more about Kathy's art background here.

Goddess of the Light: Brigid Returns

Brigid's Day or Imbolc marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice  and the Spring Equinox.  The Cailleach (kal-yukh), Old Woman of Winter, was transformed into Bride (Brigid), the Fair Woman of February, fragile yet growing stronger each day as the sun rekindled its fire. ~ excerpted in part from Kindling the Celtic Spirit by Mara Freeman.

Brigit, excellent woman, Flame golden, sparkling, May she bear us to the eternal kingdom, She the sun, fiery, radiant! Seventh-Century Hymn to Saint Brigit

Kathy Crabbe, Goddess of Light, 2014, watercolor on paper, 8 x 11”.

Check for prints and cards at

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy’s intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Soul Essence Portraits ~ feed your sacred soul. Pet Portraits too!

“Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again.” ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth

Your Creative Soul Banner

Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.

Brigid's Day (Mistress of Magic)

Kathy Crabbe, Brigid mistress of magic, 2014, watercolor on paper, 8 x 11”. Prints, cards and original available at

Brigid's Day is February 1, one of the four great festivals that are gateways into the seasons of the turning year. In early Ireland her festival was known as Imbolc, or Oimelc, a name that probably refers to the first milk of the year as ewes birthed their lambs, heralding the return of new life. In later centuries it came to be known as Brigit's Feast Day, but in the Christian calendar the festival was replaced b Candlemas Day on February 2, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and featuring candlelight processions. A powerful female figure of light hovers over both celebrations, and indeed, Brigit was often called Mary of the Gael.  ~ Excerpted from Kindling the Celtic Spirit by Mara Freeman

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy's intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Soul Essence Portraits - a Creative Soul Reading combined with a painting of your soul's essence.

Your Creative Soul BannerKathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.